Malachi’s Message
Here are irrefutable facts and plain Bible scriptures that prove Malachi’s Message is not a revelation from God and Gerald Flurry is not what he claims.
The author's deepest gratitude will be offered to anyone who, using only provable facts and plain Bible Scriptures, can refute beyond a reasonable doubt, the major points and conclusions of this document.
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(C) Copyright April 2002, October 2004, May 2006, April 2009, April 2020
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Some of the material in this document is copyrighted by the Worldwide Church of God or Philadelphia Church of God, and is distributed here without charge or other commercial interest for comment, teaching, and research as Fair Use under Title 17, Ch 1, Sect 107, US Copyright law. The statute explicitly declares that such Fair Use "is not an infringement of copyright."
The primary intended audience for the material presented here is the current and prospective membership of the Philadelphia Church of God. This material may be viewed, or a free CD, booklet, or downloadable file requested, at This is not a church or someone trying to start one. It is nothing more than a warning to those of God’s people who have proven faithful to His law and the truths restored to His Church through Herbert W. Armstrong – a warning to those people whose qualities of uncompromising faithfulness and love of the truth have been taken advantage of in a most subtle and diabolical manner.
What is given here is an outline consisting of verifiable facts and quotes, and plain Bible Scriptures given without private interpretation. My comments (blue font) are clearly identified as such, and are not part of the proofs. While most all of what is presented here comes from my own observation, research, and study, I have incorporated a few points made by others (initials placed next to contribution). What is most important, however, is the overall picture that emerges after a few key facts are made known.
Shortly after the Feast of Tabernacles 2001 I accidentally came across a single fact (which I had to prove was fact) that forced me to re-examine the veracity of Malachi’s Message, the foundation upon which the entire Philadelphia Church of God organization is built (TP pg.42p2). It also forced me to put its author and his teachings under the highest scrutiny. Initially I struggled for weeks to prove that what I had found was false, but every effort only confirmed and validated it as true. This grieved me tremendously and put me in a state of shock and disbelief. I had not been looking for this, and even now do not want it to be so. Nevertheless, fact is fact and truth is truth, and no amount of wishful thinking will make void the inescapable conclusions of this document, unless you choose to bury your head in the sand or stop your ears as the crowd that stoned Stephen did (Acts 7:57).
If you will do your homework and let the evidence speak for itself, you will see clearly that Malachi’s Message, though it may contain a lot of truth, is NOT a revelation from God as claimed by its author. Nor are ANY of his new teachings revelations from God as he claims. You cannot wisely follow this man unless you can disprove what is written in this document. And I do not mean ignore or choose not to believe, but actually prove that the evidence is false. Most people simply choose to believe what they want to believe, and not believe what is unpleasant or uncomfortable to them, even when the facts or the Bible show them to be wrong. Everything in this document should be fairly easy to verify, but if you have any trouble, or lack any of the necessary materials, please feel free to contact me and I will help in any way I can. I can send you hardcopy printouts, photocopies of documents, or copies of sermons if you cannot get them from your local PCG library. Also, I am open to correction if it can be documented as fact or proved from the Scriptures.
Again, this is an outline and YOU MUST DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND STUDY. I have simplified it, but you must verify everything yourself. And you must do it with prayer and fasting and going directly to our Father’s throne, asking Him to guide you by His holy spirit. If you just read through this web site casually, you may not grasp the significance. You actually have to use your own mind and think for yourself. If you just let another man think for you, you will probably be or remain deceived. When a man comes on the scene claiming to be a prophet of God, we must absolutely prove out everything he says. In this respect we have all been Laodicean, and I was only inadvertently awakened out of it. Even the author of Malachi’s Message himself says, "you must prove everything I say." So, will you? Your physical and spiritual salvation may be in danger if you do not.
Robert S. Kuhne
(When looking up literature quotes,
you must use the correct edition of the cited reference)
Herbert W. Armstrong Literature
BCC = Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course, 1964
BRUL = The Book of Revelation Unveiled at Last, 1972
HWA = Herbert W. Armstrong
KBR = The Key to the Book of Revelation, 1972
MA = Mystery Of The Ages, 1985 hardback
PHGHDW = Pagan Holidays or God's Holy Days - Which?, 1974
THTC = A True History of the True Church, 1959 (Herman Hoeh)
USBIP = The United States and Britain in Prophecy, 1980
WCG = Worldwide Church of God
WDSNT=Which Day is the Sabbath of the New Testament?, 1971
WWN = Worldwide News
Most HWA material can be found at
Gerald Flurry Literature
COL = Colossians, 1992
DUAL = Daniel Unsealed at Last, 2001
EN = Ezra and Nehemiah, 1997
EZ = Ezekiel, The End-Time Prophet, 2002
FB = From the Beginning, 1996
GF = Gerald Flurry
HAG = Haggai, Proof of God's Work Today, 1996
HOS = Hosea and God's Adulterous Wife, 1996
ISA = Isaiah's End-Time Vision, 1994
LAM = Lamentations and the End-Time Laodiceans, 1993
LB = The Little Book, 1995
LH = The Last Hour, 2004
LR = The Lion Has Roared, 1991
MM = Malachi’s Message, 1999 version
MM 1990 = Malachi’s Message, 1990 version (8 ½ x 11 spiral bound)
MM 199x = Malachi’s Message, 199x version
PCG = Philadelphia Church of God
PH = The Prophecy of Habakkuk, 1995
PN = Philadelphia News
PT = Philadelphia Trumpet magazine
RBR = The Royal Book of Revelation, 2001
RV = Royal Vision magazine
TP = Who Is That Prophet, 2001
Most PCG material can be requested at
Other Literature
JD = Jules Dervaes
LTL = The Letter To Laodicea, 2001 booklet
Request this at
pg. = Page
p = Paragraph
Example: paragraph 3 on page 47 of That Prophet would be abbreviated as TP pg. 47p3.
When counting paragraphs on a page, do not count a paragraph that starts on the previous page. Start counting with the first paragraph that begins on that page.
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Prove all things [I Thes. 5:21]
These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. [Acts 17:11]
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. [I John 4:1]
Thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: [Rev. 2:2]
Read the books of I, II, and III John.
(from Mystery of the Ages)
Most people, I realized, accept or reject a belief on careless assumption due to whatever they have heard, been taught, or assumed without proof. I wanted to understand. And I wanted to be sure on positive proof, not on careless assumption or wishful thinking.
After many months of virtually night-and-day intensive study, the answers were revealed to me with proof that was positive and absolute. [MA pg. x p1]
As you read and reread this book, compare constantly with your own Bible. See these truths with your own eyes in your own Bible. And open your mind to God's leading you into his TRUTH as you do. [MA pg. xi bottom]
They have assumed these false teachings to be the true teachings of the Bible. Instead of putting the various pieces of the jigsaw puzzle properly and sensibly together, it has become the practice and custom to read an already-believed false teaching into each particular scripture, taken out of its context. In other words to interpret the scriptures to say what they have already been taught and come to believe. The Bible needs no interpretation because it interprets itself. [MA pg. xii p4]
And now, in my 93rd year, I have been led to write this book before this event-packed life ends, to share with as many as care to know, the answers that the great supreme mind of God reveals in his Word -- if one is only willing to understand that Word. [MA pg. xiii bottom]
Most people do not realize it, but they have carelessly assumed what they believe without question or proof. Yet they will defend vigorously and emotionally their convictions. It has become human nature for people to flow with the stream -- to go along with the crowd -- to believe and perform like their peers around them. [MA pg. 11 bottom]
Further, most people stubbornly refuse to believe what they are unwilling to believe. [MA pg. 12p1]
The world is full of religions that originated in the imagination, reasoning and speculating of certain humans. [MA pg. 13p3]
But now I had to admit I had never pursued a thorough, in-depth research of the particular question. [MA pg. 19p9]
The dual challenge drove me into a determined almost night-and-day research. That intensive study continued for six months before I found the proved answer. Yet the study has never ceased to this day. [MA pg. 20p1]
But most who try to apply this principle in biblical understanding take each "little" verse out of its context, to "interpret" their own ideas into it. [MA pg. 100p1]
Apparently Adam completely underestimated him {Satan}. [MA pg. 119p3]
One deceived is not aware of the deception! Don't underestimate Satan! [MA pg. 128 top]
People have no realization of the tremendous power of Satan. [MA pg. 144p1]
They may be well meaning -- but nevertheless Deceived! And of course a deceived person does not know he is deceived -- he may be wholly sincere! [MA pg. 171p1]
Now Satan quoted Scripture. But he misapplied it, twisted its contextual meaning, just as Satan so frequently influences scholars to do. [MA pg. 218p5]
Those deceived are not aware that they are deceived. If so they would not be deceived! They may be ever so sincere in believing they are right! [MA pg. 250 top]
Satan is a great counterfeiter! He appears as "an angel of light" (II Cor. 11:13-15). And he has his counterfeit churches! His ministers are deceived by him into believing they are "ministers of righteousness" and of Christ (II Cor. 11:15; Matt. 24:5). [MA pg. 250p3]
Notice these deceived but false churches believe they are the true church, and their ministers "are transformed as the ministers of righteousness" -- in other words, appear to be the true ministers of Jesus Christ. And indeed, many of them may be entirely sincere, being themselves deceived. [MA pg. 250 bottom]
Men ought never to interpret the Bible. The Bible gives us GOD'S OWN INTERPRETATION! [MA pg. 299p4]
---------- (other hwa quotes) ----------
In God's Church, we ministers do not tell you what to believe, and command you to believe us, without even looking into your Bible. That is what the Roman Catholic Church does -- but not God's Church. … But suppose, when you study your own Bible, you come across something you feel is contrary to the teaching of the Church? Must you hide your eyes from what you see in your Bible? CERTAINLY NOT! … God's ministers will go into it with you. If you are right -- if you have found any place in the Bible where we are in error, then WE WANT TO KNOW IT. We hate error, and love truth, even though the truth correct and reprove us! Bring it to us. If YOU are wrong, we will patiently show you, and explain it more perfectly to you. If we are wrong, we will correct it BEFORE THE WHOLE CHURCH, so that ALL the Church may, with one mind, believe the TRUTH, and speak the SAME THING! [Good News, May 1960, Should We Listen to OTHERS?] -- I was disfellowshipped the very next day without any response or attempted explanation from the ministry whatsoever.
Many False Prophets
Jesus warned that many false prophets would appear, deceiving many. So what is the TRUTH? How can we know?
Let's all remember each of us shall stand before the judgment seat of Christ! We shall be JUDGED, not by our sincerity in what we have always believed through careless assumption, nor by our sincerity in following some NEW teaching without proof! We shall be judged by the BIBLE, God's Word! [WDSNT pg. 5p4,5]
How to PROVE the Truth
"All scripture," we read in II Timothy 3:16, "is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction." Again, the command to us is "PROVE ALL THINGS" (I Thes. 5:21).
We must be willing to be corrected, if wrong. We must be careful not to be blown about "with every wind of doctrine." We must free our minds of all prejudice.
We must be able and willing to study BOTH sides honestly, laying our ideas and desires on the shelf, prayerfully asking God for guidance.
If we already are right, honest investigation will but confirm it.
Let us, therefore, regardless of our own former convictions, study with open minds, without prejudice, proving all things. We want truth! [PHGHDW pg. 42p3]
Let us warn, too, that certain objections will be sure to come to the mind -- all of which, will be dealt with and explained later on. But unless the reader is careful to guard against it, the mere presence of this objection in his mind will, to him, overthrow each point as it's presented -- and then, when the objections are later explained, the points made will not come back to the mind, unless the whole exposition of the subject is carefully studied again from the first. [PHGHDW pg. 7 bottom]
Let us honestly open our Bibles, and prayerfully investigate. ... But remember that "he that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him" (Prov. 18:13). [PHGHDW pg. 7p1,4]
Several ministers in the WCG have told their members it would be a sin to even read Malachi's Message to God's Church Today. Some ministers have told the people not to even open the envelope if it's mailed to them. That is because the ministers FEAR God's truth and try to intimidate God's people into FOLLOWING MEN. If the very elect CANNOT be deceived (Matt. 24:24), what is there to fear? [LR pg. 32p1]
Some ministers have told their congregations that to read this manuscript would be like drinking poison. Some ministers have refused to even read it. Yet God says we should prove ALL THINGS (I Thes. 5:21). [LAM pg. 35p2]
Many people in the WCG will not even take a glance at the PCG's literature. ... What are they afraid of? Maybe they are afraid to recognize that they could be wrong. [HAG pg. 20p3]
At times it is so easy for us to evade hard questions. Carnally, we want to let the hard questions slide. Facing, or not facing, hard questions generally marks a turning point in our lives. Being willing to face hard questions can turn our lives around spiritually. Evading hard questions can take us away from God. [EN pg. 4p1]
God reveals to those with an open mind ... [EZ pg. 69p1]
These false apostles were in God's Church -- or somehow affiliated with it!
God says you either put them to the TEST or you can easily be deceived.
If Christ isn't leading the Church, WE SHOULD NOT FOLLOW!
If the Ephesus Church members, in a right attitude, tried those who said they were apostles, shouldn't you?
Follow a man ONLY as he follows Christ. We can't do that unless we are testing and proving all things. It's very biblical to do so.
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but TRY THE SPIRITS WHETHER THEY ARE OF GOD: because many false prophets are gone out into the world" (I John 4:1). John pleaded with God's "beloved" people to "try the spirits." Why? Because there are "many" false prophets and false leaders. Often these deceivers were in God's Church. We must always test our leaders with God's word. That certainly includes me. You MUST PROVE what I say in this book!
The Bereans approached their Bible study by investigating and examining the evidence.
That includes examining our leaders -- as long as it is done with a Berean attitude.
There are probably more warnings in the New Testament about false teachers than any other subject.
Other quotes from Malachi’s Message:
I beseech you brethren -- seek God as you never have before! "Cursed be the man that trusteth in man" (Jer. 17:5) -- ANY man, AND THAT CERTAINLY INCLUDES ME. [MM pg. 102 p4]
If you follow the WRONG messenger, you will be led into the Tribulation. [MM pg. 62p2]
Satan's greatest attack on the Church in the end time is FROM WITHIN. Our greatest test is to resist his deceit and seduction. Joshua failed -- Zerubbabel succeeded. The inset tells us HOW and WHY. REMEMBER, it's not possible to deceive the "very elect" (Matt. 24:24). Those who are God's "very elect" will discern Satan's deception today by USING God's Holy Spirit (Zech. 4:6). Only by using God's Spirit can we be saved from deception. [MM pg. 63p3]
Many of God's people are going to be captured by Satan's deceit, if they don't WAKE UP! GOD IS ALLOWING AND SENDING "THE FULL FORCE OF EVIL'S DELUSION" (II Thes. 2:11, Phillips transl.) and "powerful heresies among them" (Norlie transl.).
Can you understand "the FULL FORCE of evil's delusion"? [MM pg. 91p2,3]
Quotes from his 1990 sermon, Avoiding Deception by Church Government:
There’s none so blind as those who refuse to see.
The very elect don’t close their eyes to anything.
Some people seem to take the attitude – well, I’m following headquarters – and it’s up to headquarters to make sure we’re following God. And it’s, it’s , they want to absolve themselves from the responsibility to make a choice themselves – about Church government. But God is gonna make you individually choose – every one of us is gonna have to choose, make some hard choices about government, about God’s government, about Church government.
How [can we] avoid deception in the area of Church government … it’s very easy, really, in one way if you know your Bible.
They stopped following the one whose eyes are like a flame of fire, and began to follow a man.
God says hold fast – if you, whatever you have to do – it doesn’t made any difference whether you get kicked out, or you walk out, or whatever you have to do to hold fast – hold fast! That’s what’s going to get you into the Kingdom of God
Your responsibility is to remember and hold fast, not the leader’s, not the guy at the top – your responsibility, or else you will be deceived. That’s the message of Jesus Christ.
You have to be sharp enough to know when some man is leading you away from God.
He [Christ] wants to know if you’ll listen to Him, not what somebody else says.
Church government is one thing brethren, Christ’s government may be something entirely different.
How can Satan be so deceptive? Because the tree of the knowledge of GOOD and evil means you have both good and bad knowledge. Having SOME good knowledge deceives them into thinking ALL of their knowledge is good. [FB pg. 25p6]
You won’t fight alongside someone who says he has a message from God if you don’t really know God and know He sent that man. [TP pg. 116p4]
Royal Vision, Jan/Feb 2002:
Read the first two sections (15 paragraphs) of the article starting on pg. 2, "Christ Is Coming In The Flesh." -- Who would suspect someone giving such a warning as this, of being the very one who needs to be warned about?
You must test the spirits. You must TEST THE SPIRIT IN ME! (pg. 7p2) -- How many have done this?
Quotes from "Ezekiel, The End-Time Prophet":
This principle applies to almost any time God’s Church turns away from God. The deceivers routinely say they are building on the foundation laid in the past, when they are actually destroying the foundation by building a new, but false, work. This is how they deceive God’s people. Throughout the Bible, God warns us of this danger. [EZ pg. 69 bottom]
You must know your Bible and your pastor. Because it is through the ministerial office that most people are deceived. [EZ pg. 102p2]
Satan is always working to get to God’s ministers. He can deceive many sheep by first deceiving the pastor. [EZ pg. 103p2]
Satan wants to get us away from strong Bible study and deep spiritual understanding. Then he can use ministers to deceive us! The whole Laodicean Church has experienced this tragic ordeal. [EZ pg.108p4]
Satan has deceived the ministers and then led most of God’s people astray. [EZ pg. 130p1]
When I was fired, it wasn't a matter of looking into the Bible for answers; they just had a magic interpretation of things and said, by implication, You follow our will, which happened to be Satan's will. "Will worship" essentially comes down to worshipping demons. [DUAL pg. 48p1]
{When} the people follow along with unquestioning obedience, brethren - that's a dictatorship. [G.F. sermon, FT 9/22/02, tape2:side1]
We're going to do what God says we must do, and that is expose those people. Expose them for what they are. ... We just totally lay it bare. This is the way it is. Now a lot of people have been deceived, they are blind after all, and there has been strong delusion. [G.F. sermon, FT 9/27/02, tape1:side2] -- God will eventually expose every fraud.
Don't look at the words or you will always be deceived. The devil has better words than anybody. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape1:side1]
We do have to be looking to God always, brethren. And I certainly want you to do that with me. You'd better. You better look to God, and, and, first and foremost always. But that doesn't mean you have to be blind, or walk in blind faith. [G.F. Sermon, That Prophet, 2/7/04, tape1:side1]
All you have to do is a little research ... It's there for anybody who really wanted to prove it, but people don't want to know, they want to, well they want smooth things. They want deceit, so God's going to give it to them. ... What is it going to take, what is it going to take for people to get rid of those illusions and that deceit? What is it going to take -- it's going to take a shock ... greater than anything they've ever had happen in their lives ... They're going to have to get rid of the illusions. They're going to have to come to see what they're following ... they worship the dragon. ... I'll tell you in this information age, if we don't see things, that really are there, it's, it's not because we couldn't, and God's going to hold them accountable. [G.F. Sermon, Listening to the Dragon, 4/16/05, side1] -- He is telling his own members that they are without excuse for being deceived by him!
Prove Everything From The Bible
(says Gerald Flurry)
You can PROVE which group Jesus Christ is leading -- from your own Bible…But a statement like that must be backed by ample Bible proof. [MM pg. 7p1,2]
…without proper biblical support and proof…[MM pg. 57p2]
We must PROVE any changes from the Bible. [MM pg. 62p3]
Zerubbabel had the "plummet" or "plumb bob" -- a measuring device which is used to test any vertical structure for deviation from a true line. This symbolized Zerubbabel testing the accuracy of truth or departure from previously revealed truth. IF WE AREN'T TESTING OUR TRUTH VERY PRECISELY AND CAREFULLY, we can easily depart into a Laodicean attitude. If we don't look to HWA's method of building, we face disaster in the future. [MM pg. 64p5]
Brethren, you MUST PROVE FROM YOUR BIBLE who is right -- and you CAN do so! [MM pg. 100p1]
CHRISTIANS ARE IN GOD'S CHURCH IF THEY ARE FOLLOWING CHRIST!! (I Pet. 2:21; Luke 18:28-30). That is from God's word -- the Holy Bible! If you follow the Scriptures, you are in God's Church -- in spite of what any man says! Remember, the BIBLE IS FULL OF EXAMPLES WHERE CHURCH LEADERS HAVE LED PEOPLE ASTRAY. That is why EVERY spiritual step we take MUST be biblically based! [MM pg. 140 p3]
All these subjects I have discussed with you can be PROVED or DISproved from the BIBLE. [pg. 142 top] ; BELIEVE YOUR BIBLE -- NOT MEN! [MM pg. 151 p9]
… withstand the scrutiny of the word of God. … withstand the scrutiny and the evaluation of the Bible or what Mr. Armstrong taught. [G.F. sermon, Office Of A Prophet, 1/15/94]
You should diligently prove that our message is based on God's word. [EN pg. 39p2]
Again, the Bible interprets itself. [DUAL pg. 16p2]
It's your responsibility to get detailed in your Bible study, and prove it. [DUAL pg. 36p5]
That is because they try to interpret this book themselves. But the Bible interprets itself. [RBR pg. 4p6]
All we have to do is get into our Bibles and prove it. [G.F. sermon, FT 9/22/02, tape1:side2]
Gerald Flurry says, "The Bereans were ‘more noble’ than the Thessalonicans because they sought more diligently to prove God’s truth, not disprove it." [TP pg. 4p1] But how can you know it is "God’s truth" unless you first use the scriptures to put it to the test, as has always been taught by HWA? You cannot just "prove God’s truth." You must consider all views on a particular subject, and then determine which one the scriptures support. Gerald Flurry, however, does not put up with this. He responds to any questioning of Malachi’s Message or his "revelations" (even with a Berean attitude) with swift suspension or disfellowshipment. If you don’t believe that, just bring some of the questions raised in this document to your local minister and see what happens! We have all been Laodicean in the area of "proving ALL things."
Please take notice that Gerald Flurry makes heavy use of worldly commentaries in establishing his doctrine. This can be seen throughout his writings, and especially more so as time has gone by. Two notable examples are in his trying to establish himself as "That Prophet" and in his interpretation of the book of Habakkuk. Here is what Herbert Armstrong taught about using commentaries to establish doctrine:
In this in-depth study of the Bible, I had the use of all the biblical helps -- concordances, Greek-English and Hebrew-English lexicons, commentaries, Bible dictionaries and religious encyclopedias. The latter three of these, I found, were the works of scholarly but carnal minds. In historical facts and matters of a material and physical nature, they give help in research, but in God's revelation of spiritual knowledge I found them of little help. [MA pg. 23p2 (L.M.)]
"Clarke's Commentary" and the commentary by Jamieson, Fausset and Brown are good reference works -- as is Halley's "Pocket Bible Handbook". Sometimes in the back of Bibles there will be sections called "Bible Helps." Even the marginal references in your Bible, which SOMETIMES prove to be very helpful, are often misleading. These "helps" often turn out to be the insidious instruction of Satan himself and they may lead you astray.
Therefore, all of these Bible helps should be used ONLY to establish historical or grammatical facts related to the Bible and MUST NOT be used TO ESTABLISH DOCTRINE OR TO INTERPRET THE MEANING OF THE BIBLE ITSELF. [The Plain Truth, Sept. 1964, "Twelve Rules for Bible Study" by David Jon Hill (L.M.)]
And here is what Gerald Flurry himself even said about the WCG becoming too scholarly:
They adopt the world's scholarly approach to the Bible which leads to one of the greatest disasters ever in God's Church. [MM pg. 65p3]
More and more frequently Joshua's "fellows" are using the world's scholarly approach to understanding the Bible. [MM pg. 75p5]
…caused by a priesthood that was relying more and more on human, SCHOLARLY reasoning. [MM pg. 75p7]
God warns us not to put our trust in scholars who are going to be cut off! [MM pg. 78bottom]
Gerald Flurry claims that his book, Malachi’s Message, is a revelation from God (MM pg. 87 top, p1; pg. 104p2; pg. 151p2). As such, it is the foundation of the Philadelphia Church of God (TP pg.42p2) and the pedestal upon which he stands. It is the trunk of the tree which he claims establishes him as God's chosen leader today. If that is so, there must be honest, plain truth, biblical answers given to the objections listed below. His failure to address these issues point-by-point can only be construed as an admission that there are no such answers, and Malachi’s Message will indeed be proven to be a fraud. The veracity of Malachi's Message is the trunk of the tree and THE ONLY ISSUE THAT REALLY NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED! As Herbert W. Armstrong said:
That one claim, I finally determined, was the TRUNK of the tree ... If the trunk stood, the theory appeared proved. If I could chop down the trunk, the entire tree would fall with it. ... This TRUNK of the tree was carelessly assumed -- without proof. [Autobiography of HWA, pg. 298 bottom, 299 top,p1] -- i.e. If MM is a fraud, then Gerald Flurry and the PCG are not of God.
And regarding the false teachings of the Pharisees and Sadducees, God said through John the Baptist: "And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees." [Mt. 3:10; Lk. 3:9]
Gerald Flurry says Malachi’s
Message IS the little book of Revelation 10, revealed over 1900
years ago but not written until 1989. [LB pg. 2p1; pg. 4p3,4; pg. 8p5; pg. 14p3;
pg. 20p2; pg. 21p3(2)] If we let the Bible interpret the Bible, there is in fact
no "little book" due to come on the scene just before Christ
returns. Revelation 10 plainly shows it is John receiving the little book
from the angel. The Scripture does not say it is the angel over the Laodicean
Church as Gerald Flurry claims (LB
pg. 2 top; RBR pg. 31p1). A biblical
interpretation of the little book is found in Revelation 1:1, where it plainly
states that God gave the book of Revelation to his angel to give
to John!
Gerald Flurry is putting Malachi’s Message on the level of Scripture:
"MALACHI'S MESSAGE IS AN UNWRITTEN PART OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION"..."THE LITTLE BOOK IS A PROPHETIC SECTION OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION" [PT Sept./Oct. 1992, "The Little Book" article pg. 6, 7] -- These statements were removed in the 1995 booklet and RV Mar./Apr. 1998 article. Click on the images below to read the whole article and/or the two quotes.
This new revelation is God's way of saying that we must give the little book a special importance and the majesty it deserves. [PT Sept./Oct. 1992, pg. 8 right col. p5; LB pg. 21p1] -- Look up the definition of "majesty" in several dictionaries – this adjective can apply only to Scripture!
He says Malachi’s Message IS the little book of Rev. 10 (see above), which is to say it is on the level of Scripture, his denial of this (LB pg. 4p4) notwithstanding.
Gerald Flurry says it is "the centerpiece of God’s work" [LB pg. 22p2] – OK?
And that it is "the centerpiece of our literature." [RV July/Aug. 2000, pg. 25 inset] – OK
And that Malachi's Message is "the centerpiece of our religion, absolutely!" [G.F. sermon, How Important is MM, 7/1/00] – ABSOLUTELY NOT OK!
Comment: Gerald Flurry has also said that Mystery of the Ages is "the centerpiece of our religion." [PT Apr. 1997, pg. 3 left col. p2] Click the image below to read that quote. The written centerpiece of our religion should be the Holy Bible.
Also, in reference to the book of Revelation, Jesus Christ said, "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book." (Rev. 22:18) I find it hard to believe that no one has ever brought this dire warning to Gerald Flurry’s attention? What has been his explanation? How can he possibly get around the fact that he has "added unto these things?"
And Herbert Armstrong stated that the Bible was complete for us today, and that only false prophets would be claiming to have new revelation to add to it – a quote with which Gerald Flurry said he "agreed completely." [TP pg. 20,21]
In reference to the book of Acts, Gerald Flurry said, "This is one of three books in the New Testament that doesn’t say 'Amen' – because the story is not complete" (G.F. sermon, Office Of A Prophet, 1/15/94). Then why did John end the book of Revelation with “Amen” if it was missing the contents of the little book?
The Seven Thunders of Revelation 10
In 1991 Gerald Flurry taught that the seven thunders of Rev. 10 were the seven mysteries revealed in Herbert Armstrong's book Mystery of the Ages. [PT Feb. 1991, "No More Delay" pg. 3] -- Click the images below to read the whole article.
Gerald Flurry now claims the seven thunders of Rev. 10 are the last seven chapters of his book Malachi’s Message (LB pg.10 bottom). However, the original draft of MM was just a collection of notes with no chapters, and was compiled into the 1990 version, which also has no chapters, with significant assistance from Mr. Don Marshall and his wife. If you want to verify this, Mr. Don Marshall lives in Edmond, Oklahoma, and his phone number is listed in the Yahoo Yellow Pages. Or contact me and I will send you a copy of the 1990 version of MM. Gerald Flurry, John Amos, Don Marshall, and Tim Thompson were the original four members (with their wives) of the PCG.
If MM were truly inspired, would there not have been seven chapters instead of none, and then nine? This is clearly an uninspired afterthought.
While I do not claim this is correct, there is a much better "Bible interprets the Bible" explanation for the seven thunders (W.D.): the Greek word bronte (strong’s 1027) translated "thunder(s)(ings)" occurs exactly seven times (excluding Rev. 10) throughout the book of Revelation (Rev. 4:5, 6:1, 8:5, 11:19, 14:2, 16:18, 19:6). These are "chapters" in God’s book, not Gerald Flurry’s. This also supports the above, that the "little book" is the book of Revelation.
The seven thunders, which could be the interpretation of the little book (the scripture does not say the seven thunders are the contents of the little book) were "sealed" because, as taught by HWA (BRUL pg. 8p3), the book of Revelation was not to be understood until the end time, just like Daniel’s vision was "sealed." Again, the Bible interprets the Bible. Also supports the above, that the "little book" is the book of Revelation:
And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. [Rev. 10:4]
But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. [Dan. 12:4]
And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. [Dan. 12:9]
Comment: Herman Hoeh stated in a 1975 sermon that the seven thunders represented the messages of the seven Church eras, and that the little book was the Bible. In either case, they are not the last seven chapters of Malachi's Message which is not the little book.
Gerald Flurry says the "very elect" cannot be deceived:
MM pg. 63p3, 93p3, 97p3, 100p4
All kinds of prophets were deceived.
All kinds of God’s leaders and ministers were deceived.
There is something special about the very elect – nobody can deceive them.
They can’t be deceived. It’s impossible to deceive them.
They are simply people who cannot be deceived. And even prophets have been deceived. You read a lot in the Bible about false prophets. But that never happens to the very elect. [G.F. sermon, Office Of A Prophet, 1/15/94]
Comment: Gerald Flurry is not accurate here as he also makes reference in this tape to "a true prophet turned sour.” There is no indication that any false prophet in the Bible was ever a true prophet of God. He even makes reference to HWA’s June 25, 1979 Worldwide News article showing that God has never let a specially chosen human leader turn false.
The "very elect" cannot be deceived is contrary to HWA’s warning:
It is the true remnant people of God who keep the COMMANDMENTS that the Devil is wroth with today. It is US Satan is seeking to deceive. He will deceive even the very elect IF POSSIBLE. And it is possible if we are careless, and assume things without careful study of all sides, and ample PROOF from the Scripture. We must be continually ON OUR GUARD, never trusting any man, or even a board or group of men, but God alone, thru His Holy Word! [Good News, 1939, pg. 1]
But listen, dear brethren of God's Church, Satan is MORE POWERFUL, MORE CUNNING, MORE SUBTLE, than any human being on earth! Unless you and I are constantly on guard—close to God in constant heartrending prayer—constantly close to God and His truth through Bible study—Satan CAN deceive you, blind your eyes to God's truth and USE YOU! [Good News, August 1979, ‘How Satan Injects False Doctrine’]
Gerald Flurry quoted from this very article in Malachi’s Message (pg.77,78), and then said, "Too many people today have drifted into a state of believing that God’s Church cannot be deceived. Mr. Armstrong warned against that attitude." (pg. 78 bottom). Also MM pg. 11p1,2.
There is no scriptural distinction between "elect" and "very elect". HWA used the phrase "very elect who cannot be deceived" to refer to those true saints martyred in the great tribulation:
This coming great martyrdom is THE GREAT TRIBULATION (Matthew 24:9, 21-22). This tribulation is not the wrath of God -- the last plagues. It is the wrath of Satan (Rev. 12:12), inflicted at the behest of HIS apostate church by the coming "United States of EUROPE" and against the true people of GOD! It is a persecution -- a torturing -- a martyring of the saints of God -- the very elect who cannot be deceived (Matt. 24:24). Except those days of Great Tribulation be shortened, no flesh would be saved. But, for THE SAKE OF GOD'S PERSECUTED SAINTS those days shall be shortened. [The Mark Of The Beast?, Herbert W. Armstrong, 1952 edition; last paragraph of section ‘TWO Martyrdoms’ / also included as Part Two of ‘Who or What Is the Prophetic Beast’, reprinted in 1985]
And the phrase "very elect" to refer to those who understand the Bible, and those who are called:
MYSTERY Book of all the books! If the Bible as a whole is the Book that NOBODY understands (except the very "elect"), certainly the REVELATION is the one Book IN the Bible least understood of all! [KBR pg. 2p1 of booklet]
The only ones who will not be deceived by the great miracles that Satan the Devil will perform through his false prophet will be those whom God is calling out of this world NOW -- the "very elect"! [1969 A.C. Bible Corr. Course, Test 10 letter from the staff]
The Bible itself makes no distinction between "very elect" and "elect" as seen in the following two parallel scriptures:
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. [Mt. 24:24]
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. [Mk. 13:22]
The Letter To Laodicea is a collection of seven letters written by a former WCG member, Jules Dervaes, to the late Pastor General of the WCG, Joseph W. Tkach, Senior. His letters contain the heart and core of Malachi’s Message and pre-date it by almost two years. This is the single fact I discovered which forced me to reevaluate Gerald Flurry's claim that Malachi's Message was a revelation from God.
The evidence below positively establishes the dates of the two writings:
Gerald Flurry says he received his "revelations" in 1989 (DUAL pg. 27 top; 1995 letter). Click the image below to read the letter.
Malachi’s Message was originally written in 1989 (MM pg. ix p4; LB pg. 4p3).
The Letter To Laodicea (request a copy at was written c. 1987 and delivered to Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. by certified mail. Click the images below to read the certified mail receipts. The fifth letter was sent, but not by certified mail.
Click the image below to read the receipts from the newspapers for placement of the ads.
The images below are photographs of page 14 of the Sunday, April 30, 1989 Tyler Telegraph newspaper. The ad in the lower right corner of page 14 was placed by Jules Dervaes as one of his last attempts to warn the WCG of what was happening. The seven points in the ad summarize the seven letters he sent to Joseph Tkach, Sr., and clearly contain the three primary "revelations" of Malachi's Message (Laodicean Era, Zerubbabel/Joshua = HWA/JWT, Man Of Sin). This ad positively establishes that Mr. Dervaes' material was in existence prior to Gerald Flurry's so-called "revelations" which he said he had beginning around March 11, 1989 (DUAL pg. 27 top). I obtained this photocopy from the microfiche archives of the Tyler Telegraph newspaper, which you may verify by contacting the librarian yourself. Her business card is displayed in the last photograph below. Click to read.
The images below are photographs of page 6-A of the Sunday, April 30, 1989 Longview News-Journal. The ad on the right side of page 6-A was placed by Jules Dervaes as one of his last attempts to warn the WCG of what was happening. The seven points in the ad summarize the seven letters he sent to Joseph Tkach, Sr., and clearly contain the three primary "revelations" of Malachi's Message (Laodicean Era, Zerubbabel/Joshua = HWA/JWT, Man Of Sin). This ad positively establishes that Mr. Dervaes' material was in existence prior to Gerald Flurry's so-called "revelations" which he said he had beginning around March 11, 1989 (DUAL pg. 27 top). I obtained this photocopy from Jules Dervaes' daughter. Click to read.
Comment: The scroll on the cover of the Daniel, Unsealed At Last booklet is strikingly similar to Jules Dervaes’ scroll in the above newspaper ads.
The following image and caption are from the September, 1990 Ambassador Report #45. Although this publication was anti-HWA and the Worldwide Church of God, it does nevertheless provide further verification of the time frame for Jules Dervaes' material. The Ambassador Reports are available online.
Some current WCG members are not happy with the way Tkach is changing many of the doctrines taught by HWA. One couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jules Dervaes (P. O. Box 92322, Pasadena, CA 91109), have parked their sign-laden van near Ambassador College in Pasadena every Saturday for the last two years. Tkach saw to it that they were disfellowshipped.
Here is a personal email from WCG legal counsel Ralph Helge regarding Jules Dervaes:
Ralph K. HelgeKuhne, Robert S.
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 6:30 PM
To: robertkuhne
Subject: Jules Dervaes
As we are familiar with Jules Dervaes, Mr. Tkach has asked that we answer your e-mail. There were many communications and letters between the Church and Mr. Dervaes. At this date, we are not certain as to what they addressed and it would be impractical to attempt to search the archive for the same, because the chances are that they have been disposed of in the ordinary course of business. I do recall, however, from personal observation that Mr. Dervaes did, for a period of time, park his van about a block away from the Church, many times with minor children in it. He did hang with banners on his van. However, again, I don't recall, and the people I spoke with could not recall, what the different messages were on the banners. There were other issues between Mr. Dervaes and the Church, which we do not feel it would be appropriate to go into.
We sincerely regret that we cannot be of greater aid to you in being able to respond more definitively to your questions.
Ralph Helge
I personally remember a banner being displayed at a feast site (it may have been Biloxi, Mississippi in 1990), and the telephone number: 1-800-LAST-ERA.The Letter To Laodicea contains the heart and core of Malachi’s Message (See the next section for a side-by-side comparison of selected passages from The Letter To Laodicea with Malachi's Message).
(c. 1987)
The Letter To Laodicea
Malachi’s Message
Identifies the Laodicean Era
1st and 2nd scrolls
Identifies the Laodicean Era
MM ch. 3; LB pg. 10 bottom
Zerubbabel (hwa) / Joshua (jwt)
4th scroll
Zerubbabel (hwa) / Joshua (jwt)
MM ch. 5; LB pg. 13p2
Zerubbabel (hwa) Betrayed
4th and 5th scrolls
Zerubbabel (hwa) Betrayed
MM ch. 4
The Man of Sin
6th scroll
The Man of Sin
MM ch. 6; LB pg. 13p3
It is interesting that both JD and GF identify JWT Sr. as Joshua, but neither seems to know who the man of sin is (MM pg. 90p2; pg. 102p2; LB pg. 13p3), only that he will be sitting in the temple, or Church of God. If the man of sin had to be revealed, as GF says (MM pg. 87p1,2), then either two men got an incomplete revelation, or it wasn’t a revelation at all. Otherwise, how could Jules Dervaes know something that without a "special revelation by God" "cannot be known" (MM pg. 98p5)?
The Letter To Laodicea contains the "seeds" of other Gerald Flurry ideas:
Refers to the book of Malachi (LTL pg. 20).
Refers to the book of Amos (LTL pg. 15,20; LB pg. 3p2,3).
Talks of the Covenant with Levi (LTL pg. 20; MM pg. 30p4; pg. 53-54; LB pg. 15p2).
Discusses the Two Abominations (LTL pg. 23).
The Letter To Laodicea was sent to both Gerald Flurry and John Amos.
Click here to view Jules Dervaes' mailing list of ministers who received The Letter To Laodicea. Here is an excerpt showing the A and F ministers:
All these evangelists, pastors, local elders, deacons, and PT/GN writers, etc., received (subject to error in mailings, etc.) one or more mailings sent to their home addresses or offices. All names for unsolicited scrolls (excluding personal friends) were obtained from the church's WORLDWIDE NEWS--from the announcement and local church news sections. Then the addresses were found in the state phone directories at the public libraries.
ADAIR, Collin / Vancouver, CAN
ALBERT, David / AC-Pasadena, CA
ALBRECHT, Greg / AC-Pasadena, CA
AMES, Guy / Philippines office
AMES, Richard / AC-Pasadena, CA
AMOS, John / Columbus, OH
ANDRIST, B / Switzerland office
ANTION, Gary / AC-Pasadena, CA
APARTIAN, Dibar / AC-Pasadena, CA
AVERETT, James / Greensboro, NC
FAULKNER, Dexter / GN-Pasadena, CA
FENTRESS, Kent / Bowling Green, KY
FIELDER, David / Toledo, OH
FIELDS, Jay / Beaverton, OR
FIKE, Jack / Tampa, FL
FLURRY, Gerald / Edmond, OK
FLYNN, Ross / Dallas, TX
FOSTER, Roger / Ft. Lauderdale, FL
FRANKEL, Richard / Washington, DC
Here is a 1990 letter from Jules Dervaes to Gerald Flurry warning him of plagiarism. Click the image below to see the certified mail receipt that was signed by Barbara Flurry, his wife.
September 26, 1990
P.O. BOX 1787
EDMOND, OK 73083
RE: MALACHI'S MESSAGE To God's Church Today
Yesterday I received unsolicited in the mail the above publication along with Volume 1, Nos. 1-5 of The Philadelphia Trumpet. I wish to inform you that I challenge your copyright of 1990, printed on page one of MALACHI'S MESSAGE and other copyrights of this message in your other publications. Whether it was done unknowingly or deliberately, many of your ideas are a direct and clear plagiarism of my work The Letter to Laodicea which was in stages published from December '86 through January '88.
The first parts of what would be a seven part letter I sent to Mr. Tkach via registered/ certified mail beginning December 1, 1986 (see enclosed copy). Later, the entire seven part message was sent to--I believe--every evangelist in the Worldwide Church of God both here and overseas. And, not only to them, but this message was mailed to many, if not all, of the ministers at headquarters. Additionally, many local pastors or elders in the United States (a few overseas, too) were sent this information. I have the mailing list of the ones which were contacted. Furthermore, I sent The Letter to Laodicea to hundreds of WCG members living in the United States and also to a few overseas. I have kept the complete mailing list. Finally, every regional office of The PLAIN TRUTH was sent this message. Thus, the files of the WCG are filled with the message that I delivered to it.
When the bulk of the mailings were finished, I began to proclaim this Laodicean message to church brethren on the streets of Pasadena, beginning the Last Day of Unleavened Bread in the spring of 1988. The WCG has a photo record of every banner, every sign, that I have displayed. More than a few of "your" ideas can be found on my signs. Not only have thousands of local church brethren seen these messages but also many thousands of American and foreign members have viewed them during the Feasts of Tabernacles of 1988 and 1989. It's now been two and one-half years that every Sabbath with few exceptions I have held the Laodicean message before the church's eyes on the streets around its headquarters.
For you to make the statement on page 67 that Dr. Hoeh "stated that the Church of God has entered into the Laodicean era" and that, having said this in the Spring of '88, this message "was quickly stopped by Church leaders" is absolutely ridiculous. Not counting the letters I sent him, I PERSONALLY delivered the Laodicean warning to him--via my ten foot banner--on a sidewalk outside the Imperial Schools. He said, "Good afternoon," as he walked on by.
Again, much of your material plagiarizes what I have written. You will not be allowed to claim it as your own. I would advise you to settle this according to Matthew 5:25-26.
Jules Dervaes, Jr.
Jules Dervaes' mailings came just before Gerald Flurry said he had his "revelations" in 1989 (DUAL pg. 27 top; 1995 letter - see above).
Gerald Flurry’s 1995 letter - see above, states that he had "seven months of revelation." Was this the seven scrolls? He later changed this to nine months (DUAL pg. 27 top).
Gerald Flurry also seems confused as to exactly when he received his "revelations." Here is a quote stating that he was receiving revelations in 1987 and 1988 instead of 1989:
When God was revealing Malachi's Message to me, I didn't know where it was leading. But I decided to have weekly Bible studies with my congregation in 1987 and 1988, as headquarters did. (Most field congregations had them bi-weekly.) I especially felt I needed it, because that was the time when God was revealing a lot from the book of Amos to me as well. [RV Sept./Oct. 2000, pg. 5 right col. p2]
Comment: This is probably closer to the truth as 1987-1988 was when Jules Dervaes was mailing out The Letter To Laodicea to the WCG ministry.
Letter To Laodicea v. Malachi's Message
(side by side comparison)
1. The Letter To Laodicea (1st scroll 12/31/86)
For the seventh and final era of God's Church to come into existence there would be no violent upheaval or power struggle. What the transition to the Laodicean Era would require was a quiet and orderly transfer of leadership indicative of a very well-run organization. ... Then, with the passing away of Mr. Armstrong as he slept in his favorite chair, the final, peaceful transformation was complete. The very nature of the new Laodicean Church did necessitate that only such a natural transition as this would occur. [LTL pg. 2,3]
1. Malachi’s Message (1989)
The Philadelphia era under HWA was a strong Church era. You would expect a peaceful transition of power and a smooth transfer of the "goods" to the Laodiceans. [MM pg. 39p3]
2. The Letter To Laodicea (2nd scroll 2/11/87)
For, protection from the Great Tribulation can never be a wholesale proposition. Proof will be required of each individual whether or not he alone has stood this TEST of love. Everything else will be irrelevant. [LTL pg. 8]
2. Malachi’s Message (1989)
Salvation is not a GROUP affair. Each one of us has the INDIVIDUAL responsibility to RESPOND -- or not respond! Following Christ is an INDIVIDUAL matter. [MM pg. 41 top] … SALVATION IS AN INDIVIDUAL MATTER BETWEEN YOU AND GOD -- NOT YOU AND THE CHURCH! [MM pg. 128p1]
3. The Letter To Laodicea (6th scroll 11/12/87)
Naturally the most effective deception always works from the top, down. Deceive the leader and those under him will follow blindly and willingly all-the-way, as they tout passionately the virtue of LOYALTY. [LTL pg. 24]
3. Malachi’s Message (1989)
Did you know that, historically, MOST of God's Churches or Church eras have gone astray? (Read Revelation 2 and 3.) Why were they deceived? Because the people BLINDLY followed HUMAN government -- NOT the government of Jesus Christ! [MM pg. 6p5]
4. The Letter To Laodicea (1st scroll 12/31/86, 2nd scroll 2/11/87)
The death of Mr. Armstrong—the Zerubbabel of the modern age—has settled the issue beyond any doubt. God's Apostle would indeed finish the work that God appointed for him to do; and that work that he did FINISH was the Philadelphian Era of God's Church. [LTL pg. 2]
God's Apostle Mr. Armstrong had often spoken of himself as the Zerubbabel of Zechariah 4:9. The work that he was commissioned to do was to raise up the Philadelphian Era of God's Church. And according to divine plan that was THE VERY SAME work that he would complete. It was Mr. Armstrong who began that sixth stage and it was he who would end it. [LTL pg. 6]
4. Malachi’s Message (1989)
"The HANDS of Zerubbabel have laid the FOUNDATION of this house; his HANDS shall also FINISH it" (Zech. 4:9). ... Mr. Armstrong STARTED AND FINISHED AN ERA that "restored all things." HE STARTED IT AND FINISHED IT before he died, with the power of God's Holy Spirit (Zech. 4:6). His HANDS laid the foundation and HIS HANDS FINISHED THE HOUSE -- the Philadelphia era. [MM pg. 55,56]
"The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you" (Zech. 4:9). HWA told all of the WCG members that he fulfilled this Zerubbabel office. When we look at his work -- his "fruits" -- we know that to be true.
God said he would "FINISH" building the house -- or the Philadelphia era Work. [MM pg. 130 bottom, 131p1]
5. The Letter To Laodicea (2nd scroll 2/11/87)
That part of God's WORK known as "the Church in Philadelphia" was, therefore, to be finished when its human leader died. In THE GOOD NEWS magazine of August '79, on page 27, Mr. Armstrong wrote:
God never yet has let one through whom He STARTED a great project turn wrong—and He has never yet let such an appointed leader of His die until his job was FINISHED! [LTL pg. 6]
5. Malachi’s Message (1989)
Mr. Armstrong continues: "God has never removed a man called to a specific leadership assignment or commission UNTIL his commission is COMPLETED." Did Mr. Armstrong complete his mission? Did he finish "this house," "restore all things" and "turn the hearts of the fathers'? He most certainly did! [MM pg. 57p3]
6. The Letter To Laodicea (4th scroll 4/28/87)
Just before his death, Mr. Armstrong appointed Mr. Tkach as his successor. After this delegation Mr. Tkach was proclaimed as JOSHUA. This very popular analogy was well-documented with much acclamation. Even though the desired intent was to model the Moses/Joshua sequence … [LTL pg. 15]
6. Malachi’s Message (1989)
God commanded Joshua to speak "according to all that Moses commanded" him. … Shortly after HWA's death, the WCG even sent out a tape comparing this Joshua to Mr. Tkach. [MM pg. 71p2]
7. The Letter To Laodicea (6th scroll 11/12/87)
These, then, are irrefutable proofs that the New Testament Temple is none other than the Church, THE BODY OF CHRIST. …
For an unbiased explanation of what specific temple is meant here, simply "ask" the author—Paul. Apply a cardinal rule of exegesis: LET PAUL INTERPRET PAUL! … the "temple of God" SHOULD MEAN—consistently, uniformly—THE CHURCH OF GOD. [LTL pg. 22]
7. Malachi’s Message (1989)
WE HAVE KNOWN FOR YEARS THAT THE TEMPLE OF GOD IS THE CHURCH. Paul meant exactly what he said. … We must be CONSISTENT. [MM pg. 79]
8. The Letter To Laodicea (6th scroll 11/12/87)
The NONEXISTENCE of the physical temple does ALSO mean the NONOCCURRENCE of the "abomination desolation" being set up within the PHYSICAL Jerusalem. For, no one can SIT as "God" in a temple that will not even be erected. And no Catholic pope (or anyone else) can DEFILE a "holy place" which NEITHER would exist, NOR would ever be holy! [LTL pg. 22]
8. Malachi’s Message (1989)
First, let's take a look at what this does NOT say. It is NOT addressed to a worldly religious figure in a Jerusalem temple. Many of God's ministers already believe the Arabs will never let a temple be built in Jerusalem. EVEN IF A TEMPLE IS BUILT IN JERUSALEM, IT WILL NOT BE THE TEMPLE OF GOD! The Jews have not been commissioned to build God's Temple -- as Zerubbabel and Solomon were anciently. If they built a temple, it would be the JEWS' temple, NOT God's Temple. [MM pg. 80p3]
9. The Letter To Laodicea (6th scroll 11/12/87)
Here, then, is THE GREAT LIE—the heinous HALF-TRUTH—which is promulgated by the "man of sin": to obey him is to obey God, while to oppose his ways is to oppose the government of God. This warped, distorted PARTIAL truth will have been set in God's Church by "the son of perdition." Those members who go along in harmony with this satanic deception and rigidly hold to its wicked "fruits" will perish. [LTL pg. 23]
9. Malachi’s Message (1989)
Some are PERISHING SPIRITUALLY because they don't discern this evil. [MM pg. 80p5] ... The "man of sin" is called "the son of perdition." [MM pg. 84p3]
10. The Letter To Laodicea (6th scroll 11/12/87)
The abrogation of this clear, God-given responsibility will open the way for what is prophesied as the GREAT APOSTASY. It is well-known that such a church-wide rebellion will occur. Here, then, is the answer to HOW it will occur. In order for the "falling away" to be "great," it must logically be UNSUSPECTING. [LTL pg. 24]
10. Malachi’s Message (1989)
It is a "rebellion" or "falling away" from God's truth which must occur WITH the revealing of "that man of sin." It is A GIGANTIC REBELLION AGAINST GOD'S GOVERNMENT! [MM pg. 81p2]
11. The Letter To Laodicea (4th scroll 4/28/87)
One KEY segment was FIXED as the leader of God's Church plainly identified himself with Zerubbabel. ... Here was that key Zerubbabel [/Joshua] LINK which had already been established by Mr. Armstrong. ... What is fact, what is proven fact—not any supposition—is that Mr. Armstrong WAS "Zerubbabel"! The next leader IS that "Joshua" who was "dressed in filthy clothes." [LTL pg. 15,16]
11. Malachi’s Message (1989)
Mr. Armstrong also taught us that he was the end-time fulfillment of Zerubbabel. He also believed there would be an end-time fulfillment of Joshua. ... Just as HWA was an end-time type of Zerubbabel, so there must be an end-time type of Joshua. [MM pg. 65,66]
12. The Letter To Laodicea (4th scroll 4/28/87)
The Bible states this man Joshua will be a "burning stick snatched from the fire." This metaphor signals that he will be put to the test as he carries "the baton" of the Seventh Era Church into the "FIRE" of the Great Tribulation. [LTL pg. 16]
12. Malachi’s Message (1989)
A modern-day Joshua is also going to be a "brand plucked out of the fire" unless he repents before that time. ... It appears that this modern-day Joshua won't wake up until he is in the Tribulation. [MM pg. 66]
Comment: If Gerald Flurry did indeed copy Jules Dervaes’ material, it is interesting that he also copied what would appear to be an error – that Joseph Tkach, Sr. would go into the tribulation, which of course he did not as he died in 1995.
13. The Letter To Laodicea (2nd scroll 2/11/87, 7th scroll 1/3/88)
One who strives to maintain the Philadelphian attitude will have to struggle against that lukewarm-malaise which he finds in himself and in others. One who truly would live the agape way will not—CANNOT—"go along" with the Church AS IT IS. One who is practicing deeds of love must be at variance with a complacent Church. ... Only the PHILADELPHIAN-TYPE member within the Laodicean Era can thereby qualify to be kept from the hour of trial (Rev. 3:10). [LTL pg. 7,8]
The price one must pay TO GAIN CHRIST is TO LOSE "the Church." [LTL pg. 28]
13. Malachi’s Message (1989)
That means he or she REMAINS a Philadelphian -- by LEAVING THE LAODICEAN CHURCH. ... These verses tell us the Philadelphia Church remains alive and well in the Laodicean era, ... [MM pg. 41]
14. The Letter To Laodicea (3rd scroll 3/15/87)
...And SATAN DID BLIND AND DECEIVE THOSE WHO, WITH HONEST HEARTS, HAD ACCEPTED GOD'S TRUTH!… Brethren, do we think we are so superior to those of the first, second and third centuries that Satan could not have tried to pervert God's TRUTH today?
These words of Mr. Herbert Armstrong were written, not to "the world," but to God's own people in The GOOD NEWS of August, 1979. They are just as true today! [LTL pg. 10]
14. Malachi’s Message (1989)
In August of 1979, HWA wrote a "Good News" article entitled "How Satan Injects False Doctrines" (emphasis his): ...
This very thing happened in the days of the apostle Paul and the original apostles. And Satan DID BLIND AND DECEIVE THOSE WHO, WITH HONEST HEARTS, HAD ACCEPTED GOD'S TRUTH! Brethren, do we think we are so superior to those of the first, second and third centuries that Satan could not have tried to pervert God's TRUTH today? [MM pg. 77,78]
15. The Letter To Laodicea (1st scroll 12/31/86)
It is very, very logical that the Philadelphian era would evolve into the Laodicean one. [LTL pg. 3]
15. Malachi’s Message (1989)
16. The Letter To Laodicea (2nd scroll 2/11/87)
Please understand what God has already been telling us. It's there "IN BLACK & WHITE." Now the choice is up to you! You can either prove this is the truth or prove it is an error. The one thing that you cannot afford to do is to ignore the issue altogether. For that would indeed be for you a most tragic, and truly fatal, mistake. [LTL pg. 6]
16. Malachi’s Message (1989)
GOD'S PEOPLE MUST GET THE TRUTH SO THEY CAN CHOOSE! They must have a choice! (Deut. 30:19-20). That is God's way. [MM pg. 108p6]
(read it at
The Hidden Years is a comprehensive chronology and compendium of everything Mr. Jules Dervaes wrote and did. He completely "steals the thunder" from Gerald Flurry.
Jules Dervaes’ personal letters show the origin of the Letter To Laodicea. It is easy to see the progression, and there is no mystery as to where it came from.
The mailing list of ministers shows the widespread distribution of Jules Dervaes' material, including mailings to Gerald Flurry’s Oklahoma congregation. It shows the many possible sources from which Gerald Flurry could have gotten Mr. Dervaes’ material.
Verifications of Jules Dervaes' mailings were received by personal correspondence from John Ritenbaugh (former WCG minister) and Ralph Helge (WCG legal counsel). The dates were verified by the newspaper ads above.
The Hidden Years was mailed to PCG headquarters men, Gerald Flurry, Stephen Flurry, Dennis Leap, Andrew Locher, and Joel Hilliker in 1998 (that doesn’t prove they received or read the material). Why didn’t Gerald Flurry answer this serious challenge?
Request a copy of The Hidden Years at
The Little Book booklet was written by Gerald Flurry to exalt Malachi's Message. Below are some quotes from that booklet, as well as some other things he has said about Malachi's Message.
Comment: The above image and the image in the next section both picture Malachi's Message as a little book. Books with pages as we know them today, however, were not invented until the 15th century. The "little book" of Revelation 10 was actually a little scroll, which Malachi's Message never was (i.e. Gerald Flurry never received a little scroll).
Gerald Flurry originally said the little book of Revelation 10 was the Bible:
"The little book is the Bible." [PT Feb. 1991, pg. 3 center col. top] -- Click the image below to read the quote:
But he then later apparently changed it to be Mystery of the Ages:
In the past, some of us have thought the little book was Mr. Armstrong's book, Mystery of the Ages. [LB pg. 3p5] -- What does he mean "some of us"? It was either what he taught, or else he got the idea from someone else.
Finally the little book ended up being Malachi's message (PT Sept./Oct. 1992, The Little Book, pg. 3). This was not put into booklet form until 1995.
Gerald Flurry says that Rev. 10 and Rev. 11 are all one vision (LB pg. 1p1, pg. 9p4) – he says he got this from Lang’s Commentary (LB pg. 1p1), but where is his proof? Herman Hoeh did show in a 1975 sermon that Rev. 10:1 through 11:15 was all an inset, but here is what HWA officially taught (maybe he never got around to updating it):
Mr. Armstrong’s "CHAPTER OUTLINE" shows Rev. 10 as part of The Trumpets, and Rev. 11 as describing The Two Witnesses. [KBR pg. 9]
Again, Mr. Armstrong says Rev. 11 describes the mission of The Two Witnesses, not Gerald Flurry’s mission. [BRUL pg. 39]
"The angel over the Laodicean era had the little book in his hand." [LB pg. 2 top] – Where is the proof that this is the angel over the Laodicean era, and not the angel of Rev. 1:1 delivering the book of Revelation to John?
"The little book has seven thunders." [LB pg. 2p1] contradicts "The little book is speechless and silent." [LB pg. 2p7]
"John did write that the little book would be produced in this end time." [LB pg. 4p4] – Where did John write this?
"But we still would not have recognized this treachery for what it really is without ‘Malachi's Message’." [LB pg. 4p5] – NOT TRUE – The Letter To Laodicea recognized it FIRST!
What "prophecies" are in MM? [LB pg.8 top]
Gerald Flurry says MM or the little book is used to measure (LB pg. 10p1), but Rev. 11:1 says a "reed" is used to measure. He has lately changed to say, "the reed" is the government which does the measuring (TP pg. 97p5,6). He has also said that Mystery of the Ages is used to measure (G.F. sermon, FT 9/27/02, tape1:side1).
"Who in this very end time has a little book warning God's own ministers and people to stop polluting God's word? Who has a little book warning God's ministers to repent?" [LB pg. 14p2] – Jules Dervaes, and it is called The Letter To Laodicea!
"Do you know of any book on earth that teaches such a message in detail? No other book even comes remotely close. It is clearly ‘Malachi's Message’." [LB pg. 15 top] – YES. FALSE. It is clearly The Letter To Laodicea!
"There is only one book on this planet that I am aware of which has a chapter -- or THUNDER -- about an ‘End-Time Joshua’." [LB pg. 16p2] – NOT TRUE – The Letter To Laodicea had one FIRST!
Gerald Flurry says, "I've never even heard of anyone else claiming to deliver such a message from God." [LB pg. 16p3] -- However, the Letter To Laodicea, by Jules Dervaes, was mailed to him and John Amos in 1988, and Mr. Dervaes warned him about plagiarism by certified mail in 1990 (signed by Barbara Flurry his wife). It is simply not possible that Gerald Flurry has "never even heard" of Jules Dervaes and The Letter To Laodicea.
"The PCG has the only book on this earth which proves Mr. Armstrong was this end time Zerubbabel." [LB pg. 17p1] – NOT TRUE – The Letter To Laodicea proved it FIRST!
"I know of only one book that reveals this man in a great falling away from God's truth." [LB pg. 17p4] – NOT TRUE – The Letter To Laodicea revealed it FIRST!
"There is ONLY ONE LITTLE BOOK on planet earth that REVEALS THIS GREATEST CATASTROPHE IN THE END TIME! And that is ‘Malachi's Message’." [LB pg. 20p2] – NOT TRUE – The Letter To Laodicea revealed it FIRST!
"Some of us may have known a few details of ‘Malachi's Message’ before it was printed. Two or three people have said they understood most of it before it was written. ‘Malachi's Message’ was revealed to me in 1989. GOD REVEALED IT! There was no reason for God to do so if a few already understood the message! I hope all of us would challenge such statements. ‘Malachi's Message’ is a new vision from God. It's a NEW REVELATION -- not something somebody already knew!" [LB pg. 20p8] – NOT TRUE – JULES DERVAES KNEW THE HEART AND CORE OF IT (not just "a few details") IN 1987, and wrote it in The Letter To Laodicea and delivered it to Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. by certified mail, two years before Gerald Flurry had his "revelations."
LB copyright date is left at 1995 because several at Edmond headquarters know he is aware of LTL at least after 1998 (see above section on The Hidden Years).
"Do you know of any book besides Malachi’s Message that teaches such a message? You do not! Malachi’s Message is unique." [TP pg.63p3] – YES I DO – The Letter To Laodicea taught it FIRST! Malachi’s Message is NOT unique!
Truth is revealed from God. God's truth is not something men can understand, apart from God. It must be revealed. ... God must reveal the "man of sin." God has done that through Malachi's Message. ... So the wicked plot is revealed and consumed with God's mouth -- His truth. This is done by the teaching and preaching of God's revealed truth (much of it through Malachi's Message). ... A TRUTH WHICH, WITHOUT SPECIAL REVELATION, WOULD BE UNKNOWN. [MM pg. 87 top,p1,2; pg. 104 top] -- Again, please explain how Jules Dervaes knew these things and wrote them in The Letter To Laodicea almost two years before Malachi's Message? There are only two alternatives: either God revealed it to Jules Dervaes, or it was not a revelation.
The mighty angel delivering
Malachi's Message to Gerald Flurry,
Philadelphia Trumpet Sep./Oct. 1992.
Just as Mohammed claimed his revelations (now in the Koran) were delivered by an angel, and Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons, claimed an angel revealed The Book of Mormon to him, so Gerald Flurry claimed a mighty angel delivered Malachi's Message. This is simply a method of establishing one's own writings as unchallengeable. Here are some quotes:
Malachi's Message was delivered to me and the PCG in 1989. A MIGHTY ANGEL DIRECTLY FROM GOD REVEALED IT. There was no need for the mighty angel to come if a few already understood the message. ... Malachi's Message is a new vision from a mighty angel. [PT Sept./Oct. 1992 "The Little Book" article, pg. 8] -- Click the images below to read the whole article and/or the two quotes.
The little book is delivered by a mighty angel. [LB pg. 1p1]
But he also seems to have trouble getting his story straight. Here is a quote from a sermon he gave in 2001 as he was reading from an article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal:
"He began preaching from an essay," we call it the little book, or Malachi's Message, "of his own that he said was revealed by a mighty angel directly from God." I didn't say that the mighty angel deliv-, revealed it to me. It certainly revealed it to John, and how God revealed it in this end time I'm not absolutely sure, but I know He did reveal it. [G.F. sermon, To Him That Conquers, 2/24/01]
And in 2004 he seems to think Malachi's Message came from outer space, or he's crazy:
{It is} revelation from God - from outer space way beyond Mars. That's where it comes from. If it doesn't I'M CRAZY. It's from way, way out there, far, far away. Just like they said in Star Wars. [G.F. Sermon, That Prophet, 2/7/04, tape1:side1]
Comment: In all likelihood, the inspiration for Malachi's Message was sent to Gerald Flurry from Jules Dervaes in California, and delivered by the mailman. See The Letter To Laodicea.
Gerald Flurry claims to be the successor to Herbert W. Armstrong (see the section Like Mr. Armstrong), and hence the majority of his message consists of the teachings of Mr. Armstrong (most are taught accurately, but there are a number of fatal additions and omissions). The rest of his message consists primarily of elevating the PCG membership (God's "very golden elect," EZ pg. 130p2 ) and chastising the "wicked Laodiceans" (PH pg. 6p2, FB pg. 50p1). Almost all of Gerald Flurry's literature, whether re-writes of Mr. Armstrong's material, or his own false teaching, is permeated with his belittling put-downs of all those Church members who did not choose to look to him as their deliverer from "Laodicean corruption." He seems obsessed with "warning the Laodiceans," (MM pg. 138p1,3,5; pg. 151p2) and imagines that all the prophetic books of the Bible contain newly revealed messages to, or about, the Laodiceans that God has commissioned him to deliver (TP pg. 78p2). You may visit the PCG website at to order his literature and see for yourself that this is so.
His attempt at expanding his message to include warning the whole world with Mystery of the Ages suffered a setback when the WCG sued him for copyright infringement. See the section on the Court Case.
If you believe in Church eras as described in chapters 2 and 3 of the prophetic book of Revelation, and that Herbert Armstrong represented the Philadelphian era, then clearly every indication would suggest that we are now in the Laodicean era of God's Church. However, only God knows who has what attitude, and it is not determined by affiliation with any particular Church organization. Whether a person is Laodicean or not is entirely up to the individual, and is made manifest by whether one believes and lives by every word of God.
In his 1989 book, Malachi's Message, Gerald Flurry defined the Laodiceans as those WCG Church members who were turning away from the doctrines taught by Herbert Armstrong; and then as other groups began to leave the WCG in order to keep the doctrines taught by Herbert Armstrong (Global in 1993, United in 1995, and many other smaller groups), he expanded that definition to also include them. By 2000 a Laodicean came to be anyone who learned the truth from Herbert Armstrong but wasn't a member of the Philadelphia Church of God.
Here is what the Bible has to say - all it has to say - about the Laodiceans. Anything beyond this is pure conjecture which may or may not be true, but which cannot be taught as doctrine as Gerald Flurry does:
For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh; [Col. 2:1]
For I bear him record, that he hath a great zeal for you, and them that are in Laodicea, and them in Hierapolis. [Col. 4:13]
Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea, and Nymphas, and the church which is in his house. And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea. [Col. 4:15,16]
Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. [Rev. 1:11]
14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. [Rev. 3:14-22]
Following are quotes from Malachi's Message showing the characteristics that Gerald Flurry attributed to the Laodiceans during the period from 1989-1992. Some are correct, but notice that many are his own ideas and are simply unbiblical. His major fundamental error is that he confuses the Laodiceans (Rev. 3:14-22) with those in the falling away (II Thes. 2:3). Herbert Armstrong taught that those who fall away from the truth are no longer part of God's Church, and therefore cannot be Laodiceans.
The Laodiceans are prophesied to turn away from the trunk of the tree. [MM pg. 10p2] -- Where is this prophecy?
The book of Malachi has a commandment for the Laodicean Church and its ministers to 'remember' what Christ taught and repent (Mal. 4:4). It is a commandment to get back to the law of God. [MM pg. 31 top] -- The book of Malachi is addressed to Israel (Mal. 1:1), not the Laodicean Church.
They show PARTIALITY or favor to those who move AWAY from the instructions God gave through Mr. Armstrong. This causes people to "stumble at the law" (v. 8). They don't stop keeping the law, they just STUMBLE. It leads them into a "lukewarm" attitude.
Many of the Laodiceans keep the law (Rev. 12:17). They also STUMBLE at the law. (The Laodiceans are comprised of the WCG and other groups that have left the WCG -- except the PCG.) [MM pg. 31p3,4] -- Green words added since MM 1992.
The Laodiceans don't want to follow the Philadelphia Standard. THAT IS PRECISELY WHAT A LAODICEAN IS! A person revolting against the Philadelphia understanding. That is because THEY WANT TO BE THE STANDARD! They are too often SETTING THEIR OWN STANDARD. A Laodicean is nothing more than a person who strives to get the focus off the Philadelphia attitude. That is what makes a person Laodicean. And that is precisely and specifically what Revelation 3:14-20 is all about. [MM pg. 34p3] -- The scripture doesn't say they revolt or strive to do anything; it says they are lukewarm.
The Laodiceans "fall away" from the truth and many Philadelphians are cast out or leave. [MM pg. 40 top] -- No! That is the falling away, not the Laodiceans.
They too were sealed at baptism but they didn't break their seal as the Laodiceans did by rebelling against God. [MM pg. 44p3] -- The scripture doesn't say the Laodiceans rebel; it says they are lukewarm.
It says by strong implication, that many of the Laodiceans repent of their rebellion toward the Elijah (Mr. Armstrong) work. All of the Laodiceans reject the government God taught through Mr. Armstrong! [MM pg. 45 bottom] -- Green words added since MM 1992. They reject Gerald Flurry.
All of God's saints are protected, UNLESS THEY BREAK THEIR SEAL by rebelling. This is another sign that the Laodiceans broke their seal given at baptism. [MM pg. 50 top,p1] -- Unbiblical! G.F. interpretation.
Paul marveled that the Galatians so quickly turned to "another gospel" (Gal. 1:6). Today the Laodiceans have committed the same sin. [MM pg. 50p2] -- No! That is the falling away, not the Laodiceans.
God's first criticism of the Laodiceans in the book of Malachi concerns the sin of forgetting the Father. ... This is where the Laodiceans began to get off track. They started preaching another gospel. [MM pg. 50p3] -- The book of Malachi is not addressed to the Laodiceans, it is addressed to Israel.
God says Zerubbabel (Mr. Armstrong) built the house with God's Holy Spirit, but the Laodiceans REFUSE TO FOLLOW. They have a great example to follow, but they REFUSE. God considers this a rejection of HIS AUTHORITY AND GOVERNMENT! [MM pg. 61p4] -- G.F. interpretation.
Betrayal and falling away from God's truth is also what the Laodicean Church is all about. [MM pg. 84p4] -- No! That is the falling away, not the Laodiceans.
All of these scriptures refer to the Laodiceans who turn away from the "trunk of the tree," much of which was established by Christ -- through Mr. Armstrong. [MM pg. 88p5] -- No! That is the falling away, not the Laodiceans.
Several translations call II Thessalonians 2 the "GREAT AND FINAL REBELLION." Revelation 3, Zechariah 3, and the book of Malachi reveal that it has to be the Laodicean Church. To understand II Thessalonians 2, our main focus needs to be on the Laodiceans. [MM pg. 91p1] -- No! That is the falling away, not the Laodiceans.
The point is, we are talking about REVELATIONS FROM GOD that are being rejected by the "man of sin." That is precisely what the Laodicean Church does. [MM pg. 97p2] -- G.F. interpretation.
The WCG isn't DRIFTING into a Laodicean attitude -- it is being forcefully and deceitfully "driven away" from God with cruelty! [MM pg. 99p1] -- No! That is the falling away, not the Laodiceans.
This trial revolving around the "man of sin" is all a part of GOD'S MASTER PLAN TO SEPARATE HIS PHILADELPHIAN ELECT FROM THE LAODICEANS. [MM pg. 100 bottom] -- G.F. interpretation.
We are told in II Thessalonians 2 how the change occurs from the Philadelphian era to the Laodicean era. [MM pg. 102 top] -- No! That is the falling away, not the Laodiceans.
Then, the "man of sin" is either the leader of the Laodicean Church, or he is someone who is given great power by the leader. [MM pg. 102p2] -- G.F. interpretation.
Remember, the Laodiceans are "lukewarm." They are rebelling against God. They CAUSE people to "stumble at the law," or at keeping the commandments of God (Mal. 2:8). [MM pg. 107p4] -- G.F. interpretation.
The Laodiceans keep saying "prophesy not," or don't prophesy as we did in the past (Amos 2:11-12). [MM pg. 107p4] -- G.F. interpretation.
Remember that the primary time for this prophecy about the Laodicean Church not prophesying is AT THE VERY END. [MM pg. 108p2] -- G.F. interpretation.
In all of these major end-time prophecies, we see a Laodicean Church moving away from the "trunk of the tree." [MM pg. 119p2] -- No! That is the falling away, not the Laodiceans.
Malachi 2:10, 14-16 is about the Laodiceans being "treacherous" to the Philadelphians. That treachery comes just before and after the two groups split. Persecution of the Philadelphians by the Laodiceans is also discussed in II Thessalonians 2 and Zechariah 3 and 4 by strong implication. [MM pg. 140p1,2] -- G.F. interpretation.
A big part of the work of the Philadelphians is helping God separate the Laodiceans from the Philadelphians (Mal. 3:17). [MM pg. 141p2] -- G.F. interpretation.
Laodicean ministers are treacherous to the wife [Church] of their youth (Mal. 2:14-16). [MM pg. 142p1] -- G.F. interpretation.
Mr. Armstrong TURNED us to the family of God. The Laodicean sin involves TURNING AWAY from the family of God and what God did through Mr. Armstrong. [MM pg. 143p4] -- No! That is the falling away, not the Laodiceans.
The Laodiceans fail to remember. They don't just lack "drive and energy." They are TREACHEROUS because they are part of a Judas-like betrayal! (II Thes. 2). This is the epitome of what a Laodicean is! [MM pg. 143p5] -- No! That is the falling away, not the Laodiceans.
The "man of sin" is also a story of REBELLION FROM THE TOP. The Laodiceans are rebelling against what Christ taught in the Philadelphia era. [MM pg. 150p3] -- No! That is the falling away, not the Laodiceans.
The Worldwide Church of God (WCG), the modern-day Laodiceans, are being warned in the 1990s by the Philadelphia Church of God (PCG). [COL pg. 2p2] -- G.F. interpretation.
The Laodiceans were guilty of the "worshipping of angels." Angels are not to be worshipped. Only God should be worshipped. This is referring to fallen angels or demons! ... As a result, Satan is "forcing" them to worship him and reject Christ! [COL pg. 19p3, 24 bottom] -- Unbiblical!
During 1993-1998 Gerald Flurry expanded his description of the Laodiceans to include the groups which had left the WCG in order to keep the doctrines that were taught by Herbert Armstrong, but had not come with him. Again, please note that the following Gerald Flurry quotes simply do not fit with the biblical description of the Laodiceans given above, but are rather his own ideas:
And that includes the Global Church of God. That group has left the Worldwide Church of God. But they have rejected Mr. Armstrong as God's end-time "Elijah" as well as the government God established through Mr. Armstrong. Other doctrines God established through Mr. Armstrong have also been rejected by the Global Church of God -- as they falsely profess to follow what Mr. Armstrong taught! They are also Laodiceans. [LAM pg. 21 bottom] -- Some aren't sure whether Mr. Armstrong was the Elijah to come, but to say that the group as a whole has rejected him is simply not true. What "other doctrines" have they rejected?
EVERY GROUP OF LAODICEANS HAS REBELLED AGAINST GOD'S LAW. [ISA pg. 4p4] -- No! That is the falling away, not the Laodiceans.
The only other two significant groups to leave the WCG during the Laodicean era are the United Church and the Global Church. We have proven clearly how they have rejected God's government and their Head -- Jesus Christ. ... Spiritually, THESE TWO CHURCHES ARE ILLEGITIMATE! [HOS pg. 3p5] -- G.F. has "proven clearly" that they have rejected him as representing God's government.
The Worldwide Church of God and all these groups who left that Church -- except the Philadelphia Church of God (PCG) -- HAVE REJECTED THE GOVERNMENT GOD ESTABLISHED THROUGH MR. ARMSTRONG! And that is the precise reason why GOD WILL NOT DO HIS WORK THROUGH THEM. What they offer to God is unclean -- even those groups who still keep many of the doctrines Mr. Armstrong taught. [HAG pg. 4p2] -- No! What has been rejected is Gerald Flurry's government.
Since Mr. Armstrong's death, all of the Laodicean groups have rejected the restored knowledge about the government of God. They no longer believe in government from the top down. They no longer accept the fact that God leads through one man at a time. They have set up their own forms of a "committee" type of government. They no longer have God's government. [EN pg. 16p2] -- No! What has been rejected is Gerald Flurry's government.
All of the Laodicean groups have rejected Mr. Armstrong as God's end-time Elijah. And they all have rejected the truth that God works through one man at a time. Rejecting this truth is rebellion against government. [EN pg. 17p2]-- No! What has been rejected is Gerald Flurry's government.
Now all of the Laodicean groups have rejected these scriptures. ... The Worldwide Church of God (WCG), the Global Church of God, and the United Church of God have all turned away from this revealed form of government -- but they act like they still have God's government! [EN pg. 18p2] -- The WCG still has one-man from the top down government. The others have rejected Gerald Flurry.
Where are those who are skilled in the law today? This is the big issue for God's people in this end time. Who is skilled in the law? Is the Worldwide Church? Is the Global Church? The United Church? No! The PCG has the only people of God who are truly skilled in the law! The Laodiceans are no longer skilled in the law. [EN pg. 34p1] -- G.F. Opinion.
Can the Laodiceans really do God's work? No. Even though they talk much about God, love and spirituality, they are far away from God. In Revelation 11:2, God says they are in the outer court. The Gentile political powers are going to trample them for 3 1/2 years because they have rejected God and His laws. [EN pg. 37 bottom] -- Rev. 11:2 doesn't say anything about the Laodiceans. Unbiblical.
No Laodicean group has a full understanding of God's law any more. [EN pg. 69p3] -- Unbiblical.
Beginning around 1999 to the present, Gerald Flurry's statements regarding the Laodiceans have become even more severe and unbiblical.
If you are a Laodicean, or lukewarm, you are part of the abomination of desolation! [DUAL pg. 37p2] -- This is not biblical at all!
Though 50 percent of the Laodiceans will still become a part of the bride of Christ, they won't qualify to rule at headquarters. [RBR pg. 51p3] -- Where does the Bible say that?
Those saints who follow God's new revelation are Philadelphians. Those members who do not are Laodiceans. [TP pg. 97p3] -- Unbiblical.
Every single Laodicean has rejected the government God taught through Mr. Armstrong (one man), and most of them admit it! [TP pg. 97 bottom] -- How does G.F. know what "every single Laodicean" believes?
The other Laodicean churches have also rebelled against major doctrines of God. Their walls of doctrine appear to be strong, but examine them closely and you see they are like mere Hollywood props! [EZ pg. 69 top] -- What are these "major doctrines"? The only one I ever see G.F. mention is government -- because they reject him.
The Laodiceans today invite the world into their church and commit adultery. [EZ pg. 77p4] -- Spiritual adultery is worshipping another god, not sitting next to an unconverted person in church services.
Why won't the Laodiceans be at headquarters in God's kingdom -- even if they repent in the Great Tribulation? Because they are not qualified! They don't have a headquarters mentality today! [EZ pg. 113p3] -- Where does the Bible say this?
I have written before about one Laodicean leader who said that it was a mistake to believe, as we did in the past, that Christ directly leads His work. That is the master lie of an antichrist ... Unlike these antichrist leaders ... Is it too harsh to call that antichrist? [RV Jan./Feb. 2002, "Christ Is Coming in the Flesh" pg. 3] -- Plain contradiction of scripture. Laodiceans are Christians -- antichrists are not.
Antichrist is one of the most terrifying words in the Bible! ... Other Laodicean leaders have candidly spoken of experimenting with a form of government different from the one Mr. Armstrong established in the Church. That too is saying that Christ is not coming in the flesh. ... The Laodicean antichrists are destroying true doctrines. [RV Jan./Feb. 2002, "Christ Is Coming in the Flesh" pg. 4] -- "Laodicean antichrists" is a contradiction of terms. Laodiceans are Christians -- antichrists are not.
We can easily see that we are in the last hour, because of the Laodicean antichrists. ... These antichrists are after you! [RV Jan./Feb. 2002, "Christ Is Coming in the Flesh" pg. 6] -- "Laodicean antichrists" is a contradiction of terms. Laodiceans are Christians -- antichrists are not.
I believe God used the copyright victory to show clearly who the very elect are and who the many antichrists are. That victory also manifested who were the Laodiceans -- those members of God's Church who didn't come to help us in our court battle. The Laodiceans aren't antichrist, but they are not fighting for Christ. [LH pg. 5 bottom] -- "Laodiceans aren't antichrist" contradicts what he said in the previous three quotes.
Final points on Gerald Flurry and the Laodiceans.
In a similar vein, we must also be on guard against being condemning and critical of each other. Do we have the right to judge, criticize or put down another one of God's people? Let's all work hard to stop this abuse of the brethren. [EN pg. 63p1] -- But apparently this quote doesn't apply to Gerald Flurry "being condemning and critical" of the Laodiceans!
Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.
There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another? [Jas. 4:11,12]
I personally know current WCG members who love the truth they learned from Herbert Armstrong just as much as any PCG member. They value and collect Mr. Armstrong's material with a passion. If you really take the time to look into it, you will find that the Laodicean question is not quite so simply answered as Gerald Flurry's "PCG inner court -- everybody else outer court" idea would have you believe.
The Bible clearly says, and God's Church has always taught, that the synagogue of Satan is the devil's church:
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. [Rev. 2:9]
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. [Rev. 3:9]
Those who drove them out became the FALSE church -- the church of the god of THIS world -- "the synagogue of Satan." [THTC pg. 8p2]
Notice, this is a SYNAGOGUE of Satan. A synagogue is merely the Hebrew word for church. Then Jesus is not speaking of a RACE, but of a CHURCH that belongs to the devil! [THTC pg. 16 right col. bottom]
This synagogue of Satan is the great apostate church which developed after 70 A.D. and ultimately became recognized as the State Religion of the Roman Empire. That Church has had many Protestant daughters which are also Satan's churches (Rev. 17). [THTC pg. 17 right col. p2]
"The Synagogue of Satan," composed of those who said "they are Jews and are not" is none other than the great false church founded by Simon Magus. They CLAIMED to be the true "spiritual Jews" -- true Christians -- but WERE NOT! They CLAIMED to be the Church "founded upon Jesus Christ," but Almighty God calls them the "synagogue" or church of SATAN THE DEVIL! [BCC Lesson 33 pg. 9 (1964)]
And Gerald Flurry agreed with this teaching as evidenced by his one and only usage of the term "synagogue of Satan" in Malachi's Message (all versions 1990-1999). He is using the term here to refer to worldly churches:
WE HAVE KNOWN FOR YEARS THAT THE TEMPLE OF GOD IS THE CHURCH. Paul meant exactly what he said. If he had meant the "synagogue of Satan" (Rev. 3:9), he, like John, would have said so! We must be CONSISTENT.
If we look at II Thessalonians 2 carefully, we can see that the ENTIRE FOCUS IS ON GOD'S CHURCH -- not the world. [MM pg. 79p3,4]
But around 1993 he seems to have come up with an entirely new teaching on the synagogue of Satan, one which is contrary to the previous teaching, and contrary to scripture (D.R.):
He removed Mr. Armstrong to let the "synagogue of Satan" quickly blossom into the Laodicean Church. [LAM pg. 5p4]
But there still remained a synagogue of Satan in the midst of that era (v. 9). When Mr. Armstrong died, that synagogue became the end-time Laodicean era of God's own Church (II Thes. 2:7; Rev. 3:14-19). [LAM pg. 11 bottom]
This refers to the synagogue of Satan, which is the Laodicean era in embryo (Rev. 3:9). [ISA pg. 44p1]
It means the "synagogue of Satan," which later became the Laodiceans, must humble themselves and repent of rejecting God's government established in the Philadelphia era! [HAG pg. 8p3]
The synagogue of Satan was the Laodicean era in embryo! ... God inspired the word synagogue to be used in Revelation 3:9 because they are spiritual Jews, but they have been led astray by Satan. [PT Apr. 1997, pg. 21 right col.] -- No! Read the verse - the Bible says they are not spiritual Jews! Click below to read Gerald Flurry's statement in context.
Gerald Flurry says this applies to the WCG in a physical sense (MM pg. 37-40, TP pg. 81), and here are his own comments about the PCG's physical condition:
Over the past year, The Philadelphia Church of God has SUBSTANTIALLY STRENGHTENED IT’S BALANCE SHEET, laying a solid foundation for future GROWTH & EXPANSION. God’s people have truly shown their deep seated faith, in supporting the work of the Living God! Strong income growth, coupled with cut backs in a number of areas - primarily television - has allowed OUR NET WORTH TO INCREASE BY OVER 60% in just 13 months. Income for the first six months of this year is ahead of last year by a very welcome 20% (roughly 1 million), representing the MOST SIGNIFICANT INCOME GROWTH in a number of years.
Since the acquisition of our original 40 acres, just 13 months ago, THE CHURCH’S NET FIXED ASSETS HAVE GROWN AN INCREDIBLE 325% to 4.7 million of land, equipment and buildings! [Gerald Flurry, Co-worker letter, 8/2/01 (L.M.)]
The actual meaning of Rev. 3:17, however, is spiritual not physical, which can be easily seen by reading the context, and which Gerald Flurry admits when talking about "blind" and "naked" (MM pg. 53p2). Here is what HWA said about being "rich and increased with goods" on a World Tomorrow radio broadcast:
And unto the angel of the Church of the Laodiceans, write ... Now here are people that know the truth, here are people that think they have everything spiritually that they could want ... because thou sayest I am rich and increased with goods – in other words spiritually rich – we have knowledge that the people have not had before. ... These are commandment keeping people or they wouldn’t be called the Church of God in the first place. But these are the lukewarm commandment keepers. These are the people that have known the truth. They are the people that realize that knowledge is being revealed today that was not known by the apostles. ... Now here are people that have this knowledge. Here are people that know things that the apostles couldn’t know. Here are people that look down on the other people in the world ... and they say, well, we’re better than they are. We’re spiritually rich and increased with goods – speaking of spiritual goods, in other words knowledge, understanding – we have the knowledge. We are very important because we have these things. And in their own conceits they have grown spiritually lukewarm. They’re not exactly cold, but neither are they very hot. They’re losing out on zeal. They’re not really doing the work of God at all. ... Now here are people who have the knowledge of the commandments of God and still they are not obedient, they are careless ... anoint thine eyes with eye salve that thou mayest see – so they don’t see as well as they think they do!
[Herbert W. Armstrong, The World Tomorrow radio broadcast on The True Church / Laodicea (copy available upon request) (L.M.)]
And here is what Gerald Flurry says about himself and the PCG in a spiritual sense:
We have everything brethren, WE HAVE IT ALL!
We have WEALTH that those people didn’t even know about in the 1st century.
What RICHES the Philadelphia Church of God has today, plus Mystery of the Ages, what Mr. Armstrong had & ALL that God has given since that time, WHAT RICHES WE HAVE. I’m telling you, WE HAVE IT ALL! [G.F. sermon, To Him That Conquers, 2/24/01 (L.M.)]
You will become spiritually rich and very inspired! [DUAL pg. 4 bottom]
The miracles in this church are astounding! [RBR pg. 74p2]
Gerald Flurry believes he is spiritually "rich and increased with goods."
click image to read beliefs
From the very beginning, fear of the great tribulation and a promise of the place of safety has been one of Gerald Flurry's primary means of control and getting people to send him money:
Backing and supporting this message is your ticket to a place of safety and a magnificent reward. [MM pg. 144p6
YOU MUST BE ABLE TO DISCERN "who serves God and who serves him not" (Mal. 3:18). THERE IS NO REASON TO DISCERN WHO SERVES GOD UNLESS YOU SUPPORT THAT SERVICE! "Faith without works is dead." How else can you be one of God's "jewels" who goes to a place of safety and into God's Headquarters' Temple? Those who cannot discern one work from the other are destined to go into the worst time of suffering ever on this planet! And remember, when it talks about those who serve God, it is in the same chapter and context as tithes and offerings (Mal. 3:9-10, 18). [MM pg. 146p4]
Anyone who reads Malachi's Message and heeds its warnings will be spared from the events of the Great Tribulation. If YOU reject it now -- you will have to accept it in the Tribulation or LOSE YOUR SALVATION! IT IS THAT SERIOUS! [LAM pg. 35 bottom]
Only PCG members will escape this unparalleled holocaust! [TP pg. 75p5]
You have "delivered thy soul" if you deliver this warning message! This is how you save your life! It's your ticket to a place of safety! If you don't support God's warning to the Laodiceans and Israel, you will pay with your blood! [EZ pg. 25p3]
Those who fight and win in court, and do the work of getting all of God's truth to the world, are going to go to a place of protection, when things get really bad. [G.F. sermon, FT 9/22/02, tape1:side1]
We better have God's protection, or that's the future of your children. [G.F. Sermon, That Prophet, 2/7/04, tape1:side2] -- After discussing a recent child rape and murder.
Gerald Flurry promotes real "fear religion" by threatening his followers with loss of salvation if they do not back and support him:
I don't think we're going to receive a reward, and I don't think we're even going to make it, I have to honestly tell you this, if we don't fight, in court or any other way, for God's daily, and His truth, brethren. I don't think we're going to make it. I've said before that I don't think - I think I'd lose my salvation if I didn't, fight in this court case, or anything else like that, and I really believe that's true of all of us. I, I have to tell you that. [G.F. sermon, FT 9/22/02, tape1:side1]
He wants every soldier to pray his heart out, and give his tithes and offerings to back and support this work, and this court case. [G.F. sermon, FT 9/22/02, tape1:side2]
Comment: Gerald Flurry's attempt at gaining entrance to Petra by imitating HWA's AICF with his own Philadelphia Foundation, came to an abrupt end when the Jordanian government gave him 24 hours to leave the country. We have reason to believe it was either because he reneged on an agreement to provide financial support during the WCG v. PCG court battle, or because they discovered his true motives concerning Petra as the Place of Safety. You can read PCG beliefs in the Nov./Dec. 1998 Royal Vision, or click the image below to view a taped sermon by Gerald Flurry on the subject (free RealPlayer 10.5 required).
Place of Safety 124,651 Kb |
click image to watch PCG video about Petra, Jordan 42,186 Kb RealPlayer 10.5 required |
THE HANDS OF ZERUBBABEL [MM pg. 55-60] -- Gerald Flurry makes the distinction between "temple" and "house," "temple" referring to the Church and "house" referring to the Church Era. On page 56 he quotes a March 19, 1981 HWA letter in support of Mr. Armstrong's having built the Philadelphia Era, but Mr. Armstrong uses the word "temple" throughout the letter -- not "house."
Joshua's salvation is conditional (Zech. 3:7). [MM pg. 68p2] -- While this statement is not contained in The Letter To Laodicea itself, it is found in a personal letter from Jules Dervaes to Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. dated 9/22/86. See The Hidden Years at .
If Malachi's Message is revealed knowledge – it must be from God! [MM pg. 104p2] -- This is faulty logic – Satan can reveal things, especially things that he is doing.
LR pg. 2, 3, 15, 26, 30, 32 and LB pg. 5-7p4 and early Trumpet articles indicated that the PCG work would be very short, yet now Gerald Flurry has acquired over 160 acres of property and is building a college, auditorium, and ministerial homes (for himself, his son, his daughter, and others) for the long haul. A farm with crops and livestock is also in the making. See the section Gated Compound.
End time / Last end / Last hour (must be less than Last end). 1989–2005 is a 16 year delay so far! How long will Gerald Flurry be able to string people along?
For a revelation from God "delivered by a mighty angel" (LB pg. 1p1), a lot of revisions have been made to Malachi's Message. The first major overhaul of MM was done in 1991 as described below:
The PCG's main publication, Malachi's Message, was drastically improved in 1991. Much of that summer was spent on adding sections, editing, and giving it a new format like most small books. The improvement was astounding. It was given as a gift to all the members at the 1991 Feast of Tabernacles. It is now a 153-page book with many photos and color. ... A revised sixth edition of Malachi's Message is also in the works. [PT Feb. 1992, pg. 17 left col. p2,4]
While many of the alterations could be claimed to be merely cosmetic, several were quite more than that (see bold below). Here is a list of some of the differences between the 1990 and 1999 versions:
MM 1990
pg. 7p4 "elect" -- Changed to "very elect" (MM 1999 pg. 11 top).
pg. 12 bottom Reference to HWA prophesying again. -- Removed. See the section on the PCG Commission.
pg. 22p5 -- Last three sentences deleted (MM 1999 pg. 35p3).
pg. 30p5 -- Sentence five changed to "7000 members" (MM 1999 pg. 48p4).
pg. 51 bottom "two-fold plan" and next sentences -- Changed to "three-fold plan" and expanded (MM 1999 pg. 86 bottom, pg. 87).
pg. 61p6 "Are they one and the same?" -- Removed (MM 1999 pg. 118p3).
pg. 68 & 80 References implying that Gerald Flurry is a prophet. -- Removed. See the next section on That Prophet.
pg. 81p1 -- Deleted (MM 1999 pg. 146p4).
pg. 61-67 -- Moved into ch. 8.
pg. 67-70 -- Became ch. 7.
pg. 71-74 -- Became ch. 8.
pg. 75-83 -- Became ch. 9.
There were no chapters in MM 1990. -- Broken into nine chapters in MM 1991.
Notice that MM 1991 acknowledges the revisions, but in MM 1995 that acknowledgment has been removed. Click below.
"In the original version of Malachi's Message ..." [MM pg. 149p4] -- Gerald Flurry has never said who authorized these revisions to a revelation from God "delivered by a mighty angel."
If, as claimed by Gerald Flurry, "Malachi's Message is an unwritten part of the book of Revelation" (see Adding Scripture) revealed directly to him by a mighty angel (see A Mighty Angel), then it must be inerrant (i.e. it is not the work of a man, but is rather a divine work and therefore cannot contain any errors). In attempting to answer some serious questions about apparent errors contained in Malachi's Message, one top headquarters minister gave a Bible study in which he made some most revealing statements. Statements which in fact show that he did not consider Malachi's Message to be on the same level as does Gerald Flurry. This Bible study was immediately recalled, the minister no doubt strongly rebuked, and a follow-up sermon was given by Gerald Flurry in which he said he was "very offended" by what had been said. Here are some quotes from that Bible study, and you may request a copy of the tape if you wish. [Dennis Leap, Defending Malachi's Message, c. Pentecost 1998]
Tonight what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be defending the veracity of Malachi's Message. It's still the little book, and it still is foundational to our phase, or our time right now. [side 1] -- A revelation from God doesn't need to be defended by anyone.
Now, Mr. Flurry just so, so everyone knows, he does believe that there are parts of Malachi's Message needs to be updated. And I'm going to show you the parts that I believe he, he understands that. [side 1] -- But Gerald Flurry can never admit that because it is supposed to be a revelation from God.
Malachi's Message is the little book, it's not perfect. I mean we, we understand that. ... There are some things we do have to admit. ... I'm trying to add it all together so you can see where Malachi's Message could be somewhat misleading. [side 1] -- A revelation from God is perfect and not misleading.
And the point I'm trying to make here brethren, is, that Mr. Flurry was really trying not to be dogmatic, in fact he was trying hard not to be dogmatic. And he was letting the door open, because, if you think about it, when was Malachi's Message written? It was written in 1989. People that worked on the original version are sitting in this room. And it was updated in 1990. It was updated again in 1995. And so, so begin to get that impression in your mind. Um, you know, um, we couldn't see everything clearly then, could we? Not as clearly as we do now. ... Now we know there are parts of Malachi's Message that really could be updated. [side 1] -- MM was the work of men and not a revelation from God.
If you will go back to page 66, just put this in your notes, and if you took the two statements out that I read about the Joshua, and you just took them out completely, most of all that page is still absolutely accurate. It's those two statements that aren't accurate. If you take them out it clears up all misunderstanding that could be there. And really, it, it's just some subtle things are changed, or just subtle things are tweaked; you know, if, if we, a, get some of those things out that maybe shouldn't be there, then, then really the questions are cleared up. [side 1] -- How could anyone even suggest editing a revelation from God. Clearly, he does not believe that it is. In all probability he knows that it is not.
When you read Malachi's Message you have to, you have to have these scriptures firmly in your mind. And you have to have the story flows firmly in your mind. You have to have the settings firmly in your mind. And then you can begin to understand what Mr. Flurry is writing. And the one thing that we didn't understand in 1989, is we didn't understand, brethren, the potential for prophetic time lapse. ... But when WE wrote that book, and, and Mr. Flurry, I mean God really, you know, Christ worked, you know, with Mr. Flurry and got that Malachi's Message written, we didn't know Mr. Armstrong was going to die, I mean not Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Tkach was going to die in September of 1995. We didn't see that then. We see that now. [side 2] -- Clearly he is not talking about a revelation from God.
We now have time in, we now have experience in, and we see things a little better now than we did before. Dealing in prophecy is not an easy thing. ... We do know better today than we did in 1989. ... And so we understand, you know, a lot more today than we did before. [side 2] -- Yes, "dealing in prophecy is not an easy thing" for men trying to fake a revelation from God.
God has given us the big picture in prophecy and that big picture is accurate, brethren. Some of the details we did not have. Some of the details we could not know. ... And there are some details that we're going to take some stabs, we're going to write some things that may not be completely accurate. But as events unfold we will get more accurate. [side 2] -- A revelation from God doesn't "take stabs" or lack accuracy.
Malachi's Message, is, it's unique, it's one of a kind. There isn't anything else like it. Now, it's not an epistle. You know, it's not canonized scripture, we've always said that, brethren. We've never called it canonized scripture. [side 2] -- Malachi's Message is NOT unique (see The Letter To Laodicea), and Gerald Flurry HAS called it scripture (see Adding Scripture).
Maybe it was off on a few points like the tribulation. Maybe it was written a little unclearly, or maybe the punctuation wasn't perfect. [side 2] -- A revelation from God wouldn't be "off on a few points."
I'm going to answer these other questions like I said in the PMR. [side 2] -- There can be no answer to errors in a "revelation from God" other than, it is not a revelation from God.
The following statements from the 1990 version of Malachi's Message strongly indicate that Gerald Flurry has believed he was a prophet from the very beginning of the PCG:
Prophets arise in a time of crisis (in this case, both a Church and a world crisis). ... Prophets or submissive leaders are going to respond to that frightening, lion-like warning! ... Prophets speak out when they are told to prophesy not! They listen to God - not men. So must we. [MM 1990 pg. 68p9,10] -- The above words in blue were added later (MM 1999 pg. 108p7; pg. 109p1). It appears that G.F. was trying to make these statements more palatable.
There are no prophets in the Laodicean Church today, but God can always have prophets in embryo - ready to use when He needs them. [MM 1990 pg. 68p11] -- This was removed in the 1991 version (pg. 110 top), 1995 version (pg. 109p1), and 1999 version (pg. 109p1).
Prophets have not played a major role from Christ's first coming until now. That could change very soon unless leaders in Pasadena repent. Malachi's Message is going to be delivered. [MM 1990 pg. 80 block 1] -- This was deleted (MM 1999 pg. 144 bottom).
If they receive a prophet in the name of a prophet - they receive a prophet's reward. [MM 1990 pg. 80p2] -- This was deleted (MM 1999 pg. 145p2).
Click the images below to see the date and read the above quotes in context:
Apparently, though, he had second thoughts about revealing that he was a prophet so early on, and as indicated above, those references were removed or altered, and the subject wasn't reintroduced until his Jan. 15, 1994 sermon, Office of a Prophet. It was later fully expounded at the 1999 ministerial conference, and then written up in the Royal Vision magazine discussed below.
Here are the five sermons given by Gerald Flurry at the 1999 ministerial conference held in Edmond, Oklahoma, where he first proclaimed himself to be "That Prophet." These files are in RealVideo format so you will need the free RealPlayer (version 10.5 or later) available at in order to view them (recommend high-speed internet connection such as DSL or cable). Click on the images below to start each 2 hour selection:
First of all, the correct translation in Jn. 1:21,25 is "the prophet" not "that prophet" (Check any Greek interlinear Bible or just about any other translation). The same Greek word is used throughout the gospels, there is nothing different or special about the usage in Jn. 1:21,25. And Gerald Flurry knows the significance of using "the" instead of "that," as can be seen by reading his discussion of "The Prince" in his Ezekiel booklet [EZ pg. 143]
The mis-translated title foreshadows the mis-interpretations inside.
In the first two sections of "That Prophet" (Royal Vision Jul/Aug 2000), Gerald Flurry offers no scriptural proof whatsoever to support his thesis, yet he has stated that, "no Scriptures were given," when criticizing Mr. Tkach for changes he was making (MM p. 14). His "proof" consists solely of what he says several commentaries say the Jews believed, and what he thinks. Again, no scriptural proof is given – read it closely – there are no scriptures given as proof of anything. These first two sections are the foundation for the rest of the article – this is where he "proves" he is "That Prophet." Click the images below to read the first two sections of the article.
Gerald Flurry does not even accurately represent what the commentaries DO say, and what the Church has always taught, which is that Jesus Christ was "that prophet."
"That Prophet" IS distinct from "Christ" – it refers to His first coming as the prophet (Jn. 6:14), while "Christ" refers to His second coming in power as Messiah (see The Fourfold Gospel commentary on Jn. 1:21, note #3 – available online at Here are some scriptures that should leave no doubt that Jesus at his first coming was "The Prophet" (Greek prophetes, strong’s 4396) a few of the Jews were looking for:
And the multitude said, This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee. [Mt. 21:11]
But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house. [Mk. 6:4]
Others said, That it is Elias. And others said, That it is a prophet, or as one of the prophets. [Mk. 6:15]
And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country. [Lk. 4:24]
And there came a fear on all: and they glorified God, saying, That a great prophet is risen up among us; and, That God hath visited his people. [Lk. 7:16]
Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem. [Lk. 13:33]
And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people. [Lk. 24:19]
The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. [Jn. 4:19]
Then those men, when they had seen the miracle that Jesus did, said, This is of a truth that prophet that should come into the world. [Jn. 6:14]
Many of the people therefore, when they heard this saying, said, Of a truth this is the Prophet. [Jn. 7:40]
They say unto the blind man again, What sayest thou of him, that he hath opened thine eyes? He said, He is a prophet. [Jn. 9:17]
For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people. [Acts 3:22,23]
This is that Moses, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear. [Acts 7:37]
Comment: Gerald Flurry now admits that the last two quotes above apply to Jesus Christ (TP pg. 3 top). For so said Christ Himself -- "For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me." (Jn. 5:46, most likely referring to Dt. 18:15,18). Also, "Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph." (Jn. 1:45)
Gerald Flurry seems deceptive in his handling of Deuteronomy 18:15,18. In his Royal Vision article, "That Prophet," he ignores it altogether, and makes no mention of other New Testament references to "that prophet." I cannot see ignoring Dt. 18:15,18 as anything but dishonest. Also, in 1994 he tried to apply Acts 3:22 (Dt. 18:15,18) to himself (see the section on A Prophet Like Moses)!
What did the WCG teach under HWA regarding "that prophet"? (underlining mine)
"4. Is Moses therefore referred to as a TYPE of Christ? Acts 7:37. The word 'prophet' refers to Christ. Note the words, 'Like unto me.' Also see Acts 3:20-22. What did God send Jesus Christ to deliver us from? Rom. 3:24-25.
COMMENT: Moses, sent by God to deliver Israel from PHYSICAL bondage, was a TYPE pointing to Christ -- whom God sent to deliver repentant believers from SPIRITUAL bondage! A Wonderful analogy." [1960 A.C. Bible Correspondence Course, Lesson 25, pg. 3]
"Yet Moses was a figure and a type of the Prophet to come -- Jesus the Messiah or Anointed of God." [A Tale of Two Prophets, pg. 9 bottom, 1978 booklet by Jon Hill -- Click the image below to read the inset]
"We do not have room to explain how Moses, the author of the first five books of the Bible, anticipated the coming of Jesus Christ when he was inspired to write, 'I will raise them up a Prophet [Jesus] from among their brethren, like unto thee [Moses], and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him' (Deut. 18:18). Moses even knew that there would come some individuals who would have the gall to preach in the name of God and claim that they were His prophets, and yet speak lies in His name -- 'But the prophet, which shall PRESUME TO SPEAK A WORD IN MY NAME, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even THAT PROPHET SHALL DIE' (Deut. 18:20)." [Plain Truth July 1963, The Gospel In The O.T., D.J. Hill]
"Who Was That Prophet?" is a section heading in a 1962 Good News article. Click the following link to read what the church has always taught. [Good News March 1962, pg. 13]
Comment: Why did Gerald Flurry ignore Dt. 18:15,18? Why did he ignore all the other NT scriptures which refer to "that prophet"? And why did he misrepresent what the commentaries say? Gerald Flurry knows what "twisting scripture" is (MM pg. 127). The scripture is plain, God now speaks to his church through Jesus Christ, not prophets (Heb. 1:1,2).
Now he does mention Dt. 18:15,18, apparently though only after someone pointed out his omission, but again with no scriptural proof – only what he thinks makes sense (TP pg. 2p4,5).
Prophecies, and even miracles, mean nothing if the man is leading you away from God (Dt. 13:1-3), yet Gerald Flurry makes the following biblically inaccurate statements:
You will not know a prophet by how many followers he has. Or how much property he purchases. You will know him by the prophecies God reveals to him. [TP pg. before contents]
The fruits of new prophetic revelation and a work to declare the message prove who I am. [TP pg. 21 bottom]
The rest of Gerald Flurry’s book is a beautiful house of "private interpretations" built upon the sandy foundation of the first two sections (TP pg. 1-4). This is not how Herbert Armstrong proved Bible truths, yet the book ends with a long quote by HWA (TP pg. 118-120), apparently in an attempt to put HWA’s stamp of approval on it.
Gerald Flurry got this "revelation" from a Church member (TP pg. 1p1).
Again, as in the July/August 2000 RV article, read TP pg. 1-4 and note especially:
The lack of scriptural proof for anything.
So-called proof based on human reasoning – "it shows," "it appears," "there must have been," "but that doesn’t make sense," "should be able to see," "it is like saying," etc.
Heavy reliance on commentaries – "Thayer’s Lexicon says," "The International Critical Commentary says," "According to these commentaries," "Lange’s Commentary says," "The Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary says," "All the commentaries I have studied," "several commentaries say." Read what HWA said about using commentaries to establish doctrine in the section on Commentaries.
Reliance upon what the Jews believed (as if that can even be reliably known almost 2000 years later) – "the Jews knew," "the Jews also knew," "the Jews…it shows that they understood," "the Jews…never thought," "the Jews knew," "the Jews also knew," "the Jews believed," "the Jews held that," "the Jews thought," "the Jews believed," "the Jews expected," "…people who knew the Scriptures," "…because of their knowledge of prophecy."
Gerald Flurry asks, "Why should anybody ever refer to Christ as ‘that prophet’…?" [TP pg.3p1] – ANSWER – because Jesus Christ himself does! (see previous section)
Gerald Flurry presumes to know God’s mind:
"why didn’t God inspire" [TP pg. 5 bottom]
"God would undoubtedly have called" [TP pg. 7p2]
I was recently sent a copy of Gerald Flurry's latest sermon on the subject of That Prophet, which turns out to be nothing more than another attempt at maintaining his fearful spell upon the many sincere members of the Philadelphia Church of God. To begin with, and as I have fully documented previously, THERE IS NO END-TIME OFFICE OF "THAT PROPHET." The correct translation of Jn. 1:21,25 is "THE Prophet," which if we let the bible interpret itself, as both Herbert Armstrong and Gerald Flurry both say we should, can be none other than Jesus Christ at his first coming. Also as I previously documented, Gerald Flurry's so-called proofs that he is "That Prophet" consist solely of twisted scriptures and his own ideas, and not one single shred of plain bible proof. If you would like to listen to this tape for yourself write me and I will send you a copy, but in summary, he has nothing new to add to his own private interpretation of scripture, except another dose of his fear religion.
Finally, the tape sums up how you can really know who That Prophet is, and he admits that the idea came from outer space. Here is his quote:
If you just study this book, you'll know who That Prophet is. ... It does set me apart from the other ministers. ... Is God going to give us something like this that we cannot prove? ... {It is} revelation from God - from outer space way beyond Mars. That's where it comes from. If it doesn't I'M CRAZY. It's from way, way out there, far, far away. Just like they said in Star Wars. [G.F. Sermon, That Prophet, 2/7/04, tape1:side1] -- What about studying the Bible? This is the same thing Marvin Campbell told my wife as he disfellowshipped her, that the proof is in the literature.
In 1994 Gerald Flurry applied Acts 3:22 (which refers back to Dt. 18:15,18) to himself, making him a prophet like unto Moses! Here is the exact quote (he first reads Acts 3:22):
“For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you.”
“You should hear him in all things brethren, that’s what God says. And he’s going to raise up a man, that’s just like you, but he’s going to have a commission. He’s just like other church members, but he does have a commission from God. And your job of course, as always, is to back him and support him, and you’re, God says you’re the same as a prophet or a righteous man if you support him and back him, and involve yourself in that work. It’s the same for all of us. It’s the same for all of us. But I’ll tell you this, God’s top physical office is very important to you brethren, because how you think about that office, does reflect how you think about God. I’m not talking about following a man in error. You never want to do that. But you do want to love and respect God’s office, because it does reflect on how you think about God, and your attitude toward God.” [G.F. sermon, Office Of A Prophet, 1/15/94 (on tape 2, copy available upon request) (L.M.)]
But in his 2001 That Prophet booklet he went back to the teaching under HWA. Click the following link to read what the church has always taught. [Good News March 1962, pg. 13]
Scriptures like Deuteronomy 18:15-19 and Acts 7:37-38 clearly refer to Jesus Christ. 'And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you: Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began. For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you. And it shall come to pass, that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed from among the people' (Acts 3:20-23). These verses refer to Jesus Christ. He is the God who restores all things to this world. What He says, each one of us must hear. Anybody should be able to see this applies to Christ. [TP pg. 2-3]
However, in 2004 he once again applies Dt. 18:15 to himself, claiming that he is fulfilling an office actually fulfilled by Jesus Christ as he admitted above. Here are the exact quotes:
“I'm just like you. In fact it even says when they, over in, a, Deuteronomy that, Moses said there, they'll raise up someone of the people just like me. I mean I'm just like you. I'm just like you. And so God chooses one out of that group and says, all right here's the revelation now get things going, but I'm just like you. ...
This is a special commission that I have, brethren, and it is directly from God. You can read Deuteronomy 18 and verse 15 later where a, look God says, look I'm gonna take, I'll take somebody out of your, from your own brethren, that's the way it works. And so that's what God has done. I'm just like you are. I'm just like you and God forbid, brethren, if I ever should try to exalt myself above you. I'm just like you, I, I am of you.” [G.F. sermon, That Prophet, 2/7/04 (tape1:side2, copy available upon request)]
Comment: He seems to have difficulty distinguishing between himself and Jesus Christ.
Comment: It would appear that Gerald Flurry must also be a prophet like unto Moses in respect to authorship of the Bible. As Moses began the writing of the Bible with the book of Genesis, so Gerald Flurry finished it with his writing of the little book of Revelation, or Malachi's Message. "MALACHI'S MESSAGE IS AN UNWRITTEN PART OF THE BOOK OF REVELATION." [G. Flurry, PT Sept./Oct. 1992 The Little Book article, pg. 6 -- See section on Adding Scripture]
The following quotes show how Gerald Flurry subtly elevates himself to be like Mr. Armstrong, all the while saying that he is not on his level:
We must fight to keep Satan and transgression out. That means you must have God’s government – headed by a leader like Mr. Armstrong – to implement God’s law. [DUAL pg. 29 bottom]
So where is there “a man” teaching more and more depth about David’s throne today? God has revealed much more depth about these two covenants since Mr. Armstrong died. [TP pg. 9 bottom]
Mr. Armstrong did not understand this covenant with God’s ministers regarding David’s throne. That would obviously have limited his message to the British royal family. He also never got as specific in his message to the royal family as I do today and shall do in the future. Mr. Armstrong’s message did not emphasize a warning about David’s throne as my message does. [TP pg. 16p2]
This prophecy does not apply to Mr. Armstrong as specifically as it does to me. ... It {the pot} was never boiling when Mr. Armstrong was around. [TP pg. 17p2]
Though Mr. Armstrong understood a great deal of the book of Jeremiah, there was also a lot that couldn’t be revealed until after his death. That is when this watchman {Gerald Flurry} came on the scene. [TP pg. 18p2]
God spoke to Mr. Armstrong through the pages of the Bible. ... He communicated with
God through the pages of the Bible. God gave him an abundance of new revelation – making the hidden truths of the Bible plain before all. God has worked with me in the same way. [TP pg. 21p1-3]
All of their leaders have rejected Herbert W. Armstrong as God’s end-time Elijah – God’s new thing. That also means the Laodiceans would reject the man {Gerald Flurry} who would follow in his footsteps. [TP pg. 28p10]
Mr. Armstrong fulfilled the watchman work in a general way. The PCG fulfills it specifically. I emphasize the warning, as the Ezekiel watchman was prophesied to do. [TP pg. 39p4]
In a Plain Truth article in 1961, Mr. Armstrong wrote a personal in which he referred to the News Bureau staff as "your watchmen.” ... “your watchmen” is somewhat misleading. It is not really consistent with Ezekiel 33. That is not the way God expresses it. ... Perhaps Mr. Armstrong regretted saying “your watchmen.” [TP pg. 44 bottom, 45 top,p3]
And since Mr. Armstrong died in 1986, God has given me the responsibility of continuing in that same law he established. [TP pg. 52p2]
Is there a reason why Mr. Armstrong and I both can follow our roots back to David’s kingly line – to the tribe of Judah? [TP pg.52p3]
Mr. Armstrong and I each have been used to fill the role of lawgiver to God’s Church and the world. [TP pg. 52p5]
God has given me that same advantage He gave Mr. Armstrong. [TP pg. 55 bottom]
I didn’t receive this message from man! I was taught it by revelation from Jesus Christ! The same was true with Mr. Armstrong. [TP pg. 61p1]
Now another man {Gerald Flurry} follows Mr. Armstrong’s example, a man who receives much revelation as well. [TP pg. 72 bottom]
Today we follow the God of the end-time Elijah, Herbert W. Armstrong. And God performs the same miracles for us. [TP pg. 73p6]
I am the only Church of God leader who looks to Mr. Armstrong as our spiritual father. [TP pg. 74p3]
Today, even if you had all of Mr. Armstrong’s material, could you come to God and do His work with just that understanding? Some today say yes. But the answer is no. You need also to come into God’s true Church with Malachi’s Message and other new revelation God has given me. In that sense, I am a father. [TP pg. 86p5]
The word came to Joel, as the interpretation comes to me today. ... This work was never done by Mr. Armstrong. [TP pg. 106p1,3]
He is sending it [rain from heaven] today even faster than He did to Mr. Armstrong. [TP pg. 110p5]
Mr. Armstrong did not understand “all that is written in this book.” He only understood these prophecies in a general way. [TP pg. 113p7]
I’ve written a booklet on Nahum, and we understand this message more deeply than Mr. Armstrong did. [TP pg. 117p6]
At every single Feast of Tabernacles since the Philadelphia Church of God began, God has given me new revelation! Do you understand what a thunderous miracle that is? Herbert W. Armstrong received new revelation for only a small percentage of the Feast of Tabernacles. [RV Sept./Oct. 1998, pg. 2p4,5]
Where is there any evidence of a great or even a sizeable work of a prophet in the New Testament? (Again, not one who was also an apostle, like Mr. Armstrong, who fulfilled the end-time role of Elijah the prophet.) There is the work under "that prophet." But is it possible that is also a prophetic work being done under an apostle? We have to look at the scriptures, and we have to look at the FRUITS of what we have done in this Work. Are those the fruits of a prophet? Or are they the fruits of an apostle? [member co-worker letter 11-8-10, pg. 2p10]
Mr. Armstrong was an apostle. So if there's someone doing the work of "the voice" again, is it possible that this man, too, is an apostle? Here, they are both working on the same level, essentially doing the same job, except that we must warn most of God's Church as well. …
"The voice" in Isaiah 40 is actually in two parts, or two eras, if you look at it closely. There was the voice of Mr. Armstrong, and then our voice crying out to God's sinning Church and the world. If the voice preceding ours was an apostle, is it logical -- we just want the truth of God, that's all -- that the voice following him would also be an apostle? [member co-worker letter 11-8-10, pg. 3p7,9]
Again, I am sure that we will be working for Mr. Armstrong in the future. But if God tells us to raise up the ruins as in the days of old, we have to realize the standard He is talking about. We won't have the numbers Mr. Armstrong did, but WHAT KIND OF IMPACT MIGHT WE HAVE? And to help us to do this Work "as in the days of old," He does give us an apostle today, just as He did then. [member co-worker letter 11-8-10, pg. 9p10]
Does Gerald Flurry Reveal The Law ?
In spite of the fact that Exodus 20:1,18,22 and Dt. 5:4, say that God revealed the law, the ten commandments, one of the greatest revelations ever given to mankind, directly to the people, Gerald Flurry says below that God reveals only to prophets, and paints himself as a revealer of the law:
But even the law, there, was revealed by prophets.
But just the law was revealed by prophets, it says there.
The prophet was the revealing agent. ...
You’ll never find, ever in the Bible, never in the Old Testament will you ever find, revelation being given to anybody except a prophet. You just simply won’t find it. ...
But even the law was set before them by a prophet. And he said now, to the people, you better hearken to my prophet. If you want to save yourself, you better hearken to my word from this man. ...
When God has something to reveal, brethren, you will find no place in the Bible where anybody does that except an apostle or a prophet. It just isn’t there. [G.F. sermon, Office of a Prophet, Jan. 15, 1994]
The above references are to instances where God used a prophet to restore some books of the law which had been lost or forgotten by the people, but they are not revelations of the law. He is here putting a spin on scripture in an attempt to place himself between you and God. This tape has probably been pulled from your local library, but you may contact me and I will send you a copy.
Is Gerald Flurry Part of Genesis 49:10 ?
Once again Gerald Flurry twists scripture and uses faulty logic, this time in an attempt to show that he is an end-time "lawgiver."
Genesis 49:10 contains a very interesting end-time prophecy. It reads, "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be." ... So, in the last days, God said there would be a scepter, or a ruler on a throne, at the same time there is a lawgiver. [TP pg. 51p2] -- It is not an "end-time" prophecy - it spans the whole time period from Jacob to Christ's return. And he has not established that the "lawgiver" is separate from the "scepter" (see below to see that, in fact, they are one and the same).
There is to be a scepter AND a lawgiver in the "last days."
This is the same twofold covenant referred to in Jeremiah 33:17-18: "For thus saith the Lord; David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of the house of Israel [the scepter promise]; Neither shall the priests the Levites want a man [the lawgiver] before me to offer burnt offerings, and to kindle meat offerings, and to do sacrifice continually."
The kingly line of the tribe of Judah continues to this day in Westminster Abbey in London. God said in Genesis 49:10 that a lawgiver would parallel that scepter promise. Both would be of the tribe of Judah. [TP pg. 51p5-7] -- He is trying to create a separate line of "lawgivers" into which he can insert himself as the last fulfillment before Christ (Shiloh) returns. While Jeremiah 33:17 is the same covenant as Genesis 49:10, Jeremiah 33:18 is not. It pertains to the Levites not Judah!
Shiloh refers to Christ, so this "lawgiver" must refer to another individual. Hasn't God always worked through one man at a time? Again, Jeremiah 33:18 says that God made this covenant with the ministry, but also that one man would direct this work. [TP pg. 51 bottom; pg. 52 top] -- Jeremiah 33:18 does not say God made this covenant with the "ministry," it says He made it with the Levites. It is not part of the Genesis 49:10 covenant.
Is there a reason why Mr. Armstrong and I both can follow our roots back to David's kingly line - to the tribe of Judah? Does it have anything to do with this "lawgiver" coming from Judah's feet - or Judah's descendants - in the last days, "until Shiloh come"? ... Mr. Armstrong and I each have been used to fill the role of lawgiver to God’s Church and the world. [TP pg. 52p3,5] -- Please show me where HWA ever said he was a "lawgiver." A man who knew HWA personally for many years and served as his personal assistant, recently told me he would emphatically deny this.
Remember, Genesis 49:10 says the scepter and the lawgiver would not depart from Judah in the "last days." ... Both the kingly line and the lawgivers have descended from Judah physically. [TP pg. 54 bottom] -- He has not proven that there are two separate lines here; HWA never taught that.
His man, His lawgiver – that prophet. ... God will not force you to follow His lawgiver. ... But He can give His lawgiver something you don’t have ... God has given me that same advantage He gave Mr. Armstrong. [TP pg. 55p2,3,6]
There is only one lawgiver - God. [PT Jan. 1998, pg. 19 under title, click below] -- Then why is he claiming to be a lawgiver?
"Scepter" and "lawgiver" are two aspects of a single covenant fulfilled by a single succession of descendants. If you look up the Hebrew, "lawgiver" is not the best translation. "Scepter" refers to the throne or office, and "lawgiver" refers to the descendant who sits on that throne or occupies that office. Here are some alternate translations to the King James:
The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, Nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, Until Shiloh come; And unto him shall the obedience of the peoples be. [1901 American Standard Version]
The rod of authority will not be taken from Judah, and he will not be without a law-giver, till he comes who has the right to it, and the peoples will put themselves under his rule. [1965 Bible in Basic English]
The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs; and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples. [1947 Revised Standard Version]
The scepter or leadership shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet until Shiloh [the Messiah, the Peaceful One] comes to Whom it belongs, and to Him shall be the obedience of the people. [1965 Amplified Bible]
The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor the ruler's staff from between his feet; ... [1985 New JPS Translation]
Judah will hold the royal scepter, and his descendants will always rule. ... [1976 Good News Bible]
And here is what Herbert Armstrong taught about it. Note that there is no mention of the "scepter" and "lawgiver" being two separate lines of descendants. It is David's descendants ("lawgiver" or ruler) sitting upon David's throne ("scepter").
"Sceptre: kingly office; royal power; badge of command or sovereignty" -- Standard Dictionary. [USBIP pg. 29p3]
Notice, now, how binding is God's covenant with David. "Thus saith the Eternal; If ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that there should not be day and night in their season; then may also my covenant be broken with David my servant, that he should not have a son to reign upon his throne ..." (verses 20-21). [USBIP pg. 56 bottom]
Continue, next verse: "Thus saith the Eternal; If my covenant be not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth; then will I cast away the seed of Jacob, and David my servant, so that I will not take any of his seed [dynasty] to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: for I will cause their captivity to return, and have mercy on them" (verses 25-26). [USBIP pg. 57p3]
Strong words, those! Unless you can stop this old earth from turning on its axis -- unless you can remove the sun and the moon and stars from heaven, says the Almighty, you cannot prevent Him from keeping His covenant to maintain continuously, through all generations, forever, from the time of David and Solomon, a descendant of David in one continuous dynasty on that throne! [USBIP pg. 57p4]
Remember again the sceptre promise, which includes this line of kings until it culminates in Christ at His second coming: "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver [margin, ruler's staff] from between his feet, UNTIL SHILOH [Christ] COME; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be" (Gen. 49:10). [USBIP pg. 58p2] -- "Sceptre" signifies the throne, and "between his feet" signifies the descendants who sit on it.
Is Jesus Christ A Lawgiver ?
Gerald Flurry says that He is. This conclusion follows from the erroneous assertion that Genesis 49:10 refers to two different people (the scepter and the lawgiver) as he has claimed above. This whole prophecy does culminate in Jesus Christ (Shiloh), which would imply that the "lawgiver" does too - making Christ a lawgiver. I cannot find where HWA ever taught this.
Connected with the scepter promise is the lawgiver. Who is this lawgiver? It is obviously Jesus Christ. [PT Jan. 1998, pg. 20 right col., click below]
Traditionally, we have believed this lawgiver to be Christ. In principle, that is true. Christ always gives the law. He is the source. [TP pg. 51p8] -- Who's tradition, and who is "we"? - I have never heard this. God the Father is the lawgiver or source of the law.
But the Church is ruled by Christ, that great lawgiver ... [TP pg. 52 bottom] -- Where does the Bible say that? This is heading back towards Protestantism with Christ being emphasized over the Father.
But here is what the Bible and Herbert Armstrong say about the lawgiver:
There is ONE lawgiver - God the Father. [Where Is The True Church?, 1984 booklet, pg. 20 bottom]
God the Father is head over Christ - the sole Lawgiver and supreme authority. [MA pg. 242 bottom]
God Almighty - the Father of Jesus Christ - is Supreme Lawgiver, and Head over Christ, and over all that is. [MA pg. 335p1]
For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us. [Isa. 33:22] -- The Father was unknown in Isaiah's time.
There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another? [Jas. 4:12]
click image to read article
"If you find me being dishonest with the Scriptures, you reject me as God’s apostle." [HWA 12/6/80, taped Bible study on II Cor. 2] -- Shouldn't this apply to Gerald Flurry as well?
How Many Prominent End-Time Leaders ?
Originally Gerald Flurry said there was only one prominent end-time leader in God’s Church, only one man in the spotlight:
Only one man of God is in the spotlight to prepare the Church for Christ’s second coming. [MM pg. 18p1]
MM 1990 pg. 8(2); pg. 10; pg. 12
MM 1999 pg. 12p5; pg. 14p6; pg. 17p5
But now with the "rise of That Prophet" (TP pg. 101p1) there are two:
There are only two prophesied leaders in this end time who do God’s work – ELIJAH AND THAT PROPHET. [TP pg. 7p2] -- Notice the difference in size of print Gerald Flurry uses: "ELIJAH AND THAT PROPHET."
Gerald Flurry says That Prophet is "prominently mentioned in the former prophets, all of the major and minor prophets, plus Lamentations, Daniel and Revelation" (TP page before contents). In fact, there seem to be considerably more references to him than to even HWA – so many more that it takes a 120 page book to point them all out!
Gerald Flurry’s Titles, Types, and Offices
Bold titles belong to God!
That (The) Prophet [Deut. 18:15,18; Jn. 6:14] (TP pg. 1-4)
A Voice (TP pg. 5-8)
A Man (TP pg. 8-11)
A Watchman (TP pg. 16-19)
A New Thing (TP pg. 28p5,6)
The Breaker (TP pg. 33p2)
Micah (TP pg. 33p3)
King [Rev. 15:3] (TP pg. 34p1)
Counselor [Isa. 9:6] (TP pg. 34p1)
Ezekiel (TP pg. 40p6; pg. 42p4)
Habakkuk (TP pg. 47p2; pg.48p3-5)
Lawgiver [James 4:12] (TP pg. 52p5; pg.53p4; pg. 55p2,3; pg.56p4; pg. 62p4)
The Knock [Rev. 3:20] (TP pg. 56p5; 57p1)
God’s Chief Ruler [I Chron. 5:2] (TP pg. 61p5)
Malachi (TP pg. 62p6)
Elisha (TP pg. 67p4; pg. 68p6; pg. 74p4; pg. 78p2)
Amos (TP pg. 78 top)
Eliakim (TP pg. 80p2; pg. 83p7)
Father [Isa. 9:6] (TP pg. 86p5; pg. 87top,p1)
The Elder (TP pg. 94p1,bottom)
The Voice (TP pg. 103p4)
Zechariah (TP pg. 105p1)
Joel (TP pg. 106p1,4)
Teacher of Righteousness [Jer. 23:5,6; Heb. 7:2] (TP pg. 109; pg. 110p3,4)
Obadiah (TP pg. 115p2)
Ambassador (TP pg. 115p2,3)
Messenger (TP pg. 115p3; pg. 116p3)
God's Anointed (RV Sep./Oct. 2002, Habakkuk article, pg. 13 'Victory' p2)
Mantle of Elijah (G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03)
Enoch - The Seventh from Adam (RV May/June 2004, Jude article, pg. 6 col. 2 p2)
Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God
Chancellor of Imperial College
Founder of the Philadelphia Foundation
Apostle !!! (member/co-worker letter 11-8-10)
In fact, “king” and “counselor” apply to the office I hold.
There is a spiritual Throne of David in God’s Church today.
None of God’s true servants magnified themselves as Gerald Flurry is doing.
John the Baptist didn’t magnify his office (Jn. 1:19-28).
Jesus Christ didn’t magnify His office (Heb. 5:5), and said, "For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." (Luke 14:11)
Yes, Paul said "I magnify mine office" (Rom. 11:13), but that was in defense of an office Christ had already put him in (Acts 9:1-15), not magnification in order to establish an office. Paul also said, "For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake." (2 Cor. 4:5)
HWA only reluctantly admitted he had fulfilled certain offices after many, many years of fruit. He never wrote a 120-page book trying to establish his office. Here are a number of quotes showing what Gerald Flurry thinks of himself:
Mr. Armstrong had an intimate relationship with God too -- in a way we do not have. Presently, I am intimate with God in a way no one else is directly; you are, however, indirectly. This has to do with the man to whom God is giving the revelation. God gives the revelation to a man and has the Church look to that man. Then God holds that man very accountable. Because it is through him and the revelation God gives him that we get to know God intimately. [RV Sept./Oct. 2000, pg. 6]
Following God’s Man is actually following God. [TP pg. 11p5]
The Church today will truly unify only by rallying around this throne through a man. ... There is a spiritual Throne of David in God’s Church today. [TP pg. 12 bottom, 13p1]
Why would God want to focus more on the office of “that prophet” now? [TP pg. 19p5]
So I also believe it is now time that God wants to magnify my office. [TP pg. 20p2]
God placed me into the office of a prophet. The fruits of new prophetic revelation and a work to declare the message prove who I am. [TP pg. 21 bottom]
In fact, “king” and “counselor” apply to the office I hold. [TP pg. 34p1]
Today, there is a watchman whom God Himself set, and to whom God gave words from His own mouth. [TP pg. 38 bottom]
This prophet ... He speaks for God. Here is a clear statement that God sends a “thus saith the Lord God” through one man – His watchman, or prophet. The man speaks for God! [TP pg. 43p2]
God’s most important office on this earth. [TP pg. 45 bottom]
We must elevate ourselves to where God exalts us. [TP pg. 46 bottom]
Mr. Armstrong and I each have been used to fill the role of lawgiver to God’s Church and the world. [TP pg. 52p5]
His man, His lawgiver – that prophet. ... He can give His lawgiver something you don’t have ... God has given me that same advantage He gave Mr. Armstrong. [TP pg. 55p2,3,6]
That prophet – one voice. I began to knock for Christ. He was speaking to them through me. [TP pg. 57 bottom]
That spiritual food, however, comes only through that prophet and Malachi’s Message. ... It is only through me that the Laodiceans can hear Christ’s voice today! [TP pg. 58p4]
I didn’t receive this message from man! I was taught it by revelation from Jesus Christ! [TP pg. 61p1]
Remember, when God places a man in charge, He gives that individual something extra spiritually – an added power to lead God’s people. That places him at an advantage, prompting the people to look to him. [TP pg. 62p4]
My office must be a type of the Elisha office. But God does not refer to me as Elisha. I believe that is because that prophet is typed by so many other prophetic offices. [TP pg. 68p6]
If we magnify God’s office, then we can do this work and save people! [TP pg. 69p4]
Like Paul, I will continue to magnify my office that I might save some. ... The ministers have to magnify this office ... God’s ministers must understand this concept deeply and lead God’s people to magnify my office – which is really God’s office. [TP pg. 70p1,2,3]
He would be an inspired prophet – that prophet, to be more specific. I am fulfilling that office today. [TP pg. 74p5]
You can hear God’s voice spoken through a man – that prophet. [TP pg. 76p6]
He’s called “that prophet” because he gives new prophecy from every prophetic book in the Bible! ... And I have been the conduit for revelation from all the major and minor prophets, Colossians, Lamentations, Daniel, Revelation, the former prophets and other books. All this prophetic revelation has come from God through THAT PROPHET. [TP pg. 78p2]
Eliakim is actually a type of my office. ... Eliakim is a father...
You need also to come into God’s true Church with Malachi’s Message and other new revelation God has given me. In that sense, I am a father. Given the importance that God places on the father in the God family vision, doesn’t it seem logical that He would give us a father-type today? ... The job makes that man a father to those people. [TP pg. 80p2, 86p3,5, 87p1]
“And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father’s house” (Isa. 22:23). ... God will make this Eliakim as a “nail in a sure place.” ... “And they shall hang upon him all the glory of his father’s house”... All the glory hangs on Eliakim ... That is quite a lot of glory! We have it all! ... It also says that all of this glory hangs on the office of one man. We must make sure God has established that man. If He has, there is a lot of glory there. [TP pg. 88p4,5,6, 89p3,5]
There is abundant rain coming from a teacher of righteousness – or that prophet. ... It says God has spoken to this man. That does put me in a different category. [TP pg. 110p4, 111p5]
A man must deliver this message, and cause the whole world to drink it. ... I must cause all the nations to drink this message. [TP pg. 113 bottom, 114 top]
Think on “the feet of him” – some man ... We need to see the beautiful feet of “him” – the one bringing revelation ... God actually wants us to focus on this “him”... Not only should we see the man ... but also notice his feet. ... Look at the beautiful feet of him. [TP pg. 117p4,6,7, 118p3]
So it is very important that we all fully support that prophet. But at the same time, deeply understand we are following God, not a man. [TP pg. 120p4]
The whole world ought to be looking to God’s man. [EZ pg. 7p1]
Who is this watchman -- this prophet? Haven't I given you revelation about Ezekiel and all the prophetic books? Almost every book and booklet I have written is filled with revealed prophecy. Has anyone else done that? Is revealed prophecy present in any of the Laodicean churches? Do they even have a smattering of the new revelation which God has rained down on His people through me? They have no new revelation. [EZ pg. 27p3]
That means you must have God’s government -- headed by a leader like Mr. Armstrong...[DUAL pg. 29 bottom]
After all we are right, God is with us, and everybody else is wrong and they're going to have to see that. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape2:side1]
The truth is, I was directly commissioned by God. ... Listen, listen to what God's prophet says, as he tells you His word, that has been revealed to him. [G.F. Sermon, That Prophet, 2/7/04, tape1:side2]
I don't care what you think or what you believe -- I'm eating from the tree of life. I'm going to rule with Jesus Christ, and it doesn't make one whit of difference to me what you believe, or what you think of me. [June 1995 Ministerial Conference -- From the Beginning; also on 1995 FT video]
If you get enough pride into your head, you will be deceived. [RV Nov./Dec. 1998, pg. 6 left col. p3]
Acts 8
9 But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria,
giving out that himself was some great one:
10 To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of
11 And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries.
Acts 12
21 And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them.
22 And the people gave a shout, saying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a
23 And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.
Here are a number of quotes showing the allegiance or loyalty that Gerald Furry appears to be seeking. Loyalty to God and His truth are positive qualities, but that does not seem to be the emphasis here. I think this is reason for concern.
You, as a member of God's Philadelphia Church, must develop deep respect and love for the PCG ministry. The PCG ministry is made up of faithful, dedicated men. There are not many of us. [EN pg. 21p2]
The prophecies show that the PCG is moving into more difficult times. The times are going to require that we all have a more refined sense for government and authority. We must not forget that we are in a war with Satan and wickedness in high places (Eph. 6:12). The time coming is going to require that orders be completed speedily. When an army is in the heat of battle -- under intense fire -- there is not a lot of time for negotiating and debate! Soldiers who want to debate and negotiate while in a fight become casualties. [EN pg. 38p4]
The Bible is clear on the fact that the PCG is going to be surrounded by enemies. We need to set our hearts now to not be afraid or flee from the fights ahead of us. Should such people as we flee? We are God's special treasure (Mal. 3:17). We have a great job to do for God. Whom should we fear? [EN pg. 67p2]
Following God’s Man is actually following God. [TP pg. 11p5]
God’s Ministers have the responsibility not only to support God’s prophet, but also help God’s people see that they also need to support him – passionately! [TP pg. 11 bottom]
The people urgently need to back that one man ... [TP pg. 18 bottom]
God’s people must understand this office so they can support it. [TP pg. 19p5]
And my job and your job is to passionately support this office of God. [TP pg. 22p3]
They rejoice in the honor of following the man whom God is using. [TP pg. 29p5]
Remember, when God places a man in charge, He gives that individual something extra spiritually – an added power to lead God’s people. That places him at an advantage, prompting the people to look to him. [TP pg. 62p4]
As we get into more trouble, they will really think we are crazy! But we simply are giving ourselves passionately to God ... [TP pg. 88p5]
There will be decisions made where we’ll have to know that God is using “the elder.”... I am “the elder” in this end time. How much will you rely on “the elder”? [TP pg. 94p9,10, 95p1]
What is wrong with people who don't really want to be close to God and His ministry? If you're not close to them, how can they help you remain loyal and loving toward God's government? [TP pg. 95p1]
You have to know God to recognize the messenger he sends, and to believe in him. Because it takes deep conviction to stand up and do battle! You must know this is the man God has sent. [TP pg. 116p3]
You won’t fight alongside someone who says he has a message from God if you don’t really know God and know He sent that man! [TP pg. 116p4]
So it is very important that we all fully support that prophet. But at the same time, deeply understand we are following God, not a man. [TP pg. 120p4]
This means that each minister and member must also develop a strong headquarters focus. Division begins once the focus is taken off headquarters. [EN pg. 33p1]
They don't have a headquarters mentality today! The people who will be at headquarters in God's kingdom are the people who have a strong headquarters focus now. [EZ pg. 113p3]
Ministers and members in far-flung areas must keep their headquarters focus. Losing that focus is their biggest danger. [EZ pg. 116p4]
Can we clearly see how having a headquarters mentality today leads right into being part of the headquarters temple in the world tomorrow? [EZ pg. 116p5]
They will stay with God even if it gets them killed. [EZ pg. 116p2]
Look at the work God is now raising up! God has given us 160 acres because He wants us to build! Christ is preparing us to build throughout the world tomorrow – and we will one day finish building the universe! We can raise up these ruins because we are empowered by the great God! This is a prophecy about us! We're raising up the tabernacle of David like it was in the days of old, the days of Herbert W. Armstrong. We keep on raising up those ruins even if we have to fight in court to do so! If we have to go so far as to face death, I hope and pray that we remain loyal to this cause. [EZ pg. 117p3]
You can be absolutely sure that there still are sons-of-Zadok ministers to lead you to God ... Follow those men ... [EZ pg. 118p1]
God wants us to deeply understand how highly He values our unswerving loyalty! [EZ pg. 129p3]
God uses one-man leadership. He reveals to only one man. Then "they" who follow this man keep the truth that God reveals. [RBR pg. 7p1]
Our lives must revolve around that great cause – to the extent that we would die for it if necessary. ... We must conquer our fears. We win in the end – regardless of what happens to us today! ... A martyr is one who dies for a cause. ... It is conceivable that you could also become a martyr. [RBR pg. 8p2,5,7,8]
So when you decide to be a “witness” for Jesus Christ, you need to know what that means. ... These servants of God were loyal unto death. [RBR pg. 9p4,5]
It says those who held this testimony, "after [Christ's] example have proved the strength and genuineness of their faith in Christ by undergoing a violent death." [RBR pg. 9p6]
You're not going to be the same person after we get through this. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape1:side2]
We really have to love this world and be willing to sacrifice our lives for it. Just give our lives to it. That's why we're here. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape2:side1]
The court case is gonna make us a changed people and we're going to know, because of this miracle and all of these wonderful, amazing outcomes God has given us, that He will give us anything, if we fight - anything! [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape2:side1]
At this point they {the faithful Philadelphian remnant} are the only ones willing to shed their blood for the covenant. They wait on God, no matter what the cost. [RV Mar./Apr. 2004, pg. 5 right col. p4]
They were revolutionaries, and the world wanted to kill them. That's what happened to God's people and God's college at that time. [G.F. sermon, Spiritual Revolution, 4/17/04, side1]
Be abnormal in your dedication to this college, and this church. [G.F. sermon, Spiritual Revolution, 4/17/04, side2]
In these days prophets came from Jerusalem to Antioch. These prophets ranked second to the apostles in the framework of God's Church. (Eph. 4:11.) Their mission seems to have been to receive messages or prophecies direct from God, and to convey these messages from God to the apostles or evangelists or elders. God's Word had not yet been completely committed to writing. The New Testament was still in process of being written. There is no evidence of the existence of any prophets in the Church since the New Testament was written. … Every example in the New Testament, however, shows that Christ carried on affairs in His Church according to HIS GOVERNMENT, and in definite order. There is no doubt, therefore, that THESE PROPHETS WERE SENT from Jerusalem BY AUTHORITY OF THE APOSTLES. [Good News, January 1960, Vol. IX, Number 1, pg. 5, Must God's Ministers Be Ordained BY THE HAND OF MAN?, by Herbert W. Armstrong]
Emphatically I am NOT a prophet, in the sense of one to whom God speaks specially and directly, revealing personally a future event to happen or new truth, or new and special instruction direct from God -- separate from, and apart from what is contained in the Bible. And I never have claimed to be. THERE IS NO SUCH HUMAN PROPHET LIVING TODAY! … The Bible is the written Word of God -- and, for our time now, it is COMPLETE! Never have I believed or claimed that God reveals to me new truths not contained in the Bible -- in addition to, or apart from the Bible. … Let's take a look at the Church of God of the first century, as we find it revealed in the Book of Acts, beginning from the day of Pentecost, 31 A.D. The Bible was not fully written -- only the Old Testament -- in 31 A.D. God then was still communicating new truth, instruction and knowledge directly and personally to prophets. As the Church progressed, it was the function of a prophet to communicate to the apostles special messages which God had personally revealed to them. Others were inspired in the writing of the books of the New Testament. … So we read, in Acts 11:28 and 21:10-11, of the prophet Agabus. But today we have the COMPLETE Word of God, for our time, in the Bible. There are no such prophets -- except false ones. [Tomorrow's World, February, 1972, pg. 1, Personal from the Editor (Herbert W. Armstrong)]
Gerald Flurry himself quotes the above (TP pg. 20), and in reference to it says, "I agree completely with this quote." [TP pg. 21p1]
That is, except in the case of chosen prophets for the writing of the Bible, ... [MA pg. 122p1]
The prophets set in the foundation of the Church are those of the Old Testament, whose writings were used to form a considerable part of New Testament and gospel teaching and functioning. No prophets are mentioned as having either administrative, executive or preaching functions in the New Testament Church. [MA pg. 244 bottom] -- The last sentence here (top of pg. 245) was removed from the 2003 PCG version of Mystery of the Ages. Click here to view photocopies.
There was no such doctrinal committee in the first century Headquarters Church at Jerusalem. All teaching came from Christ through the apostles -- and a few times Christ communicated to apostles via the prophets (of which there are none in God's Church today since the Bible for our time is complete). God's Church today, as in the first century, receives its teachings from the living Christ, through an apostle, just as in A.D. 31. [MA pg. 350p3]
What God Says About False Prophets
Deuteronomy Ch. 13:1-5
1 If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder,
2 And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;
3 Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
4 Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave unto him.
5 And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, shall be put to death; because he hath spoken to turn you away from the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust thee out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put the evil away from the midst of thee.
Deuteronomy Ch. 18:20-22
20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.
21 And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?
22 When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him
Jeremiah 14 & 23
Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart. [Jer. 14:14]
Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD. [Jer. 23:16]
I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart; [Jer. 23:25,26]
Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD. [Jer. 23:32]
Ezekiel 13:3
Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!
Matthew 7
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Matthew 24
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
Mark 13
5 And Jesus answering them began to say, Take heed lest any man deceive you:
6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
21 And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:
22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
Luke 21
8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course, Test 10, an open letter from THE STAFF ... This is a long letter detailing how Satan deceives -- using false ministers, false prophets, and false apostles, who twist Bible scripture and even perform lying wonders. And it shows the one main doctrine you can use to identify them. Here are some quotes, or you can click here to read the whole article:
When His disciples asked Him concerning future events and what would happen between their time and the coming of the end of the world, Jesus' first and continued warning was about individuals who would come claiming to be His representatives, using His NAME, but deceiving the world because they were actually the servants of Satan the Devil! "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed THAT NO MAN DECEIVE YOU. For MANY SHALL COME IN MY NAME (using the name of Christ, calling themselves Christian), SAYING I am Christ; and SHALL DECEIVE MANY" (Matt. 24:4-5). He repeated His warning concerning false prophets saying, "And MANY false prophets shall rise, and shall DECEIVE MANY" (Matt. 24:11).
Satan has appropriated the TITLES of the servants of God and called his chief leader an apostle, when actually God labels this individual as a FALSE apostle and prophet.
God's plain warning to you is not to be gullible. Don't ASSUME somebody is right because he has a pious face -- because he has a soft and smooth voice, or because he dresses differently from you! Don't assume somebody is God's messenger even if he brings fire down from heaven! Don't assume somebody is God's messenger -- and Satan the Devil's tool -- because he says, "The Bible says." Satan the Devil and all his henchmen have been quoting the Bible since time immemorial. They are still quoting it out of context and adding on Satan's favorite expression that God does not really mean what He says -- and then adding THEIR OWN interpretation, ...
Do as the Bereans did in Paul's day when he was explaining to them the truths of the Gospel of God (Acts 17:11). Receive this understanding with all readiness of mind, but CHECK EVERY LAST SCRIPTURE and find out if it's according to God's Word -- and do the same thing with any OTHER religious instruction you receive. If you have been deceived, don't continue to be deceived.
William Dankenbring Ronald Weinland David C. Pack Gerald R. Flurry
Gerald Flurry has now joined the club of WCG splinter group self-appointed apostles. And just as was the case when he became "That Prophet," someone else had to get him started looking into the matter. Although it is clear that he has long believed he was an apostle (way back in 2003 he ordained four Evangelists, Steven Flurry, Wayne Turgeon, Marvin Campbell, and Alex Harrison, which he says can only be done by an apostle), only now, with the completion of Armstrong Auditorium, which he calls "The House of God," has he felt there were enough fruits to justify the claim. You can read all the details of his latest elevation in rank in this ten-page 11-8-10 member co-worker letter. Perhaps he will need to write another 120-page booklet explaining his new title -- perhaps called, as someone suggested, "Who is That Apostle?"
For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. (2 Cor. 11:13)
I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: (Rev. 2:2)
Here is what son, Stephen, had to say about Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. crowning himself an apostle after Herbert Armstrong refused to do so:
The word apostle means “one sent forth.” Once Mr. Armstrong realized that God was indeed sending him forth into all nations with the true gospel message, then his thinking about the apostleship began to change. The “fruits,” as he often would say later in life, proved which office he fulfilled.
Mr. Tkach didn’t care so much about fruits. He just wanted the office. Like Simon Magus, who lusted for the power and authority of the first-century apostles,27 Mr. Tkach had a burning desire to be one too—even before Mr. Armstrong died. “He asked for it and Mr. Armstrong refused,” Dean says. “In fact, he asked several times.” 28 Mr. Armstrong then took the extraordinary step of clearly stating in the final resolutions and directives he left the church that Joseph W. Tkach would succeed him in all his offices and titles, except the spiritual rank of apostle.29
As it happens, that’s the one title Mr. Tkach wanted most. So right after Mr. Armstrong died, he made himself an apostle.
[Raising the Ruins, chapter 3 The Self-Appointed Apostle, pg. 41, 42]
with the
Today, people often ask, "Where does Mr. Flurry get his authority? Where does Mr. Flurry and the PCG get the authority to rebuild a temple?" Zerubbabel's experience typifies the PCG today. In a similar vein, we get our authority from some original signed documents. Ours are not civil, legal documents. The documents authorizing the PCG and our work are the writings of Herbert W. Armstrong. The PCG is the only Church that holds onto all of what Christ established in the Church through Mr. Armstrong. No other Church associating themselves with the name of Herbert Armstrong can truthfully make that claim! [EN pg. 29 bottom] -- There are no "original signed documents" or "writings of Herbert W. Armstrong" authorizing G.F. and the PCG to do anything. Neither does the PCG hold onto "all of what Christ established in the Church through Mr. Armstrong." Just read the rest of this web site to see the many departures from, and contradictions to, "what Christ established in the Church through Mr. Armstrong." The last statement above also is not true. There are in fact a number of other groups holding onto at least as much of what HWA taught as the PCG, and without the spurious additions.
Gerald Flurry also believes that God transferred authority from Joseph Tkach, Jr. to himself on the night he and John Amos were fired from the WCG. But what authority did Joseph Tkach, Jr. have to be transferred? If what Gerald Flurry says below it true, then the answer is frightening! First read what Gerald Flurry says about Joseph Tkach, Jr. (Shebna), and then what he says about how the transfer of authority occurred:
Shebna Tossed
"Thus saith the Lord God of hosts, Go, get thee unto this treasurer, even unto Shebna, which is over the house, and say" (Isa. 22:15). Here is a man over God's house who is also a treasurer. ...
God is telling someone to "get thee unto this treasurer:' God has a great controversy with this treasurer. He is elsewhere called the "son of perdition" (II Thes. 2:3-4).
This passage never talks about Satan. But we know that Judas, the first-century son of perdition and the only other one mentioned in the New Testament (John 17:12), was possessed by the devil (John 13:26-27). ...
This end-time Shebna or son of perdition is likened to a treasurer because he led God's Church to be "rich and increased with goods." He put money and things ahead of God. He is the ultimate treasurer, motivated by evil.
Judas and Shebna were treasurers who misused God's money; This end-time son of perdition followed in the same path. ...
God reinforces this point with Shebna, who apparently is so mentally and spiritually off track he doesn't even consider himself a man! That is precisely what II Thessalonians 2:4 states. He acts as if he were God! Is he possessed? The scriptures certainly indicate that he is. ... [TP pg. 81p2-6; pg. 82p2] -- Gerald Flurry has also referred to Joseph Tkach, Jr. as "the antichrist" and "the man of sin" (RV Sept./Oct. 2002 pg. 8, 13).
The Transfer of Authority
When John Amos and I were summoned to Pasadena headquarters over Malachi's Message, the one who dealt with us was Joe Tkach, Jr.. Though his father was in town, he never showed up.
At the time, I didn't know just what God would do, but I knew that He was behind me. I had thought that God might use this meeting to help straighten out the Church. But after I saw the direction everything was going, I realized that was not going to happen. That was terribly discouraging to me.
On December 7, 1989, Joseph Tkach, Jr. was already in charge of the WCG in spirit. Two ministers were being fired, and would later be disfellowshipped, and the top leader of the Church (Joseph Tkach, Sr.) didn't even show up! I believe that indicates he had already lost control. We were dealing with Shebna.
I have already fulfilled Isaiah 22:15-16 in part-delivering a warning to this end-time Shebna. As we left, I told Mr. Tkach, Jr., "This is only the first sip of a very bitter cup you're going to have to drink." I may as well have told him he was carving himself an eternal tomb! But the warning didn't stop there. Mr. Tkach, Jr. was one of the first to receive a copy of Malachi's Message, in which there is a chapter about a man of sin inside God's own Church acting like he is God! (II Thes. 2:3-4).
There was something I didn't understand then, but do now. According to these verses, I was given Shebna's authority-his priestly vestments. When did that happen? It must have happened that very night when I was fired-December 7, 1989. Joe Tkach, Jr. was given a final chance to repent. He did not, and God stripped him of his authority. From that time to the present, God has been using me to resurrect and do His work! The fruits prove that statement absolutely.
Conversely, look at the free-fall the WCG has experienced since that night! I don't believe that Church will even exist in ten years! And that is just logically following the trajectory they have been on from that momentous night.
When God started the PCG, He transferred Shebna's priestly vestments and His government over to Eliakim. [TP pg. 84p1-7] -- Since Joseph Tkach, Sr. was still living and in office at this time, his son Joseph Tkach, Jr. did not have any legitimate authority or priestly vestments to be transferred over to Gerald Flurry. According to Gerald Flurry's own statements above, the only office he had was that of Shebna, the demon-possessed, "son of perdition", whom he has also called "the antichrist" and "the man of sin" (RV Sept./Oct. 2002 pg. 8, 13)! If what Gerald Flurry says above about a transfer is true, I shudder to think about what was transferred.
No Elisha Work To Follow Elijah
Just as Elisha followed Elijah, Gerald Flurry says he is following HWA (Elijah) and doing an Elisha-type work today:
Elisha followed Elijah anciently. So it should be no surprise that there is an Elisha type who follows the end-time Elijah.
The Elisha work has some great examples for us, because Elisha was always grounded in Elijah's instructions, and he carried on the Elijah work. Where on earth is there someone who points you back to the end-time Elijah and continues the end-time Elijah work? [TP pg. 67p4,5]
My office must be a type of the Elisha office. [TP pg. 68p6]
That is also a prophecy that the same evil will surface in this end-time -- in the Elisha work. ... Elisha continued God's educational work, which indicates that our work will do the same, at least in a limited way. [TP pg. 70p4,8]
Elisha promised never to leave Elijah. That is what the Elisha work is like today. ... He was being prepared to carry on the Elijah work. ... I was chosen to lead God's Elisha remnant. ... This is the attitude we must have in continuing Elijah's work! [TP pg. 71p2,3,4,5]
This strikes at the heart of how we continue the Elijah work today. ... God has to have a man fulfill the Elisha role today. [TP pg. 74p3,4]
We continue the Elijah work. [TP pg. 78 bottom]
Because the mantle of Elijah is here, and we have to complete the commission God gave the end-time Elijah. [RV Jul./Aug. 2003, pg. 10 right col. p4]
Here we are in the Elisha work, brethren, really. [G.F. sermon, That Prophet, 2/7/04, tape2:side1]
Herbert Armstrong, however, said there would NOT be an Elisha succeeding him to finish the work God gave him to do. Below are two HWA quotes followed by the WWN page on which they were printed. Click the image underneath to read the quotes in context.
And brethren, I have to say to you, no one is going to succeed me. God has called me to a job, to a commission. Mr. Rader has said time and again publicly that he doesn't expect anyone to succeed me, that God has never let anyone die until what God has called him to do is completed. I think that when God lets me die, the thing He's called me for will have been completed, preparing the way for the Second Coming of Christ carrying that Gospel of the Kingdom to the world for a witness to all nations. [WWN March 6, 1981, pg. 12 (L.M.)]
But I think God has called me for a job to do. If I have been someone in the power and the spirit of Elijah, remember there is no prophecy that God will have an Elisha following Elijah. There is no one in the Church that has the qualifications, the experience that could carry on the work that God has given me to do. ... But the job God has called me to do is a prophesied job. [WWN March 6, 1981, pg. 12 (L.M.)]
My life has been threatened -- but by faith in God it shall be spared until my work is complete. [HWA letter to brethren & co-workers, March 19, 1981]
"Regardless of the outcome of my present illness, the work will continue right on to the second coming of Jesus Christ." And you know which work he's talking about, don't you? Yes, I know you do, brethren. You know. And he said it must continue right on to Jesus Christ. That's what God's apostle said to us. [G.F. sermon, FT 9/27/02, tape2:side1] -- Yes, God's work will continue right on to the second coming, but it cannot be Gerald Flurry's work because his being Elisha and completing the Elijah commission completely contradicts what HWA stated above.
PCG Commission Contradicts HWA
Gerald Flurry's original, supposedly "inspired," commission was to "warn the Laodiceans about their sins." [MM pg. 138p1,3,5; pg. 151p2]
But sometime between 1992 and 1995 he changed his commission to "Prophesy Again" to the world. [LB pg. 3p4; pg. 9-10; pg. 11p4; pg. 12p1,4; TP pg. 39p3,4; pg. 96p2; EZ pg. 21p1]
Problems with the "Prophesy Again" commission:
Here is Herbert W. Armstrong's Nov. 19, 1976 letter in which he says it was "direct from God" that he had fulfilled the "Prophesy Again" commission of Revelation 10. You only need to read the first paragraph and the last two pages to see that that was the whole purpose of the entire letter. Click on the images below left to right, top to bottom.
Gerald Flurry attributed the "prophesy again" commission to HWA in MM 1990 (pg. 12). Click the images below to see the date and the quote (right bottom).
And he still attributed it to HWA in MM 1991 (pg. 19). Click the images below to see the date and the quote (right top).
Gerald Flurry was quoting above from a Jan. 1984 Good News article by Mr. Armstrong entitled "What Lies Ahead Now?" Click the images below to read.
But in 1992 Gerald Flurry said, "Mr. Herbert Armstrong had to PROPHESY AGAIN -- but only in type." [PT Sept./Oct. 1992 The Little Book article, pg. 7] -- Click the image below to read quote (middle of right column).
The above reference attributing the "prophesy again" commission to HWA was removed by MM 1995 (compare MM 1995 pg. 18 below, with the above two references in MM 1990 and MM 1991). Click the images below to see the date and the page with the removed paragraph (right).
Gerald Flurry continues to quote from HWA’s 1976 letter (e.g. EZ pg. 9p5-pg. 11), but ignores the main purpose of the whole letter – HWA saying that he fulfilled the "prophesy again" commission of Rev. 10.
He also quotes again from the 1984 Good News article (where HWA says he "prophesied again"), but does not give the reference. [DUAL pg. 84p3] -- Why doesn't he give the reference? Because he doesn't want you to read the letter so he can apply the "prophesy again" commission to himself, which he does on the next page. [DUAL pg. 85p4]
Other HWA quotes:
For four or five years, now, God has been OPENING NEW DOORS -- to meetings with kings, emperors, presidents, prime ministers, and many high officials under them -- giving me ASTONISHING and providential FAVOR, even to the point of AFFECTION, in their eyes. He has caused this to lead to groups of 57 to 100 -- high in those governments -- to listen, with respect, to me, proclaiming to them Christ's GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM. He then caused it to lead to massive PUBLIC MEETINGS, endorsed by the governments or high government officials, starting with Manila, Saigon, and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Officials in Manila expected an audience of more than 50,000 to hear that Message Sunday night March 3rd -- and I mean 50,000, including top-ranking people -- the cream of the Philippine responsible citizenry. [HWA letter to brethren, March 18, 1974]
The following HWA letters also state that he was fulfilling the "prophesy again" commission: Aug. 19, 1976; Jan. 28, 1979 (in Autobiography, vol. II); Jan. 3, 1980; Jan. 20, 1981.
Ambassador For World Peace, 1985 Behind The Work video – Nobody, but nobody, "prophesied again" like this!!! I hope to make this available on DVD.
HWA said it was "direct from God", so either HWA’s revelation from God was wrong, Gerald Flurry’s revelation is wrong, or Gerald Flurry is "prophesying again" – AGAIN!
Comment: Why didn’t Gerald Flurry address Herbert Armstrong’s 1976 letter when he appropriated this commission for himself?
At first Gerald Flurry said "prophesy again" applied to warning the Laodiceans with Malachi's Message after HWA’s death (LB pg. 9p1,3; TP pg. 96p1; pg. 97p1), but now he says it applies to warning the world with Mystery of the Ages after seven years of warning the Laodiceans (EZ pg. 14p2; pg. 15p3; pg. 17p1). Which is it? Or does he "prophesy again" twice after HWA "prophesied again" the first time?
And he has yet even a third application of "prophesy again"—making Mystery of the Ages available again after buying the copyright from the WCG. Here are quotes from his FT 2002 satellite transmission:
The very fact that is says "prophesy again" implies that it was stopped. We prophesied with Mystery of the Ages or we proclaimed it - then it was stopped. And then God says "prophesy again." So, we're going to "prophesy again." [G.F. sermon, FT 9/27/02, tape1:side1]
We are going to "prophesy again," but first we're going to have to get the message to prophesy. It is that important, brethren. This court case is that important. [G.F. sermon, FT 9/27/02, tape2:side1]
Gerald Flurry believes he is fulfilling the Ezekiel Watchman commission today, contrary to what HWA taught. Here are some quotes from Gerald Flurry (statements below first appeared in the earlier 1992 booklet, "The Ezekiel Watchman," on pages 1-3):
Herbert W. Armstrong taught the prophecies of Ezekiel in a general way for many years. But now, for the first time, they are fully revealed to you through this exciting book. [EZ page before table of contents]
Herbert Armstrong fulfilled the watchman role in a general way, but there is a more specific fulfillment today for the PCG. [EZ pg. 19p1]
Mr. Armstrong fulfilled the watchman work in a general way. The PCG fulfills it specifically [EZ pg. 21p2]
Mr. Armstrong saw prophecies about the sword and the direction world events were moving. But did he actually see the sword coming? The answer is no; only we can fully see that happening today. [EZ pg. 21 bottom] -- "Fellow Co-workers, I SEE THE SWORD COMING! ... Our people MUST BE WARNED! God has commissioned US to shout that warning as certainly as He commissioned the prophets of old!" [HWA, Bulletin Vol. II no. 3, 12/24/41 (L.M.)]
God did not reveal to him many of the specifics of Ezekiel's book. For example, Mr. Armstrong didn't understand about the Laodicean Church era in these prophecies. [EZ pg. 22p1]
But here is what HWA said about the Ezekiel Watchman commission:
Since the original writer, Ezekiel, was not able to go to the people of the house of Israel, God showed me years ago that it remained for God to raise up "modern Ezekiel" to carry this prophetic message to the modern Israel today -- and that means, primarily, the English-speaking people. I have proclaimed the Ezekiel messages to our peoples by radio, television and by personal appearance and in print for more than 40 years. NO ONE ELSE HAS! [Good News, Oct./Nov. 1979, Now God Speaks To You Ministers, section 'A modern Ezekiel raised up']
I saw clearly, back in those early days -- and especially during World Wars I and II, that Ezekiel's prophecy was a message to be taken by some MODERN TWENTIETH CENTURY servant of God -- a "modern Ezekiel" to America, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. I dwelt in hundreds of broadcasts on this book of Ezekiel and its WARNING of things IMMINENTLY NOW to HAPPEN TO Britain, the United States and Western Europe. [HWA Co-worker letter, Nov. 19, 1976]
Gerald Flurry claims that he and the PCG are raising up the ruins of the tabernacle of David:
“In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old” (Amos 9:11). This verse is about the sons of Zadok being loyal to David’s throne. This happens before the tribulation. The tabernacle of David is a temporary structure, and it has fallen it this end time. Ninety-five percent of God’s people have been toppled by the devil in their spiritual lives.
But there are some pillars still standing, surviving in the midst of spiritual ruins all around. These pillars, these sons of Zadok, are the only people on Earth who can raise up these ruins.
Look at the work God is now raising up! God has given us 160 acres because He wants us to build! Christ is preparing us to build throughout the world tomorrow – and we will one day finish building the universe! We can raise up these ruins because we are empowered by the great God. This is a prophecy about us! We’re raising up the tabernacle of David like it was in the days of old, the days of Herbert W. Armstrong. We keep on raising up those ruins even if we have to fight in court to do so! If we have to go so far as to face death, I hope and pray that we remain loyal to this cause!
What a beautiful prophecy this is. The sons of Zadok simply won’t let go of the tabernacle of David, which is attached to a monumental vision of God. These are our fruits. [EZ pg. 117p1-4]
See also the section on Raising the Ruins.
But Herbert Armstrong taught that only Jesus Christ could raise it up:
"After this" -- after this dispensation of taking out of the Gentiles a people for His name -- "I will return," promises the Eternal. What for? "And will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I [Christ, not men] will set it up." [PHGHDW pg. 34p4 (L.M.)] -- [Christ, not men] are HWA's words, not mine.
Now, in this dispensation, Israel has not believed, and the tabernacle of David is fallen down (Rom. 11:31-32), that, through the mercy of the Gentiles and the small "elect" in Israel, picked out in this age, acting as kings and priests with Christ, they, also, then, may obtain mercy! [PHGHDW pg. 35p1]
As soon as the work of gathering in the firstfruits (pictured by Pentecost) is completed at the end of this present age, then Christ will begin to set up again the tabernacle of David (Acts 15:16) -- to set His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people (Isa. 11:11) [PHGHDW pg. 39p4]
The scripture is plain, if you read the context, that Christ raises up the tabernacle of David AFTER He returns, not before. Gerald Flurry reasons that since “tabernacle” is a temporary structure, it must be raised up before the tribulation. But notice Isaiah 16:5, where “tabernacle of David” is used to describe Christ’s millennial reign:
And in mercy shall the throne be established: and he shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David, judging, and seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness. [Isa. 16:5]
In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old: [Amos 9:11]
After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up: [Acts 15:16]
Although Gerald Flurry claims he has been “the conduit for revelation ... from God” (TP pg. 78p2), the facts, a little research, and a few easily made observations seem to indicate otherwise:
The earlier section on The Letter To Laodicea proves without question that Malachi’s Message has as its main themes the observations of another man (Jules Dervaes), and therefore cannot be a revelation from God as claimed. It has also been verified that the primary writing and editing of MM was done by parties other than Gerald Flurry (1990 MM by Mr. & Mrs. Don Marshall and Tim Thompson, 1992 MM by Stephen Flurry & others).
Gerald Flurry says, “John’s epistles are prophecy for this last hour. That prophecy was revealed to and delivered by that prophet.” [TP pg. 95] But in fact Gerald Flurry’s series on “The Epistles of John” (RV Nov./Dec. 2001, Jan./Feb. 2002, Mar./Apr. 2002, May/June 2002) is based on a four part series entitled “Satan Attacks God’s Truth – A Study of John’s Epistles” written by Colin Sutcliffe over ten years earlier in the Philadelphia Trumpet (PT Sept./Oct. 1992, Nov. 1992, Feb. 1993, Mar. 1993). Read it for yourself and see where Gerald Flurry probably got his “revelation.”
Gerald Flurry’s 1996 “new revelation” on “The Daily Sacrifice” also appears to be the work of another man. Mr. Fred Elliott, one of the first 100 members of the PCG, told me that it was his research into that subject that Gerald Flurry approved, and then used himself as “new revelation.” Mr. Elliott said he had also given him his research on "Measuring the Temple" and "Two Men in the Field," also used by Gerald Flurry as "new revelation." You may contact me and I will put you in touch with Mr. Elliott who can give you the story first hand.
Gerald Flurry has preached how God preserved the name "Philadelphia Church of God" just for use by the PCG today. This idea also came from someone else, Colin Sutcliffe, and is in fact not true. The name "Philadelphia Church of God" was in use by a local Edmond church, from which Gerald Flurry had to obtain permission to use. There is a legal document in the Edmond Court House (?) granting this permission, and the story can be verified by contacting Mr. Fred Elliott or Mr. Don Marshall (he may even have a copy of the document). Please write me for contact information. There is also a Philadelphia Church of God located in Safford, Arizona; and another one in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Further study would undoubtedly provide more evidence of Gerald Flurry’s practice of turning the research of others into “revelation from God.”
"If you do not have any revelation, it follows that you do not have a true prophet." [TP pg. 60p2]
"If you don't have revelation, God is not with you." [G.F., RV Sept./Oct. 1998, pg. 4p1]
Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! [Ezekiel 13:3]
Comment: Not an insignificant number of Gerald Flurry’s "new revelations" seem to contain corrections or changes to previous "revelations" (e.g. Prophesy Again, Eliakim, The Little Book was Mystery Of The Ages, etc.).
Comment: In addition to using other people’s research as the basis for “new revelation,” Gerald Flurry also clearly uses other people to do his actual writing. This can be seen by comparing his “personals” in the Philadelphia Trumpet with other articles that bear his name. A very clear example can be found in the May/June 2002 RV. Compare his “personal” about the “prayer rock” (his true writing style) with the article by him on pg. 2 – there is no similarity in writing style or proficiency whatsoever! Then compare this same article on pg. 2 by Gerald Flurry, to the article on pg. 13 by Stephen Flurry – the styles and technical writing proficiencies are very similar! I believe Stephen Flurry to be his father’s primary ghost writer today. In any case, it is my opinion that almost all of Gerald Flurry’s articles and booklets are written with a talent that he simply does not possess. While this is of itself not a terribly important issue, it is just one more area where Gerald Flurry is not what he appears.
Gerald Flurry Interprets The Bible
The word came to Joel, as the interpretation comes to me today. [Gerald Flurry, TP pg. 106p1]
The Laodiceans
Almost all of Gerald Flurry's writings are filled with his private interpretations regarding the story of the Laodicean era of God's Church. Below is a quote summarizing his interpretation, and you can read the section on The Laodiceans for more details.
Isn't the Laodicean story really about the Laodicean messenger rejecting the Philadelphian messenger? The LAST specific warning to the Philadelphia Church era was to let "NO MAN TAKE THY CROWN" (Rev. 3:11). Why would that be God's LAST SPECIFIC WARNING to the Philadelphians unless it is about a SPECIFIC MAN who would be the "messenger" of the next era? Is the Laodicean messenger THE MAN who tries to take your crown? [MM pg. 35p5] -- Or maybe the man is Gerald Flurry.
Ezekiel's Temple Sacrifices
Regarding the millennial temple sacrifices described in Ezekiel chapters 40-48, Gerald Flurry writes the following:
God took the sacrificial system away. He didn't remove it so it could be reinstated in the Millennium. That would bring confusion. ... When Christ was sacrificed, the physical sacrifices became obsolete. The sacrificial system was replaced by Christ's sacrifice. ... Because of what is stated in Ezekiel 40 through 48, I thought for years that physical sacrifices would be offered in the millennium. That is simply not true. Those sacrifices were to deal with carnal people only. ... It doesn't make sense to go back to physical sacrifices that can never take away sins. ...When Christ stopped the physical sacrifices, it was forever. [EZ pg. 136p2,3,4, pg. 137 top, pg. 138p2] -- This is a very old and perplexing question which cannot just be spiritualized away as Gerald Flurry is doing here. There is incredible physical detail in this prophecy which he doesn't even begin to explain the symbolism for, and there are certain aspects which absolutely ARE physical which he simply ignores -- for example the fact that there will be BOTH physical and spiritual circumcision practiced in the millennium (Ezek. 44:7,9). Of course we know that Christ was the fulfillment of the animal sacrifices (Heb. 10), but Gerald Flurry offers no convincing scriptural evidence that there will not be occasion to go through the physical rituals once again -- he just says "It doesn't make sense."
I have never read or heard where any man taught that the sacrifices in Ezekiel 40-48 were spiritual. But God has revealed this truth to us now to expand the great vision of our future jobs. ... He is the royal author who has revealed this new truth about Ezekiel's temple -- the very subject you are reading about right now! This revelation and all the other revealed truths of the PCG prove that this great God is with us! Such revelation is found only in God's spiritual temple, the Philadelphia Church today. [EZ pg. 137p3, pg. 141p1] -- Gerald Flurry is always stretching and straining to come up with "new revelation." He is probably right that this has never been taught by "any man," including Herbert Armstrong, because it simply doesn't fit.
"Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin" (Heb. 10:18). There is "no more offering for sin" -- either physical or spiritual sacrifices! "No more" means no more. ... We will not go back to the old way. [EZ pg. 137p2] -- Gerald Flurry tries to use Heb. 10:18 to show that there will not be animal sacrifices in the millennium. However, Heb. 10:18 is not talking about animal sacrifices at all, but rather the fact that Christ will not have to be sacrificed again. See Heb. 10:26.
Christ's Marriage Consummated on Pentecost
Although I never heard Gerald Flurry claim this as "new revelation," he has begun talking about Pentecost picturing Christ's marriage, and the marriage being "consummated" on Pentecost:
The Feast of Pentecost pictures the firstfruits' future marriage to Christ. [PH pg. 2 top]
In his 1999 Pentecost sermon he said Christ's marriage would be "consummated on this day."
Mr. Armstrong said that on Pentecost of 1985, the day picturing the marriage of Christ's bride to her Husband. [RBR pg. 44p4]
That day of Pentecost pictures Christ marrying His wife -- who is to help Him rule the world. [EZ pg. 72p3]
I am not aware of Herbert Armstrong ever teaching that, but here is what he (HWA) did say Pentecost pictures:
Pentecost pictures the first part of the spiritual harvest -- the calling out of the Church -- [PHGHDW pg. 31p5]
This dispensation, and the picking out of these people to bear His name, began on the day of Pentecost. This feast annually pictures this great event -- this great "mystery" dispensation -- in God's redemptive plan! [PHGHDW pg. 35p3]
The idea of the marriage supper occurring on Pentecost is an old speculation which was not taught by Herbert Armstrong because it cannot be scripturally proven. Mr. Bob Ardis also teaches this speculation with much supporting scripture and logic -- but NOT PROOF!
Zechariah's Flying Scroll and the Two Women Prophecy
This is one of Gerald Flurry's better attempts at using scripture to support his private interpretation. He does do a decent job of putting some scriptures together, but still requires an unscriptural leap to arrive at his conclusion that he is Zechariah and the flying scroll is Malachi's Message (Zech. 5:1-4). And concerning the two women prophecy (Zech. 5:5-11), how one woman "becomes two women" is not what the Scripture says – just read it. Two women put the wicked woman in a basket and carry it away. This "revelation" appeared in the July/Aug 2000 Royal Vision. Click the images below to read the article.
The Book of Habakkuk
This is perhaps Gerald Flurry's most bizarre interpretation of scripture to date. He basically says the entire book of Habakkuk is about Jesus Christ returning prematurely to help him win his court battle with the Worldwide Church of God over Mystery of the Ages. He even appears to recognize how way out this is, because he says, "If you don't read this message and apply these words in faith, I guarantee that you won't understand." (pg. 2) And he warns, " If you don't look at these verses with faith, you'll think this is nonsense." (pg. 8) You can read his interpretation in the section on Habakkuk Reveals the Outcome of Our Court Case.
An internet search on the words "Habakkuk" and "court case" together reveals that Gerald Flurry's interpretation is not even completely original. Other church groups have applied the book of Habakkuk to different legal situations as well.
Most commentaries state that the language of the book of Habakkuk does appear to be a legal setting, and so with his heavy reliance on commentaries to support his "new revelations," it is only a small step to apply the book to the WCG v. PCG legal battle. It is not "new revelation from God" at all.
What's Next?
As time has gone by, Gerald Flurry's interpretations of scripture have required more and more stretching of the imagination (he would call it faith) in order to accept them as the intended meanings. He is only a small step away from claiming to receive prophecies direct from God that are not in the Bible. I believe the following statements indicate he is heading in that direction:
How did Amos know that Amaziah's wife was going to die as a harlot? How did he know that his children were going to die by the sword? He didn't get it from the Bible. God must have revealed it to him. [RV Nov./Dec. 1998, pg. 4 center col. top; also RBR pg. 72 bottom]
Elisha was given a vision of what this evil man {Hazael} would do to Israel. It was a prophecy that was not a part of the Bible at that time. [TP pg. 75p1]
Incidentally, that's not in the Bible, brethren, January 16th - there's nothing about that in the Bible, but I simply made those predictions based on principles from the Bible. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape1:side1] -- What principles?
And I wrote here, "Yes, we are going to get Mr. Armstrong's writings." Is that a prophecy? Did that fail, or did it come to pass? Now that's what I said. You won't find that in Malachi 3 and verse 2, or 4, or whatever, any verse in the Bible. But I said here that we're going to get Mr. Armstrong's writings because all of that was prophesied in the book of Habakkuk, but people have said, "Well now, I just can't see that as being prophecy about the court case." Well how about now? You think they could see it now? [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape1:side2]
Mr. Armstrong made this statement in the Tomorrow's World magazine, June 1972 (emphasis his): "Emphatically I am NOT a prophet, in the sense of one to whom God speaks specially and directly, revealing personally a future event to happen or new truth, or new and special instruction direct from God - separate from, and apart from what is contained in the Bible. ... Never have I believed or claimed that God reveals to me new truths not contained in the Bible - in addition to, or apart from the Bible ..." I agree completely with this quote. ... He communicated with God through the pages of the Bible. ... God has worked with me in the same way. He has not spoken to me directly in vision. But He has given me all kinds of new revelation from the Bible. [TP pg. 20p3,5; 21p1-3]
Herbert Armstrong taught that converted members of God's Church were now, in this life, begotten, potential, but not yet born, children of God. He taught (according to the two great commandments) that we were first to love God above all else, and then second to love our neighbors, all other human beings, as ourselves. Now, however, it would seem that Gerald Flurry has been given a deeper understanding regarding the status of converted Church members and the application of the two great commandments. Here are some quotes from an article entitled "Loving God and Your Neighbor" which appeared in the Jan./Feb. 2001 Royal Vision magazine:
There is a big difference in how we are to love God, which includes His converted saints, and how we are to love people in the world. [pg. 1 bold inset]
When someone is called into God's family, he or she moves from the "love toward neighbor" category into the "love toward God" category. That person moves into the God category -- into the realm of the first great commandment. [pg. 17 bold inset]
You are to have the same love toward those who are begotten as you do toward God, the one who begat. [pg. 17 center col. p3]
But when someone enters the God family, the Father wants them to receive the same love He receives. To love them with all your heart, soul, strength and mind -- more than you love yourself. [pg. 17 center col. p4]
Here is the entire article in case you wish to read it. Click on the images below.
At first reading Gerald Flurry's reasoning might seem to make some sense, but with some further meditation a logical contradiction soon arises: The second great commandment states that we are to love our neighbor AS OURSELVES. If I am a converted member of God's family who is to receive the same love that the Father receives, then so is my neighbor because the second great commandment says so -- LOVE MY NEIGHBOR AS MYSELF! In addition, the same Greek word, agapao, is used for both 'love toward God' and 'love toward neighbor' (Mt. 22:37-39; Mk. 12:30,31; Lk. 10:27,28; Rom. 13:9; Gal. 5:14; Jam. 2:8; look it up in the concordance, A.L.).
Comment: Gerald Flurry has gotten a little ahead of himself with this. We are not yet in this life full members of God's family -- that process is not completed until the resurrection. What Gerald Flurry is teaching here is nothing less than the BORN AGAIN doctrine, he's just not calling it that. If you don't think so, please tell me what the difference is.
Comment: Also with this teaching, Gerald Flurry is saying that we should love him (and other church members) with all our heart, soul, mind and strength—to love him the same as we love the Father. This is nothing less than asking to be WORSHIPPED. If you don't think so, please tell me what the difference is.
Comment: The above article was reprinted in the July/Aug. 2004 Royal Vision magazine, pg. 1.
"God has given revelation in every book or booklet I have written. That includes the major prophets -- Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. God has revealed new truth to us ..." (ISA pg. 59p3). In 1994 "God revealed" to Gerald Flurry the new truth that the twenty second chapter of Isaiah was a prophecy about God's Church today. Herbert Armstrong was Eliakim and Joseph Tkach, Sr. was Shebna (ISA pg. 41-48). Read these pages -- it is very clear what he said.
But six or so years later he changed the revelation to say that he was Eliakim and Joseph Tkach, Jr. was Shebna (TP pg. 79-83). Here are some quotes from Gerald Flurry admitting his error and thus proving his 1994 Isaiah truth was no revelation from God:
God has now given me new revelation from the book of Isaiah.
We have taught in the past ... [RV Sept./Oct. 2001, pg. 1 top] -- New revelation to correct a previous revelation that was wrong? This first sentence of the article was removed when it was incorporated into the Who Is That Prophet? booklet (see next quote).
We have taught in the past that the reference in Isaiah 22:20 to an end-time Eliakim referred to Herbert W. Armstrong. We had even printed an explanation of that doctrine in our booklet on Isaiah. ... I was startled by something that I had not seen before -- something that didn't agree with our previous teaching ... This is different from the way I had understood this passage in the past. [TP pg. 79p1,2, pg. 80 top] -- Why does he use "we" and "our" -- is he trying to spread the blame, or did someone else give him the original idea? See the section on Revelations?
I was wrong about two personalities and which era Isaiah 22 refers to. [TP pg. 92p1]
They were "errors in my understanding." [G.F. sermon, 4/7/01]
Gerald Flurry also makes the erroneous statement, "We have always taught that Shebna is a type of the present leader of the Worldwide Church of God." The "present leader of the Worldwide Church of God" was Joseph Tkach, Jr. in 2000 when he wrote that statement. But previously in 1994 he taught that Shebna was the then-present leader of the WCG, Joseph Tkach, Sr. (ISA pg. 44-46). He is trying to minimize his error, but in fact he got all three personalities and the Church era wrong.
This correction came when he received his new Anchor Bible Commentary (TP pg. 79p2).
During the time period from about 1990 through 1993 when the Philadelphia Church of God was growing, contact with Church members outside the PCG was encouraged. From about 1994 to 1997 little was said about contact with non-PCG Church members, but it gradually became generally discouraged. In 1998 Gerald Flurry stated, "You could legitimately say that over 95 percent of God's people today have been disfellowshipped!" (PN May/June 1998 pg. 4 left col. p5)
And then in July of 2000 came a taped sermon, not by Gerald Flurry, but by another headquarters minister obviously at his direction, which explicitly defined a Laodicean as any current or former WCG member who was not a member of the Philadelphia Church of God. The sermon stated that all such individuals had "disfellowshipped themselves by their own actions," and were to be treated as such -- members who had been disfellowshipped and marked (since this was done publicly). I just recently received a copy of this sermon [M. Nash, Protecting God's Temple, 7/21/00] which you may request to verify the following, but here are some points that were made (taken from my wife's notes of 8/19/2000):
Satan was cast out of God's government -- disfellowshipped from the government of God. God won't allow Satan to come into His presence. Should we do any less with the disfellowshipped?
Be not unequally yoked with unbelievers. We're God's people -- He's trying to keep us from pollution.
Be separate from the unclean and God will receive us. When we come in contact with them, we become in danger of being unclean also. Love is not allowing the unclean to come in contact with the clean.
95% of God's people have been disfellowshipped by their own actions. We have to look at them like that.
Mark them which cause division and avoid them, even if in your own family. Avoid those, even family members, which cause division.
Withdraw yourself from every brother who walks disorderly.
Just like the physically diseased are quarantined from the herd, we must quarantine the spiritually diseased.
Keep Satan out of the family.
Neither physical nor spiritual fornication is to be tolerated.
We are not to keep company with others who have forsaken the truth.
Don't let anyone come into your house who has not this doctrine.
In order to have contact with the outer court we have to step out, because they cannot step in. It is tempting God if we leave the inner court.
Gerald Flurry's mis-application of the disfellowshipping doctrine was printed in the July/Aug. 2004 Royal Vision, pg. 3, and made even more strict in the PGR 2005-12-10, pg. 1-2 (no doubt due to loss of members through contact with their families).
Gerald Flurry's mass disfellowshipping of the "Gerald-Flurry-defined Laodiceans" is biblically baseless. The scriptures clearly state the conditions under which one is to be disfellowshipped and/or marked as 1) causing division by teaching false doctrine (Rom. 16:17,18; 2 Thes. 3:6) or 2) living with unrepented of sin (I Cor. 5:11). The following articles by Herbert Armstrong explain these in further detail. Click images below to read the articles.
While it is obvious that many in the WCG have turned away from the doctrines taught by HWA, they were by no means trying to cause division within the PCG. They were not even in the PCG, and posed no threat whatsoever to PCG members who had already been exposed to, and rejected, their teachings.
There were also many WCG members who still held to the doctrines taught by HWA, and were not trying to cause division within the PCG. These certainly did not meet the criteria for being disfellowshipped / marked, as their only "crime" was not following Gerald Flurry—some because they didn't accept his claims, and others because they never heard of him or didn't read his literature.
And then there are the many groups that have left the WCG for the very reason of keeping the biblical doctrines taught by HWA. How can Gerald Flurry say they are causing division contrary to the doctrines we have learned? He says it is because they have rejected the government of God, but in fact what they have rejected is nothing more than Gerald Flurry's attempt to establish his own government.
There is clearly one reason and one reason only for Gerald Flurry's mass disfellowshipping – he fears exposure, the very type of exposure you are reading now in this document. Gerald Flurry wishes to keep his followers isolated and under his control (please read the section on Mind Control).
Comment: Through the wisdom of God, Gerald Flurry's pronouncement has returned upon his own head. It is he who causes division among God's people by teaching false doctrine, AND lives in unrepented of sin. And so in the larger scheme of things, it is he and those who follow him who are separated, quarantined, disfellowshipped from the rest of God's people. True, the rest do not have the unity of fellowship that they once had, but for the most part they do still have unity of spirit and doctrine.
For an even more in-depth treatment of this subject you can read the following well-researched and well-written document by Adrian Davis, a former PCG deacon who, like many others, was put out because he dared to ask questions. He thoroughly proves that Gerald Flurry's disfellowshipping doctrine is contrary to what HWA taught, unbiblical, and forces members to violate the 5th commandment. Click below:
And for the fruits of this demon-inspired, non-biblical, no-contact policy, please read Dan De Gennaro's heart-breaking account of his daughter's suicide as a direct result of it. PCG members were lied to when they were told she died of a heart attack. And as far as I am concerned, when a helpless sheep is driven off a cliff it is MURDER. Click below:
Gerald Flurry cannot answer honest questions about contradictions between his teachings and scripture, or what HWA taught. His response is to have members who bring up such issues immediately disfellowshipped and slandered. Here is what he had to say about a local elder who left the PCG for basically the same reasons we did:
Do we need a local elder like the one that I read to you about earlier? Do we need someone like that in the Church of God? He needs to be purged. And you can be sure God will purge him. ... But when those people leave, brethren, they make some of the craziest criticisms against us you've ever heard, but don't be alarmed by that. They can't go out of here and say "Well I know I'm dying spiritually," or "I know I'm headed for the lake of fire," the human mind can't do that. There might be a rare one now and then who just doesn't care. They don't say that, they come up with some crazy idea to justify their rebellion and their weakness, before God. ... And those people who leave the PCG and have been here, well, if you just want to look at it the way it really is, we're in a war and they are deserters, and in the civil wars, war, deserters were shot! So its not a small little sin. They don't want to warn the world. They don't love the world. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape2:side1]
Some who object to Gerald Flurry’s "that prophet" thesis on scriptural grounds get labeled as "detractors" and "critics" (TP pg. 3p1,bottom). Within the PCG we are disfellowshipped and labeled "wicked Laodiceans" and "antichrists."
Read how he slandered me in the section on His Response to my G. Flurry Letter of April 2, 2002.
We'll be happy to answer any questions that you might have, as long as they're not heresy. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape2:side1]
And here is some slander against Joseph Tkach, Jr. - I never heard Herbert W. Armstrong talk like this about anybody:
Now we've been fighting those guys for six years. ... Christ / Antichrist going at it. ... This {is} God versus the Antichrist, is what the scripture says, let's call it what it is, 100%, uh, effort by this, this person and this, uh, evil to destroy all of those works. ... God will uncover the foreskin of this filthy, Satan led, spiritual pervert. That's a little strong too, and I don't apologize for that ... We're going to uncover the foreskin of some evil man on this earth. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape1:side1]
Where is the scriptural proof that the epistles of John are prophetic books? I don’t see one word or phrase in any of them that has any end-time connotation at all. These books are epistles, which contain examples and principles that are valid through all ages, but they are not specific prophecies. I am not aware of even any commentary which says they are prophetic, nor that HWA ever taught that they are. Gerald Flurry offers no proof or explanation, just, "I believe this is a prophecy..." (TP pg. 94p6) and "John’s epistles are prophecy…" (TP pg. 95 bottom) and "This is PROPHECY for today!" (RV Nov./Dec. 2001, pg. 2).
John did not say, "When you see many antichrists, then you will know it is the last hour," as Gerald Flurry interprets it (RV Nov./Dec. 2001, pg. 3p4). John said it was "now", in his time then, "A" last hour (the Greek article is "a" not "the"). John said there were "now", in his time then, many antichrists. I do believe we are extremely close to the final end, but Gerald Flurry’s May 5th Last Hour "revelation" does not have any basis in Scripture. In fact it contradicts scripture, for Jesus Christ said, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." (Mt. 24:36)
Gerald Flurry gets technical regarding articles when it suits him ("a man of sin" vs. "the man of sin", MM pg. 101p6; "a lie" vs. "the lie", LB pg. 20p3), so why does he ignore the article here? Notice that Gerald Flurry quotes it as ‘the "last hour" ’ or ‘the last hour’, rather than ‘ "the last hour" ‘ or ‘the last hour’ (RV Nov./Dec. 2001, pg. 2 several times). He ignores the article hoping you will too. Note: he has changed this in his latest booklet "The Last Hour" (2004).
Jesus Christ warned
about false prophets saying we are in the last hour or the time was drawing
near: "And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and
the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them." [Lk.
Comment: In reference to Gerald Flurry’s "new revelations" on the epistles of John and Jude, and the love of God – are prophets (if he were one) given deeper understanding than apostles? |
click on images to enlarge
While there are a few biblical examples of non-idolatrous uses of stones (for markers, witnesses, or memorials, e.g. 1 Sam. 7:12), it can be a fine line as to when such use may appear to be, or actually turn into, idolatry. Witness the near-tragic example in Joshua chapter 22. In any case, the clear biblical example and instruction is that idols, and anything that could lead to idolatry, should be utterly avoided – the pole Moses made with the serpents on it was utterly destroyed (2 Ki. 18:4), God sent an angel to bury Moses (Dt. 34:5,6; Jude 9), idols were ground to powder or burned by ‘righteous’ kings (Ex. 32:20, 1 Ki. 15:13, 2 Ki. 23:6,15, 2 Ch. 34:7), and God has not allowed even one shred of physical evidence or any artifact of Christ’s life to survive. Many biblical examples show that God wanted to keep His people just as far away from even the possibility of idolatry as possible
Mr. Armstrong taught that the second commandment “forbids the use of physical aids or helps in worshipping the invisible God,” and “prohibits the use of anything which represents God or could easily become an object of worship.” (The Ten Commandments, 1968, pg. 38).
For Gerald Flurry to bring a rock he claims is Mr. Armstrong’s "prayer rock" (very doubtful that it is) to Edmond for inspiration and to "remind all of us of the power of prayer to our spiritual Rock," is certainly not following the scriptural admonition to "flee idolatry" (I Cor. 10:15).
And what about for the conscience sake of others (1 Cor. 8:7)? Gerald Flurry is certainly not taking that scripture into consideration.
What is the difference between Herbert Armstrong’s “prayer rock” and a cross? Are not both “reminders” of Jesus Christ (our spiritual Rock) which religious adherents claim they do not worship? Answer: There is no difference – If Gerald Flurry teaches that a cross is an idol, then why doesn’t he also teach that a “prayer rock” to "remind all of us of the power of prayer to our spiritual Rock,” is an idol too?
A little research at the library or on the internet will reveal that “prayer rocks” are used by Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Mormons, Buddhists (e.g. at the Zhi Yun Temple), American Indians (e.g. the Cauchegan prayer rock), and witches (e.g. in ‘prayer rock circles’). With the bait of Herbert W. Armstrong and God’s truth, members of the PCG are being led into the SIN OF IDOLATRY! Note the picture above of Gerald Flurry kneeling before the prayer rock. What on earth was he thinking when he posed for such a picture?
An outright lie - click image to enlarge
HWA did not found the Philadelphia Foundation
The Liberty Bell Park children's playground was a gift in 1978 to the children of Jerusalem paid for by the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation which was founded by Herbert W. Armstrong. Upon discovering in 1997 that the original plaque commemorating the park's donation was missing, Gerald Flurry offered the city a replacement plaque. The new plaque states that the playground was a gift from the Philadelphia Foundation, Herbert W. Armstrong founder and Gerald R. Flurry president, which is a two-fold lie: The playground was not donated by the Philadelphia Foundation which was not founded by Herbert W. Armstrong. This is just a lying "sign," written up in the July/Aug. 2001 Royal Vision, pg. 1.
In addition, the Philadelphia Church of God has many other signs & wonders which supposedly "prove," for anyone who really wants to believe, that it is the one-and-only church organization doing the work of God today. Below is a partial list of PCG copycats. Note: After spending over $100,000 to purchase HWA's piano and two candelabras (see below), a $100,000 tithe check was "miraculously" received to cover the cost (we think we know who sent it in).
HWA Original | GRF Counterfeit |
Ambassador College (called A.C.)
Imperial School (elementary & high school)
Ambassador International Cultural Foundation (AICF)
Auditorium (house of God)
Plain Truth magazine (PT)
Good News magazine
Worldwide News newspaper for members
TV Program
Copyrighted literature
HWA purchased Steinway piano in auditorium
Two candelabras in auditorium
Black ebony table and 10-12 chairs from Mr. Armstrong's conference room at Bricket Wood
Young Ambassadors (singing group)
Imperial College - now renamed Herbert W. Armstrong College, and shortened to Armstrong College (AC)
Ambassador Academy (elementary & high school)
Philadelphia Foundation - now renamed Armstrong International Cultural Foundation (AICF)
Auditorium (house of God)
Philadelphia Trumpet magazine (PT)
Royal Vision magazine
Philadelphia News newspaper for members
Booklets (same size and format)
TV Program (same format)
Purchased 19 HWA copyrights ($3,000,000 + $2,000,000 court costs)
Purchased WCG's 1983 Steinway piano ($52,500) - they got the wrong one
Purchased HWA's two candelabras ($55,000)
Purchased this table and chairs ($27,000)
Young Ambassadors (singing group)
Steinway Piano at Pasadena Auditorium (now owned by PCG) |
Two Candelabras at Pasadena Auditorium (now owned by PCG) |
Comment: PCG members get a warm and fuzzy feeling and are made to feel right at home with all the many WCG/PCG similarities. Unfortunately, this is little more than a dog and pony show to hide the real issues: proving the veracity of Malachi's message, and really testing a man who claims to be a prophet.
If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; Thou shalt not hearken unto the words of THAT PROPHET, or that dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proveth you, to know whether ye love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
[Dt. 13:1-3]
Gerald Flurry's Prophecy
Though he says he “gives new prophecy from every prophetic book in the Bible” (TP pg. 78p2), what he actually gives is nothing more than his own (and others') private interpretations of the prophecies of God’s true prophets. Since his coming on the scene in 1989, Gerald Flurry has in fact made only ONE prophecy. By his own authority (not God's) and in his own words, the following statements comprise his prophecy:
We are in a court battle over Mystery of the Ages. We won the first round. But we lost a split decision in the appellate court. Now there has been an injunction issued demanding that we stop printing and mailing the book. We are appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court. I prophesy to you that one way or the other, God will provide a way to mail that book again. Read this chapter, and you’ll understand why I make that prophecy! [RBR pg. 30p1] -- Very vague and general - sounds like a prediction from a horoscope. There are half a dozen ways such a "prophecy" could be made to look like it was "fulfilled."
"I prophesy" statement was also made by Gerald Flurry in a sermon given on 2/3/01. -- This is Gerald Flurry's prophecy, not God's.
I believe we will not lose the court case. ... God has put it on hold temporarily. But Isaiah 22:22 says that when Eliakim {Gerald Flurry} opens a door, none can shut it. We must have faith in that. [TP pg. 86p2] -- The court case was lost almost a year before this was written! It was not "put on hold temporarily," it was lost! Nothing can change that fact. And the door was shut, regardless of whether or not it ever opens up again.
Those vessels are a type of Mr. Armstrong’s books and booklets. ... I believe we are certain to receive those stolen vessels back. [TP pg. 90p6] -- God caused Cyrus to GIVE the vessels back to the Jews (Ezra 1:7-11). Will the WCG give Mr. Armstrong's books and booklets back to the PCG?
And we fully expect to win the right in court to mail it again. [TP pg. 116p1] -- He did not win anything in court. That is over.
In the midst of this court battle over Mystery of the Ages, humanly speaking our chances look extremely bleak. But I believe we cannot lose. [EZ pg. 17p3] -- They are not "in the midst" of a court battle. It ended almost a year before this was written with Gerald Flurry losing.
Do we have what it takes to win this battle in court and get God's message out to the world? ... those who fight and win in court ... [G.F. sermon, FT 9/22/02, tape1:side1]
This court case could explode on the world scene. [G.F. sermon, FT 9/27/02, tape1:side2]
Beseeching Him to give us this victory. And do whatever we can to win it. [G.F. sermon, FT 9/27/02, tape2:side1]
We must win this war. [G.F. sermon, FT 9/27/02, tape2:side1]
While the Harvard Law Review (April 2001) contends that Gerald Flurry should have won this case on the merits (which he did in the district court, PN March/April 1999), he was not afforded his expected victory in court (it was overturned in the appellate court and the U.S. Supreme court refused to hear an appeal, PN May/June 2001, RBR pg. 30p1, TP pg.80p3,90p4). So barring a "miracle," which would still not prove anything since Satan is able to perform "miracles" and lying wonders, it would seem that Gerald Flurry’s one and only "prophecy" has failed! That is not to say he will never again be able to print MA, but the specifics of what he "prophesied" have not come to pass. And notice how he has tried to cover the possibility of this failure:
I have faith that these verses show we will get Mystery of the Ages and those other works back. If I am wrong, I will change my views as God directs. [TP pg. 89p5]
That must include Mystery of the Ages and Mr. Armstrong’s other books and booklets. That is what I believe, and faith firmly dictates that I continue to believe that until God says otherwise. [TP pg.91p2]
Comment: Two questions need to be asked concerning Gerald Flurry’s statements about winning the court case. First, why does he say “I prophesy…I make that prophecy” when God’s true prophets say, “Thus saith the Lord,” or in some way make it clear that the prophecy is from God? I am not aware of any true prophet who ever said “I prophesy.” Second, a prophecy is not a prayer where you need faith in order to receive an answer – a prophecy is a sure thing! So why does he talk about having faith in winning, and say “If I am wrong…”? It appears that Gerald Flurry is prophesying out of his “own heart, and not out of the mouth of the LORD,” and trying to cover himself in case it doesn’t happen.
Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing! [Ezekiel 13:3]
Court Case Lost
Although Gerald Flurry continues to lead his people to believe they are still fighting in court for Mystery of the Ages, "the court case," as he calls it, was lost in 2000/2001 when the appellate court reversed the district court's initial ruling, and the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal (RBR pg. 30p1, TP pg.80p3,90p4). While it is technically true that the PCG can resubmit their appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court after the damages trial is over, it is also true that anybody can submit anything anytime they want to. Being heard is another matter altogether, and Gerald Flurry's chances of that are virtually nil, even after a damages trial. Yet he uses this to mis-represent that the PCG still has a chance in court.
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals' FINAL ruling can be found at their web site. Or you can click here to read the ruling now. Here are some excerpts:
1 The district court granted WCG's motion to strike the RFRA defense
and counterclaim before reaching PCG's summary judgment motion. The
RFRA issue is before us, therefore, only by way of the appeal from the final judgment. ...
WCG appeals the order granting summary judgment to
PCG (No. 99-55934), the denial of its motion for a prelimi-
nary injunction (No. 99-55850), and the denial of its motion
to amend the judgment (No. 99-56005). On June 30, 1999,
this court granted the motions to consolidate these three
appeals. On July 23, 1999, the district court entered judgment
for PCG on WCG's complaint pursuant to Federal Rule of
Civil Procedure 54(b). WCG filed a notice of appeal with
respect to that judgment (No. 99-56489), and this court
granted appellee's motion to consolidate that appeal as well.
Because all of the district court's orders are merged into the
final judgment, we have jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
S 1291. ...
The undisputed facts establish as a matter of law that PCG
is not entitled to claim fair use. Because infringement by PCG
of WCG's copyright is undisputed, barring fair use, WCG is
entitled to a permanent injunction against the reproduction
and distribution by PCG of MOA. Accordingly, we reverse
the judgment for PCG in Nos. 99-55934 and 99-56489, and
the denial of WCG's motion for a preliminary injunction in
No. 99-55850, dismiss the appeal from the denial of WCG's
motion for an injunction pending appeal in No. 99-56005 asmoot, and remand for entry of a preliminary injunction pend-
ing a trial of any damages and final adjudication.
Costs on appeal to WCG.
WCG legal counsel, Ralph Helge, wrote a letter giving the status of the case as of August 13, 2002. You can click here to read the letter. Here are some excerpts:
We have been advised that you are desirous of having accurate information about the case of Worldwide Church of God v. Philadelphia Church of God, as it pertains to the finality of the court decision regarding the Mystery of the Ages. We are pleased to be of aid to you in this regard so as to promote the truth of the matter and avoid the misimpression that Mr. Flurry is touting about the case. ...
The first Federal Court trial judge, Judge Letts, decided that PCG would have a right to copy the MOA because WCG was not publishing it at the time, and because it was allegedly central to PCG's religion to do so. As a consequence, WCG took an appeal to the 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals.
The case was heard by a 3-judge panel of the 9th Circuit. Two of the justices, who are viewed as the most intelligent by attorneys in general, decided the case in favor of WCG. The important factor regarding your question is that they instructed the Federal District Court to enter an injunction against PCG, enjoining them from copying or distributing the MOA and to set the matter for a trial to calculate damages.
PCG desperately attempted to reverse the Court's decision. First of all, they petitioned the panel of judges that heard the case to rehear the matter. Two of the three judges refused to do so.
In addition, they included a petition to the 26 judges of the 9th Circuit, requesting that they order what is called an en banc hearing. An en banc hearing is one in which 11 judges on the Court of Appeals would conduct a rehearing of the matter. None of the 26 judges requested such a hearing.
Then, in a last desperate attempt to reverse the Circuit Court of Appeals decision, the PCG petitioned the 9 justices on the U.S. Supreme Court, asking them to rehear the case. All 9 justices refused. ...
As a consequence, when Mr. Flurry tells his congregation that the case has been equally balanced with two judges finding for PCG and two judges deciding for WCG, it is blatant misinformation. If you want to take Mr. Flurry's approach, two judges decided for PCG and 35 judges decided in favor of WCG, and, if the above orders of Judge Snyder are included, 36 judges.
Further, Mr. Flurry has made representations to the PCG members, giving the misimpression that there is still the possibility in the case that the court is going to award PCG the right to pirate the MOA. This is simply, again, misinformation. The case has been finally decided and concluded regarding MOA, and Mr. Flurry, out of sheer desperation, has exhausted all legal remedies available to him. Any attempt of PCG to acquire any court ordered right to print the MOA is over, done, finished. Legally there is no place else for him to go on this issue. I don't know how else I can say it. PCG's only "right" is to stand before the bar of justice and have damages assessed against them and attorney's fees for the wrong that has been committed.
All that remains is a jury trial to determine the damages the PCG must pay to the WCG. The trial is currently scheduled for March, 2003. There is no possibility of any change in the outcome of the court case - this trial has only to do with the amount of the damages the PCG must pay.
"Habakkuk Reveals the Outcome of Our Court Case"
Royal Vision Sept./Oct. 2002
Here are some quotes from Gerald Flurry's twelve page interpretation of the book of Habakkuk. He believes that this entire book of the Bible is primarily about Jesus Christ making a special pre second coming appearance on earth to help him win this court case. But again, the court case was over when this was written.
I want to prove to you that Habakkuk's prophecy revolves around our court case. This is new revelation from God. [pg. 2p3]
Comment: "God's revealed, new understanding, from the book of Habakkuk" (PH pg. 2p2) as previously taught by Gerald Flurry in his 1995 Prophecy of Habakkuk booklet was a totally different interpretation than what he is teaching today.
Referring to us today, Habakkuk is asking God to revive His work. ... This is a prophecy about God reviving us. So we need to prepare for a spectacular end! Yes - we are going to get Mr. Armstrong's writings. [pg. 3p7,11] -- He had doubts before, now he doesn't. What has happened behind the scenes that he is not sharing? Either he really did have a "revelation" from God or else this is what you could call "insider prophesying."
What is God preparing us for? I believe we are in for a significant and dramatic change in this Church. [pg. 4p2] -- "Insider prophesying"?
The new revelation in Habakkuk is a specific sign that shows where we are in prophecy. Be patient and wait - this prophecy will be totally fulfilled. It "will not lie"! [pg. 6 right column, p6] -- "Insider prophesying"?
Through Habakkuk, God is telling us not to be discouraged, because He is going to revive His work before our eyes! And it will be in the context of the court case. [pg. 10 right column, p5] -- PCG members have been misled to believe the court case is still going on. Whatever happens, it cannot be "in the context of the court case" as that was lost almost two years before this was written.
We lost a battle, but we will win the war. ... We need to watch for dramatic developments - I suspect quite soon. [pg. 12p2,3] -- Is something going on behind the scenes that he is not sharing with us?
God is speaking through new revelation. ... The whole earth should shut up and heed His warning. [pg. 12 right column, p4]
He is about to revive this work in the middle of the years. We must believe it! We are about to see miracles from God! [pg. 12 right column, bottom] -- Miracles are events that cannot be explained without invoking divine intervention. Whatever events Gerald Flurry may claim are "miracles," ask yourself if there might not be more plausible alternative explanations - even ones involving deceit.
It must happen in the middle of our crisis years -- not at the very end. The new revelation is proof that God will revive our work. [pg. 13p1] -- It is already "at the very end." All that remains is the damages trial.
That means that Christ comes from Mount Paran in the middle of this court case. What was He doing in Mount Paran? Why would He be there now? [pg. 13p6] -- Impossible to happen now, the court case was lost almost two years before this was written.
He came or is coming from Mount Paran today for some purpose. These verses indicate Christ will be personally involved in the court case. [pg. 13p7,8] -- The court case is over.
Will Jesus Christ make a special appearance in this end time? [pg. 13p10] -- Christ warned about those who would say this (see the next section, Is Christ here?).
Gerald Flurry really puts it all on the line with this article, but he can always blame it on the members' lack of faith if his prophecy fails. Or perhaps he knows something going on behind the scenes that we don't. Click the image below to read the entire article (this is a pdf file so you will need to have Acrobat Reader installed on your PC. You can get it free at
Read what Mr. Armstrong taught about the heavy use of worldly commentaries in establishing doctrine in the section on Commentaries.
We'll go out and show the world how that, the Bible interprets the Bible. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape1:side2]
We know that Jesus Christ comes today through the holy spirit to live in His saints. But He had a specific warning about any man who would claim that Christ was here or there on earth before the second coming:
Mt. 24
23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.
27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Mk. 13
21 And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not:
22 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
In spite of Christ's warning, Gerald Flurry has said this in the Sept./Oct. 2002 Royal Vision magazine (bold underlining mine):
"God came from Teman, and the Holy One from mount Paran. Selah. His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise" (Hab. 3:3). Mount Paran is probably within the area where the place of safety will be. Petra is in this vicinity. This time, though, Christ doesn't have 10,000 saints with Him (Deut. 33:2; see the last chapter of our booklet No Freedom Without Law).
The International Critical Commentary says it's better to put this chapter in the present tense. In other words, it's happening right now. THAT MEANS CHRIST COMES FROM MOUNT PARAN IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS COURT CASE. What was He doing in Mount Paran? Why would He be there now? We must put this in context with the fact that we are Christ's bride, and our loving Husband protects His bride and prepares for our safety and protection.
Within a short time of the September 11 terrorist attack, terrorists tried to bomb Petra. Did Christ stop that Himself? I don't know, but I think it is reasonable to believe that our Husband will come to our aid personally when He needs to. He came or is coming from Mount Paran today for some purpose.
These verses indicate Christ will be personally involved in the court case. [RV Sept./Oct. 2002, Habakkuk article, pg. 13 'Mount Paran']
And Gerald Flurry said this in his 3/8/03 sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II:
It says in Habakkuk 2 and verse 3 that, uh, the Holy One is gonna come from Mount Paran. And, uh, that's during the court case. I think we must have gotten some kind of special help from Jesus Christ in this court case - I don't know exactly how it happened, but I believe it with all my heart, I believe it with all my mind. And you know over in Amos 9 and verse 1, it talks about God is going to wound them all in the head. And there is a, the, Jesus Christ comes and stands by the altar. I think it's a counterpart of this prophecy here. And the commentaries even say it's like, this is a rare, and a, perhaps a personal appearance of God. The commentaries can see that. ... So I think Michael and Gabriel and Christ were all on the scene helping us. ... We won because Michael and Gabriel fought with us, and Jesus Christ no doubt made a personal appearance. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, side 2]
A former PCG minister who was disfellowshipped back in 1997, claims that Jesus Christ returned in October of 1997. Although Gerald Flurry has said virtually the same thing above, here is what he recently said about that:
He {Bob Ardis} says Christ has already returned. ... I can take at least a hundred scriptures and disprove that in about ten minutes, I think. I guess Christ personally attended their Feast of Trumpets (chuckles and laughs). [G.F. sermon, FT 9/22/02, tape1:side1]
No Deals ?
Philadelphia News Mar/Apr 2003
If you look at the court case physically, it is hard to understand why one church would go to such effort and expense simply to destroy what we're doing. But if you understand Satan and his demons, you clearly recognize that there is a force out there intent on destroying God's truth! People have pressured us to make a deal to resolve this dispute. But we won't make a deal with such an evil force - we will only fight, using any means at our disposal. [RV Sept./Oct. 2002, pg. 4 left col. bottom & right col. top] -- Gerald Flurry has referred to Joseph Tkach, Jr. as "the son of perdition" and "the man of sin." And in his 9/22/02 Feast of Tabernacles sermon he referred to him as the antichrist, a very evil man, and a man empowered by the devil, and said, "this court case is a battle with the devil." Nevertheless he did start offering to make a deal with "such an evil force" in the spring of 2002. Keep reading.
Our First Offer
By early spring 2002, PCG decided it was time to call WCG's bluff. After conducting our own investigation at headquarters to determine from others in the publishing industry what a fair offer would be, we put WCG to the test of their willingness to consider an offer from PCG "in good faith."
My dad drafted a letter to Matthew Morgan on March 14. In it, we made the long-awaited "request" to print and distribute Mystery of the Ages and the 18 works we were seeking in our counterclaim. He mentioned to Morgan that Tkach Jr. had vowed in 1997 to keep these works out of print because of his "Christian duty." And yet, he continued, the WCG had curiously made recent representations before the court indicating a willingness to license the works. He reminded Morgan of Mr. Armstrong's lifelong policy of giving away literature at no cost to the recipient. Nevertheless, "based on the WCG's recent representations to the court, we are making an offer in good faith to license these works."
We offered to pay the WCG a royalty of 10 cents for every booklet we distributed, 25 cents per book and 50 cents for each correspondence course sent out. My dad concluded the letter by saying, "WCG recently made an ‘offer' to have PCG underwrite the expense of so-called ‘epublishing' most of these works. Aside from not being a license to PCG at all, this ‘offer' suffered from numerous problems, among them that WCG apparently could withdraw the works from circulation immediately upon the conclusion of the court case between our two churches. WCG's previously announced ‘plan' to produce an ‘annotated' version of Mystery of the Ages—which by all appearances was created solely to gain a litigation advantage and (to our knowledge) has never been pursued—informs our concern in this regard. This concern is reinforced by, among other things, the facts that, outside the court case, neither Mr. Tkach nor anyone else has renounced WCG's avowed ‘Christian duty' to keep Mr. Armstrong's works out of print; and that WCG does not (to our knowledge) ‘e-publish' any other work in which it claims to hold a copyright. I look forward to receiving your response to PCG's offer to license these works."
In all the posturing WCG had made before the court—acting as if they were more than happy to license—they had actually never even made an offer to license. And NOW THE PCG HAD. [PT May 2003]
And the 9th circuit court case docket, which you can examine for yourself at (contact me for access info), shows two inquries by the PCG about buying the disputed copyrights (i.e. making a deal). Here Gerald Flurry was talking a deal with the WCG at the very same time he made the above statement about not making a deal "with such an evil force." Excerpts follow, or click here to read the whole docket through 11/27/02.
10/28/02 420 NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION by plaintiff Worldwide Church God in limine to exclude evidence/argument re: whether or not Worldwide Church of God will license the subject works. Lodged Proposed Order (ca) [Entry date 10/29/02]
10/28/02 425 NOTICE OF MOTIONS AND MOTIONS NO. 1-4 by defendant Philadelphia Church for hearing at pretrial conference; in limine #1 (evidence of tithes, offerings, and donations); in limine #2 (Crissey profits report); in limine #3 (Rintala report on how to construe Copyright Act); in limine #4 (requests and/or ofers to pay for subject Works from WCG); Lodged Proposed Order (ca) [Entry date 10/29/02]
10/28/02 429 MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES by defendant Philadelphia Church in support of motion in limine #4 (Requests and/or offers to pay for subject works form WCG) [425-1]. (ca) [Entry date 10/29/02]
11/4/02 439 OPPOSITION by Philadelphia Church to motion in limine to exclude evidence/argument re: whether or not Worldwide Church of God will license the subject works. [420-1] (lc) [Entry date 11/05/02]
11/18/02 506 REPLY MEMORANDUM by defendant Philadelphia Church in support of motion in limine #4 (requests and/or ofers to pay for subject Works from WCG) [425-1] (jp) [Entry date 11/20/02]
At the 2002 Feast of Tabernacles Gerald Flurry told members that he cancelled all their television stations, except WGN, because the work couldn't be effective without Mr. Armstrong's writings. And he said this:
We must get those writings of Mr. Armstrong ... God has shown me that we simply have to just go all out to get that material and do what we have to do. We're going to have to get that material of Mr. Armstrong. [G.F. sermon, FT 9/27/02, tape1:side2] -- i.e. make a deal and buy the material with the funds from the television cuts, but he does not tell the members that. Notice that he now begins saying "we must get" Mr. Armstrong's material.
He has also tried to get substantial funds to cover the settlement from the estate of a deceased PCG member. Click below to read about yet another court battle the PCG has been involved in with the member's heirs. They lost that case, and Gerald Flurry stated the reason for losing was God showing members that they must follow PCG instructions when bequeathing their estates to the church (this member, he said, had not). [G.Flurry sermon, 7/17/04]
UPDATE (4/20/2004): The PCG lost its appeal on this court case too. Click here to read the final ruling. |
And this is a response from the Worldwide Church of God to an inquiry I made:
From: Paul Kroll []
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 5:36 PM
To: robert kuhne
Subject: RE: WCG v. PCG Settlement
Greetings Robert,
Thank you for your message and your inquiry. Since talks about a settlement are still on-going, it would be inappropriate to make any statement other than to say that the Philadelphia Church of God made an offer to settle and negotiations have been and are taking place.
I haven't seen The Journal article, but would have no comment on it except what I said above. If and when there is a settlement, the Worldwide Church of God will publish an article giving all the details. Your interest is appreciated
Paul Kroll
Personal Correspondence
Gerald Flurry has known all along that he could make part of his "prophecy" appear to be fulfilled by offering money, and that is why he was so bold in his RV Sept./Oct. 2002 article, "Habakkuk Reveals the Outcome of Our Court Case." In fact, settlement overtures were going on at the very same time he came out with his so-called "new revelation" from Habakkuk. He was offering to make a deal at the very same time he was "prophesying" that Christ was coming from Mount Paran to help him win (see previous section).
Finally, here are some exact quotes from Gerald Flurry himself showing clearly that he did in fact make a "deal with the devil," although he puts forth a valiant effort to convince members otherwise. These are from his 3/8/03 sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II:
God was doing something behind the scenes that we were not fully aware of. [side 1] -- No. It was Gerald Flurry behind the scenes trying to make a deal (see above).
So what I meant by making a deal was not, what you'd normally think of as making a deal. But again I think it was slightly too strong, but we have to realize that the Worldwide, came to us and wanted to negotiate about something which would cost us no more money than the jury trial. So obviously our lawyers said "I think you'd better look at that," because you could say we got all of that material for free . It is expensive when you get into this court system. But you gotta look at that this way: Did we make a deal? Now we mentioned this over and over, and we continually hammered this in the court case - In the very beginning Joe Tkach said that it was his Christian duty to keep those writings out of print, period. He didn't want anybody to read them. That's where, where we started. Now we own those copyrights. And I don't think that's making a deal. [side 1] -- It escapes me how he figures paying $3,000,000 is free.
In short, PCG will not sign an agreement that contains a return of produced documents provision. If this is a DEAL-BREAKER for WCG please advise us of that now ... [PCG legal letter to WCG, read by G. Flurry in the sermon, side 1]
And I'll explain to you a little later why I think we might have even paid, paid some money. I think there may be a good reason that God had us even do that. [side 1]
They said, well we're gonna, ok, after we make this deal, we're gonna send a letter to the Philadelphia Church of God and say let's let bygones be bygones. [side 1]
Proverbs 23 and verse 23. Buy the truth and sell it not. Buy the truth and sell it not. So, there are many situations where you need to buy the truth, and this is certainly one of the rare ones I think, ... God does say BUY the truth, and so that's what we have done. [side 1]
Now I need to explain a little bit to you, a little more of the details, I guess, in conclusion. We did pay, excluding what the insurance company paid {$1,000,000}, we, we paid two million dollars. And we had a million that we were able to give, and we had to borrow a million. Now, that's, that's quite a lot of money, brethren, but we did, before we cut back on television, even, had a, five million dollars budget for TV. Also last year ... worldwide we had an income of 13 million dollars. 13 million dollars. Now, we have had to obviously make some changes, and we have canceled WGN, simply because I felt we had to, to make sure we let our funds build up, somewhat. But I'm telling you we have been scraping the bottom of the barrel to make all these payments. And I'm not concerned about it, brethren, because I know in just a few months we'll be back on television, and we'll have a lot more television, no doubt, in a short amount of time. But we had to do what we had to do to make sure the work remained strong. ... We may have a few more cutbacks, brethren, we may have to have. [side 2]
But as I said before, brethren, why do you think God might have had us even pay two million dollars? ... And maybe, by us paying money that will give these critics a little bit of wiggle room, and maybe they won't lose their salvation now, maybe they can go on into the tribulation and still repent and come back to God. ... But two million dollars is still just a bowl of soup. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape2:side1]
sorry, but no miracle here
In his book Transformed by Truth, Joseph Tkach, Jr. stated, "We believe it is our Christian duty to keep {Mystery of the Ages} out of print." But now it appears that the Worldwide Church of God's financial need has superceeded its "Christian duty," and it has accepted a $3 million out of court settlement offer by Gerald Flurry to buy the copyrights to Mystery of the Ages and a number of other HWA writings. This not so surprising development comes about two years after Gerald Flurry lost his court battle with the WCG, and was awaiting a separate trial to determine the damages he would have to pay.
With the PCG now able to freely print and distribute Mr. Armstong's material, is this the miracle from God that Gerald Flurry has "prophesied"? As mentioned above, miracles are events that cannot be explained without invoking divine intervention. If you examine the circumstances surrounding this latest development, you can easily see that it is no miracle and Gerald Flurry's "prophecy" has not been fulfilled.
Gerald Flurry's "prophecy" consisted of three parts, namely that 1) he would win the court case, and that 2) God would provide a way for him to 3) mail out Mystery of the Ages again. While he may now be able to mail out MA again, that right was not won in court and there is no evidence that God had anything to do with it.
What has actually happened is that Gerald Flurry lost the court case and, facing an impending damages trial, had no choice but to offer settlement and pay for what he tried to get for free. Gerald Flurry has been forced to offer payment rather than endure the humiliation of having damages assessed against him. He didn't win any war, rather the WCG has forced him to "say uncle" and pay for what they said he stole. His choice was a simple one: pay damages decided by a jury and receive nothing but humiliation, or pay a settlement (probably more than the damages would have been) and receive the right to print MA and be able to boast of a miraculous fulfilled prophecy. No divine interventioin is required (i.e. no miracle). Nevertheless, here is what Gerald Flurry boasts:
Personal: Miracle Victory! And What It Means
By Gerald Flurry
We have just won the greatest victory ever in the Philadelphia Church of God! It will probably be our most thrilling victory in this entire end-time work.
Six years ago, the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) filed suit against us for printing Mystery of the Ages. They had been determined, ever since their doctrinal transformation, to use the copyright law to suppress the works of Herbert W. Armstrong. We responded to their suit with a counterclaim of our own—seeking the “fair use” of 18 other works by Mr. Armstrong. Under any circumstances, the best we could have hoped for within the judicial system is a ruling that said we had a right to reproduce those written works because of “fair use” under copyright or because of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
The courts, however, could have never given us what we now have—ALL 19 OF THOSE COPYRIGHTS! That’s right. We not only have the right to reproduce those works—WE OWN THE COPYRIGHTS!
Nearly five months ago, the Worldwide Church of God approached us to settle our six-year lawsuit. In the end, settlement cost us an even $2 million—and we got much more than we ever thought possible when this litigation began. (Read our featured article in this magazine on page 2 to understand the whole story.)
In the beginning, the WCG was determined to stop us from using any of these works. It was their “Christian duty.” Now they’ve given up all these copyrights for a fee that barely covers their court costs—if even that.
WHY are these works so important to us? This whole world needs to understand why.
Mr. Armstrong’s writings are the foundation of all that we believe. We teach his messages to our people quite diligently. However, we have been unable to teach them to the world. These works have been blotted out by the WCG. We could not offer them to a deceived humanity—until now! And we believe that God commands us to proclaim Mr. Armstrong’s works to the world as a witness (Matt. 24:14; Rev. 10:11).
That is our God-given commission. So WE BELIEVED THAT WE HAD TO WIN THIS CASE! We have fought this court battle for six years, always expecting a MIRACLE—even after we lost a 2-1 decision on the appellate level. At that point our lawyers told us we were hanging by a thread. Still, our faith remained strong. And now everybody can see the monumental reward.
We have a critical message for a dying world. But the world can’t fully understand without Mr. Armstrong’s revealed writings. Roughly three fourths of God’s end-time message is finally available to mankind. The one fourth we could proclaim along the way could be fully comprehended only by those who already understood Mr. Armstrong’s writings.
As soon as we build up our finances again (in a few months), we will have a message three to four times more powerful. And we fully expect growth to triple or quadruple!
Time is running out. We must get this message out now WHILE THERE IS STILL TIME.
Look at this anxiety-ridden world, ready to explode at any moment. America is about to go to war with Iraq. Our people are fearful. But they are going to get far more fearful if they don’t turn to God. Those biological, chemical and nuclear weapons were prophesied (Matt. 24:21-22; Dan. 12:1-4). And the horrifying mega-death outcome was also prophesied!
Giving this message is the supreme way that we show love for mankind. Only God’s message will give them hope and show them the solution to these problems. This is a work of love. That is why there is no charge for our literature.
Our message could save the world from a holocaust, if heeded. But even if it is rejected, God is still going to save us from ourselves—after unparalleled suffering. So either way, this message is filled with hope. [PT May 2003]
Comment: The Bible is "the foundation of all that we believe," not Mr. Armstrong's writings. And God commands that the gospel be proclaimed to the world as a witness, not Mr. Armstrong's works. [see above, emphasis mine]
We were all a little bit stunned by the a, totality of the victory. ... This was the greatest miracle you could ever imagine. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape2:side1] -- Totality of the victory? The greatest miracle I could ever imagine?
And here is what he had to say to the students at his Imperial College in Edmond Oklahoma, trying to make sure that any discussion of the so-called "court victory" would be accompanied by his spin on the facts:
Also I would like to say to those of you who have parents and friends, and I'm sure that you'll be talking to them. I would like - when you do that, just say this, that: "The court case is over, we own the copyrights, and I'd like you just to listen to the tape." Because, we do need to explain this, and I know that a, you'll understand the importance of doing it that way. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape2:side1]
Comment: Yes, he needs to EXPLAIN how a lost court case, a forced $3 million out of court payoff plus several more million dollars in attorney fees, six years of not being able to mail out MA, and the loss of all his television stations and financial reserves, translate into a miraculous "total victory" for the PCG. By definition a real miracle doesn't need to be EXPLAINED, and in fact cannot be. Gerald Flurry simply wants to make sure that his spin gets applied to the facts, which if allowed to speak for themselves, would paint a rather different picture than the one he wishes to portray.
Click HERE for the PCG's more detailed spin on the whole six year battle, again, to make the forced settlement look like a great miracle from God (PT May 2003, pg. 2). What makes this settlement all the more deceptive is that, based on the merits, the Philadelphia Church of God should have won the case.
And there is no divine intervention required to explain what the WCG did. They simply agreed to sell MA, which they do not value anyway, for a sure $3 million, rather than take their chances on what a jury might award them (probably less than that). Even though the WCG won the court case, it appears they were going to have difficulty proving much in the way of damages, so they opted to try to recover court costs by accepting the PCG settlement offer. The WCG was not successful in keeping Mr. Armstrong's material out of print, but they did succeed in forcing Gerald Flurry to pay a high price for it. Here is the WCG spin:
by Ralph K. Helge
We are pleased to announce that the Worldwide Church of God (the "Church") has reached a successful conclusion in its pending lawsuit against the Philadelphia Church of God ("PCG") through a mutual settlement.
As most of you will recall, the PCG copied and published the Mystery of the Ages, which was owned by the Church. As a consequence it was necessary for the Church to file a lawsuit in order to protect its assets, although it had no pleasure in doing so. PCG reacted by filing a counterclaim in which they requested permission to print and distribute other works. It is not our intention to go through all the details of the lawsuit at this time. The reason being, the entire lawsuit has been settled and we hope that it will bring an end to recriminations and that the peace of Jesus Christ will prevail.
In brief then, the court entered an injunction against PCG prohibiting it from making any additional copies, or further distribution, of the Mystery of the Ages. The matter had reached the point where it was pending hearing on the amount of damages and other issues. In accordance with the settlement, all claims are settled, the injunction will be vacated and the entire lawsuit dismissed.
During the litigation, the Church decided that it would be financially prudent to publish for historical purposes some of the literary works written by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong and sell them. Sixteen such pieces of literature were printed and published (all containing a preface explaining that the material contains doctrinal errors), with three more in the printing process.
During the last year or so, PCG made different offers to license or purchase some or all of the literary works in question, and thereby settle the litigation. As the Church did not consider that the amounts offered were sufficient, the offers were rejected. But then PCG made a substantial offer of three million dollars to purchase 19 of the literary works written by Mr. Armstrong, and settle the litigation.
The Church board of directors and some of its officials met to consider this offer. It was concluded that the Church would never be able to make this amount in royalties by publishing and selling the individual works, the settlement would result in the receipt of substantial assured revenue for use in proclaiming the gospel and would circumvent further intensive, costly litigation and years of court proceedings as the matter wound its way through the appellate process. Another consideration was the widespread availability of the works on the internet from numerous sources, making it increasingly costly and difficult to thoroughly defend these particular copyrights and prevent distribution of unauthorized copies.
As a consequence, it concluded that prudent business practice demanded that it was a business opportunity that the best interest of the Church dictated should be accepted. Therefore, a settlement agreement has been signed and, as of the date of this writing, the matter is pending the opening of escrow.
We want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your prayers in this matter, and God’s blessing on the Church for the favorable outcome.
Again, what miracle is involved here? This is nothing more than best practices on the part of both parties. Gerald Flurry has known all along that he could make part of his "prophecy" appear to be fulfilled by offering money, and that is why he was so bold in his RV Sept./Oct. 2002 article, Habakkuk Reveals the Outcome of Our Court Case. In fact, settlement overtures were going on at the very same time he came out with his so-called "new revelation" from Habakkuk. Rather than Habakkuk revealing the outcome, I think it was the $3 million.
Please don't be fooled by Gerald Flurry's sleight of hand. You may not be able to explain how the magician does his illusion, but you KNOW it is a trick. Likewise, you may not know all the details of how Gerald Flurry has pulled off this illusion, but you KNOW that God does not do miracles for someone practicing the "spiritual" sleight of hand detailed throughout the rest of this document.
A final question: Will Gerald Flurry now allow others to freely print and distribute Mr. Armstrong's material, as he said he had the right to do when the WCG held the copyrights? Or will he now deny that right to others?
What about the copyright? Do you think that uh, that Mr. Armstrong intended that copyright, that was his intent, that the copyright would keep that book from going out to the largest audience possible? ... Mr. Armstrong never dreamed, never dreamed, those at the top would turn around and use the copyright to suppress it from every individual on the earth. He never dreamed of that. ... God says it's {Mystery of the Ages} ours. It belongs to us. It belongs to the bride of Jesus Christ. [G.F. sermon, FT 9/27/02, tape1:side2]
But now we own them {the copyrights} and we can do with them what we please, and even have the luxury of suing people if they abuse the use of them (chuckles). [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape1:side1]
And I mean we could even - people try to abuse the, the use of those books, why we could even sue them (chuckles). Not that we want to get in another court case, God forbid. But, but wouldn't that really, doesn't that make you feel good to say, "Hey! You be careful how you use our books. Watch you step mister. We've got some mean lawyers out in California, and uh, they did a marvelous job for us." [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape2:side1]
And one final comment: Gerald Flurry's entire six year struggle for the right to reprint Herbert Armstrong's literature is nothing more than a gigantic smoke screen. Members are swept up in the euphoria of a perceived court victory, as they ignore the real trunk of the tree issue - the validity of Malachi's Message. See the earlier sections under Malachi' Message.
The Philadelphia Trumpet ran an article a few years back (PT Nov. 2000, pg.2) which suggested that the Pastor General of the WCG was afflicted with a condition know as "cognitive dissonance," a term which he had used in his book Transformed by Truth. The Trumpet article defined this term as the ability "to believe two contradictory ideas at the same time." Although the Trumpet article was applying this term to Joseph Tkach, Jr., it appears that Gerald Flurry, Pastor General of the PCG, is suffering with the same affliction. This can be clearly seen by the following quotes from his court case victory sermon (The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape1:side2), where he speaks as though he believes two contradictory ideas at the same time: Notice how he admits there was no court victory (that it was not even prophesied), yet continues to speak of a "court decision" and "court outcome" in his favor.
I'll tell you something interesting that my son mentioned to me, I think it's interesting, and, uh, very important as a matter of fact. He said really, if you look at that, what Habakkuk said, there's no mention in all of those verses about a win in court. It's only really about a negative outcome from the court for us. And why is that? Well, because God, had something else in mind. I believe God absolutely was not going to let the courts deliver us. Specially those who had rendered an evil decision against us. God was going to let everybody know, that not the Worldwide, or not the courts, or not anybody else, freed us from that bondage, but God Himself - the God of Elijah. Nobody delivered us but God. God the Father and Jesus Christ. -- To say that God was not going to let the courts deliver him is nonsense. It was the court, at the behest of the WCG, that was attacking him. That's like saying God was not going to let Goliath deliver David from Goliath.
There is a marvelous miracle, you see, but no mention of a decision from the court to give us a good outcome. I think that's all very carefully planned. God says, "Look, the, I'm the one that's gonna perform this miracle, and I want you to look to me!" No credit to the WCG or the courts. The God of Elijah gave us the victory, period. Period.
He {Satan} hates this court decision, or this court outcome more than anything that's happening on this earth right now.
"He's going to revive His work before our eyes. And it will be in the context of the court case." Has that happened? Is that fulfilled prophecy? I'd say it is. If that's not fulfilled prophecy, I don't know what it is, what fulfilled prophecy is.
Here is a member and co-worker letter which tries to make the forced settlement look like a great miracle from God. Note the "cognitive dissonance" as Gerald Flurry continues to say he won in court, at the same time he talks about the out of court settlement, and the fact that Habakkuk did NOT prophesy a court victory. Click the images below to read the letter:
A Big Fat Lie
This latest offering is a collection of previously published material which attempts to convince the reader that God really is working with the Philadelphia Church of God. While there may be a lot of facts (mixed with lies) in this book, the overall statement of the book, that God is behind the PCG, is not true. Please read the previous six sections about the court case (click here) to get the facts without the PCG spin. Gerald Flurry is not raising up anything, but he is ruining a lot of families (see Disfellowshipping). Read the section on The Tabernacle of David to learn what Herbert W. Armstrong and the bible have to say about who will raise up the ruins and when.
This book is being sold and not given away, probably as a money-making venture due to the PCG's declining membership and income (see How Many Members? and Income). The price on has gone from $19.95 down to $13.57, likely because sales were not as expected. Pay no attention to all the glowing five-star ratings on Amazon as just about all of them were written by PCG members. My negative rating and all other negative ratings (except for one which was anti-HWA) were deleted by Amazon, including one written by an attorney who said he had inside knowledge of the court case. Since Amazon gets a percentage of the sales, they obviously have an interest in seeing that all the reviews are positive. Click here to read a brethren/co-workers letter touting the book.
Contrary to his earlier statements about not re-writing a revelation from God (click here), Gerald Flurry is now proceeding to do just that. And here are some other quotes which make it unbelievable that Gerald Flurry would even consider altering the text. The PCG has its explanation (PGR 2004-10-21, pg. 3), but it is pathetic in light of these quotes:
HWA: In real fact, I feel I, myself, did not write it. Rather I believe God used me in writing it. (Herbert Armstrong quoted in the Nov./Dec. 2001 Royal Vision, pg. 3 right col. p5)
GRF: Christ was deeply involved with authoring Mystery of the Ages. ... He (JWT) wants Christ's book (MA) locked up forever. (Gerald Flurry in the Nov./Dec. 2001 Royal Vision, pg. 3 right col. p5,6)
GRF: Christ was directly authoring Mystery of the Ages. (The Last Hour, pg. 9p3, pdf version)
The PCG today is highly critical of the WCG having made changes to Mystery of the Ages. (Raising the Ruins, pg. 73, 77-80, J.D.)
Nevertheless, having purchased from the WCG the copyrights to a number of Herbert Armstrong's writings, he is now proceeding with alterations to the original texts. Primarily this is being done to either insert himself into the text, or eliminate contradictions between HWA's teachings and his own. The first example we have is the removal of the following sentence from the 2003 PCG copyrighted second edition of Mystery of the Ages (top of pg. 245):
No prophets are mentioned as having either administrative, executive or preaching functions in the New Testament Church. [MA, pg. 245 top, PCG first edition]
Click the images below to view the pages, or click HERE for the pdf file version.
Copyright Page | Pages 244 and 245 | |
1985 WCG Hardback (first edition) |
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1997 PCG Pirated Softback (first edition) |
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2003 PCG Copyright Softback (second edition) |
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Comment: As of April 2003, son-in-law "evangelist" Wayne Turgeon was not aware of this change.
Here are some quotes from Mystery of the Ages that he missed, but has stated they will be removed with the next printing (PGR 2004-10-21, pg. 3):
Meanwhile, an individual few in Old Testament Israel did obey God and by becoming God's prophets, they became part of the very foundation of the New Testament CHURCH OF GOD. The Church is built on the solid FOUNDATION of the prophets (Old Testament) and apostles (New Testament), Jesus Christ himself being "the chief corner stone" (Eph. 2:20). [MA, pg. 174 (both 1985 hardback & 2003 PCG copyright softback)]
The prophets set in the foundation of the Church are those of the Old Testament, whose writings were used to form a considerable part of New Testament and gospel teaching and functioning. No prophets are mentioned as having either administrative, executive or preaching functions in the New Testament Church. [MA, pg. 244 (1985 hardback), pg. 245 (1997 pirated softback)]
All teaching came from Christ through the apostles -- and a few times Christ communicated to apostles via the prophets (of which there are none in God's Church today since the Bible for our time is complete). [MA, pg. 350 (both 1985 hardback & 2003 PCG copyright softback)]
Since the beginning of the PCG Gerald Flurry has placed a great and prophetic emphasis on the date of Mr. Armstrong's death, January 16, 1986:
"Malachi's Message" was first received by many people on January 16, 1990, the very day of the anniversary of HWA's death (January 16, 1986). We didn't plan it, but we were happy it happened that way. You are going to see the date of HWA's death take on more significance as time goes on. Mr. John Amos and I were disfellowshipped on December 7, 1989 -- 40 days before the anniversary of HWA' death. The number 40 is significant in the Bible. The third 19-year time cycle of the Work of the WCG ended in January of 1991 -- the same month as the fifth anniversary of HWA's death. In the original version of "Malachi's Message" we asked this question: "Will we see some dramatic event in the world or within God's Philadelphian and/or Laodicean Churches then?" THE PERSIAN GULF WAR BEGAN ON JANUARY 16, 1991! God considers the date of HWA's death to be very significant. [MM pg. 149p4]
Just about every year he has stretched and strained to find some "significant" event which occurred on January the 16th. The start of the Gulf War or some minor earthquake. One year it was an earthquake that actually occurred on January 17th, but that was close enough. Another year he said it was a "spiritual earthquake" of new revelation God had supposedly given him on that date. With literally millions of events happening each day, it would be no great task to find something "significant" that one could claim was relevant to the Church on any day of the year.
According to Gerald Flurry, the latest "significant" event to occur on January 16th was the $3 million settlement agreement with the WCG to purchase the copyright for Mystery of the Ages. Although negotiations began around March of 2002 and the final legal documents were not signed until March of 2003, he claims the agreement was made by telephone on January 16th. While his word may be good enough for PCG members, others who lack "faith" might like to see some physical proof of that. To date, the only proof of when this agreement was made is the legal document referred to by Gerald Flurry in the quote below:
We made the agreement on January 16th. It was signed by the Worldwide and consummated yesterday, March the 7th, fifty days after January the 16th. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape1:side1]
It should also be noted (C.S.) that there is no scriptural example of God ever using the pagan Roman calendar to calculate, observe, or honor anything. All of God's special days are based on the Hebrew calendar, on which Mr. Armstrong's death date was Shebat 6. As can be seen from the table below, there is only one time between 1986 and 2010 that Shebat 6 falls on January 16 (dates taken from The Comprehensive Hebrew Calendar, by Arthur Spier).
Roman date of Shebat 6 for the years 1987 - 2010
1987 Feb. 5 1993 Jan. 28 1999 Jan. 23 2005 Jan. 16 1988 Jan. 25 1994 Jan. 18 2000 Jan. 13 2006 Feb. 4 1989 Jan. 12 1995 Jan. 7 2001 Jan. 30 2007 Jan. 25 1990 Feb. 1 1996 Jan. 27 2002 Jan. 19 2008 Jan. 13 1991 Jan. 21 1997 Jan. 14 2003 Jan. 9 2009 Jan. 31 1992 Jan. 11 1998 Feb. 2 2004 Jan. 29 2010 Jan. 21
Comment: What a contradiction to use the Roman calendar to honor a man who restored the use of the Hebrew calendar to the Church!
Comment: God does say, "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints" (Ps 116:15), but I am aware of only one scriptural example of a significant and recorded death date - the death of Jesus Christ on Passover (Abib 14 on the Hebrew calendar).
Finally, it appears that Gerald Flurry is making another horoscope-like prophecy (suggested by someone else) just in case something happens on or around January 16, 2010. None of his prophecies are absolute like a true prophecy from God would be. They are non-specific and allow for any number of possible fulfillments. Here is his reasoning:
Now, as Mr. Davis mentioned to me, uh, we have, first we have the seven years and then we printed Mystery of the Ages. And now we have the six years of the crisis years, and uh, seven more years will take us to January the 16th, 2010. What do you suppose might happen then? I'll tell you this, it's a 19 year time cycle - January the 16th. I would think probably something pretty dramatic is going to occur. Tribulation gonna begin? Well, I certainly think, uh, it could. Something is gonna happen, and I don't think it's gonna be good for this, this uh, world, and certainly for Israel, it's not gonna be good. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape1:side2] -- His new prophecy seems to be, "Something is gonna happen on January 16, 2010."
The school we have founded, Imperial College, is tied directly into the return of Jesus Christ - which will be here in, I believe, 10 years on the outside. [RV Jul./Aug. 2003, pg. 4 right col. p3] -- 6 1/2 yrs. until 2010 + 3 1/2 yrs. tribulation = 10 yrs. until Christ's return in 2013.
We thought we had discovered all of the significant events that have occured on January 16th , but not so. It has now been revealed that Gerald Flurry's son, ghost writer, evangelist, and heir apparent, Stephen, was baptized on, you guessed it, January 16th of 1990. Additionally, "Mr. Flurry" has revealed that all baptisms outside of the PCG after that date are invalid. Here is a quote from the Royal Vision magazine:
When my son returned to school that fall, this time in Big Sandy, he was given a library job where he had access to the writings and audio archives of Mr. Armstrong's past sermons. He listened and studied Mr. Armstrong's teachings, what James 5:7 calls the "early" rain, as never before. He was able to compare that with the "latter rain" in Malachi's Message - and the truth quickly became obvious to him. There is an important lesson here. We must understand the early rain before we can deeply comprehend the latter rain. We must go through a similar process to what God put my son through. The PCG began on December 7, 1989. My son was ready to be baptized soon after. He requested that his baptism take place on January 16, 1990, in order to coincide with the anniversary of Mr. Armstrong's death. That was a good choice! While so many of God's people were spurning Mr. Armstrong and what he represented and taught, here was a young, unbaptized man who had diligently studied the "early rain," and wanted only to honor Mr. Armstrong! So, on January 16, Stephen became the first member baptized in the Philadelphia Church of God. At that point, the early and latter rain were available. Anyone who would make that baptismal covenant from that point forward, God expected to understand both the early and the latter rain, in order to make the comparison. We do have some members in the Philadelphia Church of God who were properly counseled for baptism after January 16, 1990, and who came to understand the "latter rain" shortly after that. But in general, ANY BAPTISM BEYOND THAT DATE - JANUARY 16, 1990 - IN THE LAODICEAN CHURCH IS NOT VALID. Because people were not being instructed correctly when making that commitment, they did not receive the spiritual begettal from God. [RV Jan./Feb. 2006, pg. 41] -- "Repent and be baptized" are the only biblical conditions for receiving God's holy spirit. Any other supposed required instruction is of Gerald Flurry's own imagination.
From the beginning Gerald Flurry has been subtly leading his followers into blind, unquestioning loyalty and obedience to himself personally. Please read the quotes under the sections Magnifying Himself and Allegiance, and then click HERE or on the image above to read the transcript of a November 2003 sermon by Gerald Flurry which ought to dumbfound any current or prospective PCG member. He basically tries to convince members that the government of God as implemented under Herbert W. Armstrong is no longer adequate, and that he must now implement an "abnormal government" because of the abnormal times we live in (G.F. sermon, Prophesying Again part 4, 11/1/03, a copy of the taped sermon is available upon request).
Comment: It must be remembered that Gerald Flurry has NEVER been administering the government of God, but rather a clever counterfeit that many sincere people have unfortunately been duped into following, and he has found that even this counterfeit government is inadequate to the furtherance of his (?) goals.
As his first justification for this new "abnormal government," he shows how Mr. Armstrong putting one man over all the ministers in the WCG never seemed to work. But as Mr. Armstrong used to say, "what's that got to do with the price of putty" -- Gerald Flurry has never had one man under himself over the ministry in the PCG, so just what is it that he wants to change?
As his second justification he cites Winston Churchill's comments during WWII about the governments of men being inadequate for the abnormal times of war, makes a bad analogy and attempts to apply Churchill's reasoning to the government of God. The true government of God, however, if that were what Gerald Flurry was implementing (which he is not), is perfect and fully adequate for all times and all situations, and would not need to be replaced by an "abnormal government" conceived by a man (which is actually reminiscent of Adolph Hitler requiring the German military to take an oath of loyalty to himself personally, rather than the traditional oath of loyalty to Germany - click here to read Hitler's oath).
Although Gerald Flurry beats around the bush in this sermon about just what it is he wishes to change in the administration of his government, the following quotes can leave no doubt to those who will simply believe that he means exactly what he says:
God gives the revelation to a man and has the Church look to that man. [RV Sept./Oct. 2000, pg. 6]
Following God’s Man is actually following God. [TP pg. 11p5]
The Church today will truly unify only by rallying around this throne through a man. ... There is a spiritual Throne of David in God’s Church today. [TP pg. 12 bottom, 13p1]
So I also believe it is now time that God wants to magnify my office. [TP pg. 20p2]
In fact, “king” and “counselor” apply to the office I hold. [TP pg. 34p1]
This prophet ... He speaks for God. Here is a clear statement that God sends a “thus saith the Lord God” through one man – His watchman, or prophet. The man speaks for God! [TP pg. 43p2]
We must elevate ourselves to where God exalts us. [TP pg. 46 bottom]
Mr. Armstrong and I each have been used to fill the role of lawgiver to God’s Church and the world. [TP pg. 52p5]
Remember, when God places a man in charge, He gives that individual something extra spiritually – an added power to lead God’s people. That places him at an advantage, prompting the people to look to him. [TP pg. 62p4]
Like Paul, I will continue to magnify my office that I might save some. ... The ministers have to magnify this office ... God’s ministers must understand this concept deeply and lead God’s people to magnify my office – which is really God’s office. [TP pg. 70p1,2,3]
You can hear God’s voice spoken through a man – that prophet. [TP pg. 76p6]
The whole world ought to be looking to God’s man. [EZ pg. 7p1]
They will stay with God even if it gets them killed. [EZ pg. 116p2]
If we have to go so far as to face death, I hope and pray that we remain loyal to this cause. [EZ pg. 117p3]
God wants us to deeply understand how highly He values our unswerving loyalty! [EZ pg. 129p3]
Our lives must revolve around that great cause – to the extent that we would die for it if necessary. ... We must conquer our fears. We win in the end – regardless of what happens to us today! ... A martyr is one who dies for a cause. ... It is conceivable that you could also become a martyr. [RBR pg. 8p2,5,7,8]
So when you decide to be a “witness” for Jesus Christ, you need to know what that means. ... These servants of God were loyal unto death. [RBR pg. 9p4,5]
It says those who held this testimony, "after [Christ's] example have proved the strength and genuineness of their faith in Christ by undergoing a violent death." [RBR pg. 9p6]
We really have to love this world and be willing to sacrifice our lives for it. Just give our lives to it. That's why we're here. [G.F. sermon, The Mantle of Elijah part II, 3/8/03, tape2:side1]
{When} the people follow along with unquestioning obedience, brethren -- that's a dictatorship. [G.F. sermon, FT 9/22/02, tape2:side1] -- This is, explicitly stated, the new 'abnormal government' Gerald Flurry wishes to implement.
A Destructive Mind Control Cult
Is Gerald Flurry practicing destructive mind control? Every member of the Philadelphia Church of God should visit Steven Hassan’s web site ( and read his book, Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves, to find out. He is considered one of the top experts in the field. Below are a few excerpts that particularly apply to the PCG:
Cults often impose an oppressive time schedule on their members' lives in order to control behavior. When members are not engaged in cult rituals and indoctrination activities, they are typically assigned specific goals that restrict their free time and behavior -- anything to keep them busy. In a destructive cult, there is always work to be done.
When a cult tells members that they can't associate with former members, even with their best friends or members of their own families, it is using both behavior control and information control.
Looking at a group's attitude towards information is the fastest way to evaluate whether it is using destructive mind control. A legitimate organization will allow people the freedom to think for themselves, read whatever they like, and talk to whomever they choose in order to arrive at their own decision, whereas a destructive mind control group will want to do the thinking for people.
In a mind control cult, the group's doctrine is seen as absolute "Truth" and the only answer to people's problems. Cult doctrine teaches its members to think: "We are the way! We are the truth! You who are not in the group are lost. We know, and you do not know." It preaches black and white thinking, dividing the world into simplistic dichotomies -- good versus evil, us versus them.
Cult members are taught that the leader is always correct, and are not allowed to doubt or question him or her.
Any disillusionment means the member is doing something wrong: "You are not really committing yourself to God," or "You are not meditating correctly." No room is left to say, "Maybe the leader is wrong," or "Maybe the doctrine misquotes the Bible."
From the point of view of a mind control cult, there is never a legitimate reason to leave. The only people who leave are weak, selfish, or cannot control their need for sex, drugs, or other addictive substances. In the mindset of the group, people who leave are incapable of sacrificing or transcending spiritually.
On the one hand, most cults make people feel special by showering them with praise -- a practice called "love bombing" -- to encourage loyalty and devotion. On the other hand, they spend a lot of time and energy manipulating their members' sense of guilt and fear to make them dependent on the group.
Fear! Lots and lots of fear!
Cults instill fear to bind members to the group, to such an extent that members may become paranoid or phobic.
* * * * *
[pg. 54,55]
Control of behavior, information, thoughts, and emotions -- on their own, each has the potential to significantly alter a person's identity. When all forms of control are used, the effect is much more extreme.
Most destructive groups do not use all of the criteria I mentioned.
But what matters most is the overall impact on a particular individual, on his free will and ability to think independently.
In a destructive cult, the locus of control shifts to the group or its leader.
Access to any contravening information is cut off.
[pg. 184]
Thought stopping is used by the cult identity to block out any idea, statement, or piece of information that challenges the group’s doctrine or leadership.
* * * * *
(above excerpted from Steven Hassan's Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves. FOM Press, 2000, Copyrighted, all rights reserved)
One of Imperial College's 3 gated entrances,
click image to enlarge.
The Philadelphia Church of God's Edmond, Oklahoma headquarters/college is looking more and more like a Waco, Texas "Branch Davidian" type of compound, and the Edmond police department is keeping a close eye on it. You may contact the Edmond police department (405-359-4420) if you have concerns about friends or relatives living there. Click on the images below for more information and photos of the facility:
Comment: It is not the Imperial College facility by itself that gives cause for alarm, but rather its combination with Gerald Flurry's "abnormal government," self magnification, and calls for personal allegiance.
Comment: In December of 2005 Imperial College was renamed to Herbert W. Armstrong College (now called Armstrong College, or A.C. for short). This is an alarming development! Any serious negative occurrences within the PCG (hopefully not like the Jim Jones or Waco groups) will now smear the name of Herbert W. Armstrong and focus attention on all the Church of God groups that follow his biblical teachings.
We're just getting ready for the final preparation to put Satan away for good - and the Catholic Church. Take a good look, study it carefully, scrutinize all that's going on, because this is the last one you'll ever see on this earth - EVER! You can go to the bank with that a, statement. ... The Pope's death really catapults us into the seventh head. [G.F. sermon, Listening to the Dragon, 4/16/05, side1] -- He's sticking his neck out with this one. But then again, the devil does know what he is doing.
One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. [Dt. 19:15]
Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or three witnesses. [I Tim. 5:19]
Mr. Jules Dervaes
631 Cypress Ave · Pasadena · CA · 91103-2905
Tel: 626.795.8400 or 626.844.4586
Mr. Dervaes is the author of The Letter To Laodicea, a collection of his letters which he sent over about a one-year period to Mr. Joseph W. Tkach, Sr., identifying Mr. Tkach as the modern day Joshua heading up the Laodicean era of God’s Church. Mr. Dervaes also identified the "man of sin" as an individual who would be sitting in the temple or Church of God. The Letter To Laodicea has been positively verified as pre-dating Malachi’s Message, and containing its essence. There is nothing in Malachi’s Message that cannot be easily derived from The Letter To Laodicea. As there are just too many parallels, it appears highly probable (in my opinion) that The Letter To Laodicea provided the material which Gerald Flurry then expanded into Malachi’s Message. But even if not, the fact that Mr. Jules Dervaes wrote The Letter To Laodicea c. 1987, absolutely INVALIDATES Gerald Flurry’s claim that Malachi’s Message was a new, previously not understood, revelation direct from God to him.
[see The Letter To Laodicea above for the evidence]
Herbert W. Armstrong (through his writings)
Mr. Armstrong established his credibility as a true servant of God and a faithful witness through 57 years of good fruits -- the fruits of God’s holy spirit in his personal character, right Bible teaching, and a work that was clearly blessed by God. In a 1976 co-worker letter Mr. Armstrong testified that he had been shown "direct from God" that he was fulfilling the Rev. 10 commission to "prophesy again", a testimony that Gerald Flurry was aware of, and with which he agreed as stated in both the 1990 and 1991 versions of Malachi’s Message. In these Gerald Flurry quoted a 1984 Good News personal where Mr. Armstrong reiterated that it was he, Herbert W. Armstrong, who had fulfilled this "prophesy again" commission of Rev. 10. However, when Gerald Flurry began to claim, starting around 1993 and subsequently, that God revealed to him that he was fulfilling this commission, he made no mention of Mr. Armstrong’s 1976 letter or 1984 Good News personal, and the reference in Malachi’s Message was removed in subsequent printings.
Since two men cannot have contradictory revelations from the true God, how can this possibly be? Was Mr. Armstrong mistaken, or is Gerald Flurry "prophesying again" – AGAIN?
[see PCG Commission Contradicts HWA above for the evidence]
Jesus Christ (through the Bible and his apostle)
Malachi’s Message is claimed by Gerald Flurry to BE the little book of Revelation 10 which is deserving of "majesty." Regardless of his denial, this is nothing less than an elevation of his book to the status of Scripture – an "unwritten part of the book of Revelation," as he actually claimed in the Sept./Oct. 1992 Philadelphia Trumpet. Herbert Armstrong stated that the Bible was complete for us today, and that only false prophets would be claiming to have new revelation to add to it; and Gerald Flurry said he "agreed completely" with that statement.
In reference to the book of Revelation, Jesus Christ said, "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book." (Rev. 22:18). Has no one ever brought this dire warning to Gerald Flurry’s attention? What has been his explanation? How can he possibly get around the fact that he has "added unto these things"?
In spite of much evidence to the contrary, Gerald Flurry considers himself to be a prophet. His book, Who Is That Prophet?, begins with a rather bad example of scripture-twisting in an attempt to establish himself as a prophet. Most of the rest of the book consists of many private interpretations, some of which would seem to make sense, IF the premise that Gerald Flurry is a prophet had been legitimately proven in the first two sections of the book. The exposition ends with a long quote by HWA, apparently in an attempt to put HWA’s stamp of approval upon it. Jesus Christ says that "no scripture is of any private interpretation", and that "those who do not speak according to God’s word are not of the light", but are rather "twisting the scriptures to their own destruction." Mr. Armstrong said that if we found him being dishonest with the scriptures, we should reject him as God’s apostle
[see Adding Scripture and That Prophet above for the evidence]
The Simple Truth About Malachi’s Message
and That Prophet
(This little section is all you need!)
“Malachi’s Message is an unwritten part of The Book of Revelation”…”The Little Book is a prophetic section of The Book of Revelation” [Gerald Flurry, Philadelphia Trumpet Sept./Oct. 1992, "The Little Book" article pg. 6,7]
“For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.” [Jesus Christ, Rev. 22:18]
“Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.” [The Word of God, Prov. 30:6]
Who do you believe – Gerald Flurry or Jesus Christ, The Word of God?
WHO IS THAT [Greek: THE] PROPHET? [Jn. 1:21,25]
Gerald Flurry says he is! [Who Is That Prophet? booklet, 2001]
The Word of God says Jesus Christ is. [Deut. 18:15,18; Mt. 21:11; Mk. 6:4,15; Lk. 4:24, 7:16, 13:33, 24:19; Jn. 1:45, 4:19, 5:46(ref. Deut. 18:15,18), 6:14, 7:40,52, 9:17; Acts 3:22,23, 7:37]
Who do you believe – Gerald Flurry or The Word of God?
Some say they have FAITH that Gerald Flurry is God’s prophet – but here is what Herbert Armstrong said in his What is Faith? booklet, 1972:
Faith is simple reliance upon God’s Word [pg. 13p2]
Faith is the assurance that the things which God said in His Word are true: and that God will act according to what He has said in His Word. This assurance, this reliance on God's Word, this confidence, is faith! And it is a true Bible definition. [pg. 14p3]
Your feeling, your convictions, your impressions, have absolutely not one thing or the other to do with faith. FAITH HAS ONLY TO DO WITH GOD'S WORD! [pg. 16p4]
Herbert Armstrong NEVER asked people to have faith that he was interpreting the Bible correctly. Faith is believing the Bible, not believing Gerald Flurry's interpretation of the Bible.
Do you have FAITH in Gerald Flurry or God’s Word?
And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people, all these things shall be finished. [Dan. 12:7]
Read Jeremiah 23 and Ezekiel 34 to see the state of God’s people prior to Christ’s return (Personal, Plain Truth Dec. 1963, pg. 41). These chapters are talking primarily about physical Israel, but Mr. Armstrong did teach the principle of prophetic duality, either an ancient-modern or a spiritual-physical fulfillment, and wrote an article warning the ministry of God's Church today not to let Ezekiel 34 apply to them. Below are some quotes from that article:
But now I do feel we must seriously consider God's warning message to our nations and to the ministry of His Church through Ezekiel. ... But, speaking especially to the ministry of God's Church, I want to include some of chapter 34, where it speaks of the clergy of the American and British peoples. LET US BE CAREFUL LEST ANY OF THIS APPLY TO THE MINISTRY OF GOD'S CHURCH! ... "Therefore, O ye shepherds, hear the word of the Lord ... Thus saith the Lord Eternal; Behold I am against the shepherds [be careful this does not apply to any of you]; and I will require my flock at their hand," [GN Oct./Nov. 1979, Now God Speaks to You Ministers, pg. 4,6]
Based on the scattered condition of God's Church today, it would be reasonable to acknowledge that a spiritual fulfillment of Ezekiel 34 may indeed be occuring along with the physical one.
Herbert Armstrong said the true Church was an organized spiritual organism led by Jesus Christ. Through succeeding eras, the degree of organization and scope of the Church’s work seem to coincide with the characteristics and faith of the particular era. Scripture indicates that because of lukewarmness and a lack of faith, a unified Church government and powerful work as existed under HWA may not continue into the Laodicean era.
And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief. [Mt. 13:58]
But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house. And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. And he marvelled because of their unbelief. [Mk. 6:4-6]
I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? [Lk. 18:8]
Last Instructions To Philadelphia Era
Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. [Rev. 3:11]
In light of what has happened within the Worldwide Church of God and some of its off-shoots, especially within the Philadelphia Church of God, continue to grow in grace and knowledge by believing and living by every word of God, but do not forget ANY of the basics. As Mr. Armstrong taught, BELIEVE ONLY THE PLAIN BIBLE TRUTH, and do not accept any new teaching unless you can prove it from the Bible alone without any human reasoning or logic. HOLD FAST to what you already have and FELLOWSHIP WITH THOSE OF LIKE MIND, but DON'T JUST FOLLOW A MAN.
Be wary of exclusive groups whose leader tells you that God is working only through him. The Bible says we are to "come out" of Babylon (Rev. 18:1-4) and be separate from those wishing to return there (2 Cor. 6:16,17), but I do not know of a scripture that says we are to leave the Laodicean era (reasoning to the contrary, elaborate as it may be, appears to be a misapplication of scripture). It is not possible to leave an era (unless you can time travel). Scripture says to let Christ in (Rev. 3:20) and not be OF it (Jn. 17:15,16). Remember: fool me once - shame on you, fool me twice - shame on me!
The Bible does teach that God’s way is to have hierarchical government within the spiritual organism of His Church led by one man, but it is the individual’s responsibility to prove to himself when and where that exists, using ALL the basic Bible proofs taught by Herbert Armstrong for identifying God’s True Church. I cannot find a scripture that says there will always be such a man. Any true minister should be faithfully doing what Christ told him to do – "Feed my sheep" (John 21:15-21).
It is sad that after discovering the truth about Gerald Flurry, some have become so discouraged as to abandon not only him, but also Herbert Armstrong. And some even go so far as to abandon the Bible and belief in God altogether. From Satan's point of view – mission accomplished! Will you give up on God’s truth because of discouragement or because everyone else may have – or will you hold on to it until your last breath, even if you are the last person on earth? I believe that is the real test!
Some also choose to become "independent" or "individual" Christians and have very little fellowship with other brethren at all. But HWA said that was not God's way (MA pg. 270 p2-6), and the scripture says we should not forsake the assembling together of ourselves in these latter days (Heb. 10:25). Qualifying for the highest offices in God’s kingdom involves being able to STAND ALONE if need be – not choosing isolation from other brethren who may not be living up to all the biblical standards, but rather trying to be an example. All the patriarchs and prophets proved they could stand alone and resist the pressures of the world, and so must the pillars of the Philadelphia era.
As he sits among God's people (the temple) elevating himself and taking God's titles,
there is only one biblical personality that fits Gerald Flurry. Click image above.
April 2, 2002
Mr. Gerald R. Flurry
1019 Waterwood Parkway
Suite F
Edmond, Oklahoma 73034
cc: Mr. Marvin Campbell
Mr. Jim Cocomise
Mr. Brian Davis
Dear Mr. Flurry,
I have been a loyal and supportive member of the Philadelphia Church of God since coming out of the Worldwide Church of God in 1993. Shortly after the 2001 Feast of Tabernacles I accidentally discovered The Letter To Laodicea (, written over about a one-year period from 1986-1987 by Jules Dervaes. This document, as I know you are (or should be) well aware, contains the essence of your book Malachi’s Message. Widely distributed within the WCG ministry (including both you and Mr. John Amos) prior to the spring of 1988, it clearly identifies the Laodicean Era, Joseph W. Tkach, Sr. as the Joshua who follows Mr. Armstrong (Zerubbabel), and it clearly identifies the "man of sin" as someone sitting in God’s own Church. There are many other striking similarities as well. The Letter To Laodicea is not bits and pieces, but contains the heart and core of Malachi’s Message. I do not see anything in Malachi’s Message that cannot be easily derived from The Letter To Laodicea. As there are just too many parallels, it appears highly probable (in my opinion) that The Letter To Laodicea provided the material which you then expanded into Malachi’s Message. But even if not, the fact that Jules Dervaes wrote and delivered The Letter To Laodicea to Joseph Tkach, Sr. in the 1986-1987 time period, would seem to invalidate your claim that Malachi’s Message was a new, previously not understood, revelation direct from God to you.
You claim Malachi’s Message to BE the little book of Revelation 10 which is deserving of "majesty." Regardless of your denial, I can see this as nothing less than an elevation of your book to the status of scripture – unwritten text of the book of Revelation. Herbert Armstrong stated that the Bible was complete for us today, and that only false prophets would be claiming to have new revelation to add to it – a quote with which you said you "agreed completely." Mr. Armstrong also said that the function of New Testament prophets was to communicate to the apostles. (Who Is That Prophet?, p. 20,21) Where is the apostle to whom you are communicating, Mr. Flurry?
If we let the Bible interpret the Bible, there is in fact no "little book" due to come on the scene just before Christ returns. Revelation 10 plainly shows it is John receiving the little book from the angel. The scripture does not say it is the angel over the Laodicean Church as you claim (The Little Book, p. 2). The correct Bible interpretation of the little book is found in Revelation 1:1, where it plainly states that Jesus Christ gave the book of Revelation to his angel to give to John! I am sorry, but I see absolutely no room for any other biblical interpretation.
Also, in reference to the book of Revelation, Jesus Christ said, "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book." (Rev. 22:18). I find it hard to believe that no one has ever brought this dire warning to your attention. What has been your explanation? How can you possibly get around the fact that you have "added unto these things"?
Following my discovery of The Letter To Laodicea I was forced also to reevaluate a number of your other teachings, and found that upon close examination, they are not valid. In the first two sections of "That Prophet" (Royal Vision Jul/Aug 2000), you offer no scriptural proof whatsoever to support your thesis, yet you have stated that, "no scriptures were given" when criticizing Mr. Tkach for changes he was making (MM p. 14). Your "proof" consists solely of what several commentaries say the Jews believed, and what you think. You do not even accurately represent what the commentaries do say, and what the Church has always taught, which is that Jesus Christ was "that prophet." Yes, "that prophet" is distinct from "Christ" – "that prophet" refers to Jesus at his first coming (Jn. 6:14), and "Christ" refers to him at his second coming. You also seem deceptive in your handling of Deuteronomy 18:15,18. In your Royal Vision article, "Who Is That Prophet?," you ignore it altogether, and make no mention of other New Testament references to "that prophet." You do mention these in the later 2001 booklet, apparently though only after someone pointed out your omission, but again with no scriptural proof – only what you think makes sense. The rest of your book is a beautiful house of "private interpretations" built upon the sandy foundation of the first two sections. Mr. Flurry, this is not how Herbert Armstrong proved Bible truths. Mr. Armstrong said that if we found him being dishonest with the scriptures, we should reject him as God’s apostle (12/6/80 taped Bible study on II Cor. 2).
In his November 19, 1976 co-worker letter Mr. Armstrong said that he had been shown "direct from God" that he was fulfilling the Revelation 10 commission to "prophesy again", a fact that you were aware of, and with which you agreed as stated in both the 1990 (p.12) and 1991 (p.19) versions of Malachi’s Message. In these you quoted the January 1984 Good News personal where Mr. Armstrong reiterated that it was he, Herbert W. Armstrong, who had fulfilled this "prophesy again" commission of Revelation 10. However, when you began to claim, starting around 1993 and subsequently, that God revealed to you that you were fulfilling this commission, you made no mention of Mr. Armstrong’s 1976 letter or 1984 Good News personal, and the reference in Malachi’s Message was removed in subsequent printings. I know you are aware of this 1976 letter as you have quoted from it several times in some of your other writings. Mr. Flurry, how can this be? Do you say that Mr. Armstrong was mistaken, or are you "prophesying again" – AGAIN?
I am also amazed at how your office and stature continue to grow. In Malachi’s Message you emphasized that there was only "one man in the spotlight" just before Christ returns (MM 1999, p. 18). However, now you say that there are "two prophesied leaders in this end-time who do God’s work – ELIJAH AND THAT PROPHET." (Who Is That Prophet?, p. 7) At last count I number twenty six titles or types that you are applying to yourself, including several that actually belong to God (e.g. Father, King, Counselor, Lawgiver, and That Prophet). None of God’s servants ever magnified their offices as you are. John the Baptist did not (Jn. 1:19-28), and Jesus Christ did not (Heb. 5:5). What you are doing seems way out of line to me. Yes, Paul said "I magnify mine office", but that was in defense of an office Christ had already put him in, not magnification in order to establish the office.
As your stature grows I also notice a shift from being HWA and Bible oriented, to being "headquarters" oriented, just as happened in the WCG after Mr. Armstrong died, and which you said was wrong. In 2001 you emphasized HWA and God’s instructions (Who Is That Prophet?, pg. 64), but now in 2002 you are adding an emphasis on a "headquarters mentality" and "follow those men" (Ezekiel, The End-Time Prophet, pg. 116,118). No, I don’t believe I have a government problem, I am just noticing the direction here.
And you not only elevate yourself to dizzying heights, but also God’s Philadelphian remnant to the point where the sin of self-righteousness should be a real concern. There is in fact no scriptural distinction between "elect" and "very elect," a phrase you use profusely. Herbert Armstrong used the phrase "the very elect who cannot be deceived" to describe those true people of God who die as martyrs in the tribulation! (The Mark Of The Beast, last paragraph of section "Two Martyrdoms")
And one last question. How do you conclude that the epistles of John are in any way prophetic? I don’t see one word or phrase in any of them that has any end-time connotation at all. These books are epistles, which contain examples and principles that are valid through all ages, but they are not specific prophecies. That is what every commentary says and that is what the Church has always taught. You offer no proof or explanation, just, "I believe this is a prophecy." John did not say, "When you see many antichrists, then you will know it is the last hour," as you interpret it. John said it was "now", in his time then, "A" last hour (the Greek article is "a" not "the"). He said there were "now", in his time then, many antichrists. I do believe we are extremely close to the final end, but your May 5th Last Hour "revelation" does not appear to me to have any basis in scripture.
A few evenings ago I had a several hours-long counseling session with two of your ministers, Mr. Brian Davis and Mr. Jim Cocomise. We went over the above questions and other concerns in some detail, but they were unable to give me scriptural answers to anything. You tell us that we can only understand these things if we receive them as "babes", and that is all you say. The scripture also says, "Brethren, be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men." (I Cor. 14:20) And, "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." (Mt. 10:16) You seem to be asking us to have faith that God is speaking through you, rather than faith in what God clearly says in the Bible.
Mr. Flurry, if you are truly God’s prophet, will you please answer my above concerns point by point. If you cannot answer or do not respond, I will conclude that I am correct in my evaluation. I really do desire to back you and the marvelous work the Philadelphia Church of God is doing, but I must KNOW that it is of God.
Robert S. Kuhne
PS – I did not want to clutter this letter up with too many references, but I do have references for everything, and proof that I believe would hold up in a court of law for every statement I have made.
PPS – I just read your March 13, 2002 members and co-workers letter, where on page 4 you seem to contradict Jesus Christ with the statement, "WE MUST UNDERSTAND THAT GOD’S CHURCH CAN DIE!" Please read Matthew 16:18.
* email address not in original letter. As expected, I received no response, but the PCG membership got a heated response with Mr. Flurry comparing me to Yasser Arafat and saying I was not grounded in Mystery Of The Ages (read below). This letter was written AFTER I was disfellowshipped and it was becoming obvious by how I was being dealt with, that I had indeed discovered the truth.
The following is an exact transcription of comments made by Gerald Flurry regarding my letter of April 2, 2002, which was written AFTER I was put out. I had been disfellowshipped the very next day after talking to the ministry and never received any response of any kind from anyone. These comments were made in a sermon given on 4/13/02 and sent out to be played in all the PCG congregations. Notice that he can't answer my questions. His comments address none of my concerns, and he strongly implies that I am demon possessed. Apparently his only purpose in making these comments was/is to keep control of the membership through fear of being "got by Satan" and "dying forever."
“And when they sit over there and try to talk to a man like Yasser Arafat, they’re too stupid to see that they’re just talking to a demon mindset. I mean they’ll never convince him.” ... (1:18 later) “I got a letter from a man, he wrote this, and he’s leaving the Church. He’s been with us since 1993, and he said, ‘I have been a loyal and supportive member of the Philadelphia Church of God since coming out of the Worldwide Church of God in 1993,’ and he goes on and I won’t read all this to you, but he found this Letter to Laodicea, and he found that everything I’ve written in Malachi’s Message is right there in that letter, so he thinks. But you see brethren {inaudible} Satan can destroy that revelation that shows you what's going on in the Church, and, uh, you’re in trouble. And that bridge between, uh, Mystery of the Ages and what we’re doing today, where we are right now. And he said it’s not the little book, he just does not believe that. Now here’s a man I’ve sat down and spent time with, talked to him, and uh, had dinner with him. Then he talks about Who Is That Prophet? He says now, ‘You offer no scriptural proof whatsoever to support your thesis.’ Now that’s the most, that’s the dumbest thing I’ve read in a year. (chuckles) The proof is all out there. Yes it is out there. You know something brethren, this guy is just – Satan’s got to him. He’s just carnal and, and worse, and he now wants me to sit down and answer, and prove these things to him carnally, and I won’t waste my time on it. Because the proof is out there in abundance. Why should I waste my time? I’m not commissioned to go out and, uh, convict the carnal. (chuckles) You can’t do that. That’s why we just warn as a witness, because they’re so hard headed – do you think, do you really think somebody might get over there and sort of change Mr. Arafat’s mind? Well, the only thing that’ll change his mind, is if somebody blows it out of his head. (chuckles) Excuse me for being so crass. And then resurrect him and teach him the truth. But he’s got this demoniacal mindset and probably has a demon right there doing the talking. Now I’m not gonna, you see again brethren, I, if I thought there was a chance of helping this person, I’d run, and run, and run and run, and spend hours and hours, and I’d spend a week with him, if I thought I could help him. But I can’t help a person in this mindset. What do I do, I’ve put all the proof, I mean the That Prophet booklet is just full of proof. And yet he wants me to come and prove that to him. He says, ‘No, I don’t believe I have a government problem.’ – yes you do, yes you do. And then he tells, says the epistles of John, that’s not prophecy even though they talk about the last hour and all of that. He said, ‘I really do desire to back you and {that}, the marvelous work the Philadelphia Church of God is doing, but I must know that it is of God.’ Now you see, he doesn’t know God. And God can’t show him because he doesn’t know God. And if you’re going to have God show you something, you, you see, you’re going to have to know God – and Satan has destroyed that knowledge in his mind. I’ll tell you one thing I know about this man – I guarantee you – I’ll bet any minister will back me up – and he’s visited with our ministers. He was not grounded – and I haven’t even talked to him about this, but he – I know he was not grounded in Mystery of the Ages. That would bring us all together, brethren. Of course he wasn’t grounded, grounded in that. And, uh, he’s not walking by faith and only God can work with those people – I can’t do anything to help people like that. But I tell you Satan is getting to some of our people he, you’d think he shouldn’t get to. But that, but still God says, now if I tarry, if this tarries awhile, you wait, and you trust me, and don’t let Satan get to you. But he’s going to get to some.” ... (5:22 later) “Is this guy that just deserted and left the Church, is he going to find God’s true Church out there? He’s not going to find anything – except Satan and the demons, and all the terrible problems of this world. Now he’s either going to come back here, or he’s going to die forever.” [G. Flurry sermon, Habakkuk-part II, 4/13/02 (side 2), copy available upon request]
July 15, 2002
Dear PCG Member(s),
Although we know you may be somewhat uncomfortable reading this letter, we felt it was important to write to you anyway to give you the truth behind our recent disfellowshipping from the Philadelphia Church of God. We gratefully acknowledge everything our brethren have done for us, and we will always be there for any of you should ever a need arise in the future. We believe that you love God, His truth, and all that we learned from Mr. Armstrong, and are very sincere and dedicated in your beliefs and service.
We also love God, His truth, and everything we learned from Mr. Armstrong. We highly treasure Mystery Of The Ages and, in fact, spoke to Mr. Flurry about the possibility of reprinting it ourselves about a year and a half before he did so. We have no idea why Mr. Flurry said publicly that we are not grounded in Mystery Of The Ages. Rather, we believe it is because we are grounded in Mystery Of The Ages that we are no longer a part of the PCG.
Our decision to take the course that we have was not made without much consideration. We prayed, studied, and fasted over a period of six months before we felt compelled to take certain facts we had discovered to the ministry. Our initial intention was only to present them as questions, but when our minister, Mr. Brian Davis, indicated we were going to be suspended and that there would be no further communication, we felt it necessary to express our full concern and attempt to give warning of what we perceived, and still do perceive, to be an extremely serious danger. We never talked beforehand to anyone about our questions in an attempt to cause division, but rather tried to do everything God’s way through the proper channels. This we maintained even after being disfellowshipped, and so were somewhat surprised at our also being marked.
Regardless of the various reasons people may come up with in an attempt to explain why we are no longer with the PCG, the only real reason is that we cannot prove Mr. Flurry’s teachings using the same biblical standards we learned from Mr. Armstrong. Whatever people may say about us and our faults and weaknesses, which we do acknowledge we have many of, the only reason we are no longer in the PCG is scriptural. And our only motive for wanting to share our concerns with others is out of love for our brethren. What other motive could there be? – We are not following another man; We are not starting another church; Nor are we letting down on the Philadelphia standard, regardless of what others may say; Nor do we desire to be “independent Christians.” We deeply miss fellowshipping with our brethren in the PCG.
Some may say we have a government problem, and that is true when we cannot prove from the Bible that it is God’s government. Using the biblical standards we learned from Mr. Armstrong, we simply cannot prove that Mr. Flurry is representing our Father. We do not believe God is looking for the military type of blind obedience, and acceptance of teachings without proper biblical proof, that Mr. Flurry is requiring.
Some may say that our problem is one of faith, and again, that is true if they mean having faith in a man. In his What is Faith booklet Mr. Armstrong said, “Faith is simple reliance upon God’s word;” and God’s word does not show us that Mr. Flurry’s new revelations are true and that we should follow him. We believe we are exercising faith by following God’s word in spite of what others may say or think.
In regard to our being disfellowshipped, we would like to ask why the issues we brought to the ministry were not addressed point by point? Why did Mr. Flurry do nothing but resort to slander, while completely ignoring our questions? Mr. Armstrong said that when you cannot answer a matter it is dishonest to simply laugh at it or attack the person asking. Mr. Armstrong would surely have answered such a serious challenge to his authority, and then only after answering our concerns from the Bible, and observing a stubborn attitude after much counseling, would we have been disfellowshipped. In the past, members of the WCG under Mr. Armstrong were not disfellowshipped so quickly, especially when only bringing up questions and concerns without attempting to cause division. They were lovingly worked with in an attempt to rescue and help them, not marked and excommunicated from the Church like they had the plague. Even if it appeared we had a wrong attitude that first day, disfellowshipment would not have followed the very next day without any further counseling. Mr. Flurry has not answered our concerns because he cannot, and we were disfellowshipped so quickly because he fears us ‘contaminating’ others with the truth that we now see.
When Mr. Campbell called to disfellowship Claudia, he told her he could not sit down with her and answer her questions from the Bible. The answers, he said, were all in Mr. Flurry’s literature. We were dismayed that a minister of God could not sit down and prove Church doctrine from the Bible. Mr. Armstrong’s literature shows you how to prove Church doctrine from the Bible, and once you’ve learned it, you don’t need the literature any more. Can you do this with Mr. Flurry’s doctrine? I don’t think most would even know where to begin. I cannot do it, and that is why we cannot accept Mr. Flurry’s teachings. If you believe you can prove what Mr. Flurry teaches, then please help us to see where we are wrong. And what better way to establish something as truth, than to defend it from the Bible? The seriousness of what we have discovered demands that it be looked into. Being able to prove what you say you believe from the Bible is what we are all admonished to do – “prove all things.” And anyone who thinks he doesn’t need the Bible any more because he has “God’s prophet,” is very seriously mistaken, and is not even following what Mr. Flurry himself said – “Remember, the BIBLE IS FULL OF EXAMPLES WHERE CHURCH LEADERS HAVE LED PEOPLE ASTRAY. That is why EVERY spiritual step we take MUST be biblically based!” [Malachi’s Message, pg. 140]
We have come to see clearly that after the death of Mr. Armstrong, God did not raise up another strong one-man leadership to take his place. We absolutely do believe that God works from the top down through one man – when He chooses to do so. But what existed in the WCG under Mr. Armstrong was unique in most of Church history since 31 AD. Through most of its history God’s Church has been scattered, and that appears to be the state to which it has returned. It is a time of individual testing to see who will hold fast to what they were taught.
As for the good fruits many say are being produced in the PCG, we do not deny this. God’s people, striving to serve and obey Him, and living by God’s law, will always produce good fruit. We do not see, however, that these fruits can be attributed to Mr. Flurry. Mr. Armstrong said in his autobiography that we should not only “try the spirits to see whether they are of God,” but we must also “try the experiences to see whether they are of God.” All the blessings, miracles and other experiences, seemingly worked out by God, can be very deceptive if what is being taught is not fully in line with the word of God. And remember, too, that the Bible does talk about “the spirits of devil’s working miracles.”
We have scriptural and other proof that Mr. Flurry is not in line with the word of God, if only you would be willing to look at it. If you are afraid to, remember that Mr. Flurry said, “The very elect don’t close their eyes to anything.” (Sermon: Avoiding Deception by Church Government, 1990); and the Bible says, “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” (Proverbs 18:13) Or perhaps it will take personal experiences in order for you to realize that the reality of things may be quite different from the appearances. In either case we have little doubt that you will eventually come to see what we now see, but our greatest concern is that discouraging realizations to arise in the future may cause you to give up the truth altogether as many have already done. We will hope and pray that this does not happen.
Some may say the attached letter I (Bob) wrote to Mr. Flurry displays a wrong attitude, however, you must understand that it was written AFTER six months of intensive prayer, study, and research had produced proof of its contents, and my being disfellowshipped the very next day after bringing our concerns to the ministry, had provided final confirmation. This is the letter that Mr. Flurry read from in a recent sermon (Habakkuk part 2, 4/13/02), where he compared me to Yasser Arafat who, he said, needed to have his wrong thinking “blown out” of his head. If you will read my letter to Mr. Flurry and then listen again to his display of anger towards me on the tape (contact me if you want a copy), it should be obvious that it really struck a nerve with him. What was his purpose in reading from my letter? He didn’t address a single question I had raised, and it was all he could do to speak the words “Letter To Laodicea.” His only reason for reading from my letter and mentioning The Letter To Laodicea was to make you think that only someone spiritually mad would ever read it. Actually Mr. Flurry greatly fears that you will read it because its existence (written c.1987) proves that Malachi’s Message cannot be a revelation from God as Mr. Flurry claims. We beseech you to please check into this for yourself, as this matter is far too serious to be ignored.
We are placing all of our notes and research on a web site at in case you are interested in “proving all things” the way Mr. Armstrong taught us. Mr. Armstrong said, “Most people, I realized, accept or reject a belief on careless assumption due to whatever they have heard, been taught, or assumed without proof. I wanted to understand. And I wanted to be sure on positive proof, not on careless assumption or wishful thinking. After many months of virtually night-and-day intensive study, the answers were revealed to me with proof that was positive and absolute.” [Mystery Of The Ages, pg. x] We implore you to follow Mr. Armstrong’s example and read the material we have provided. It is not an attempt to get you into another church or attack God’s truth in any way. It is nothing more than a warning, with positive proof, that Mr. Flurry is not what he claims. Mr. Flurry has mis-applied the disfellowshipping scriptures in order to keep you isolated and under his control; and he has done this very effectively. But you must “obey God rather than men,” and “prove all things.”
If you have the truth and can prove it from the Bible, then nothing anyone says will be able to shake you. If, on the other hand, what you have is a house of cards built on a foundation of sand (Mr. Flurry’s teachings built on the claim that Malachi’s Message is a revelation from God and that he is a prophet), then you should fear to read what we have learned for it will surely knock down that house of cards. Well, the choice is yours – you can prove out the truth, even if it is painful – or you can bury your head in the sand of “careless assumption or wishful thinking” – either way that house of cards is surely going to come down.
We apologize if any part of this letter seems strong or offensive because we do not intend it that way. We just want you to know where we stand and the real reasons, and be motivated to seriously look into what we have discovered. Please feel free to just contact us, as we would very much like to talk with you. We would certainly keep it confidential.
Take care, and may God bless you always.
With Love,
Bob & Claudia Kuhne
Janet Privratsky's death was a suicide!
Another False Apostle (11/24/10)
GRF now claims that he too, is an apostle!
More GRF sermons in mp3 format.
Two-part special report on the Philadelphia Church of God.
Latest magazines added.
Former member disproves disfellowshipping doctrine.
More Gerald Flurry sermons available on cassette tape.
New PCG tape/CD policy.
New PCG book for sale.
Latest magazines added.
Pastor General's Reports (6/26/06)
Publication for ministers only.
Place of Safety & Petra Videos (5/15/06)
1995 PCG productions.
From the 1999 ministerial conference.
Photo Galleries (5/4/06)
Pictures of IC agriculture, Imperial College, and PCG. See the following sections:
Latest magazines added.
New downloadable zip file version of this web site added.
Hyperlinks (11/22/04)
Hyperlinks added for most referenced documents throughout web site.
Lying to take credit for something HWA did.
More selected articles from various PCG literature, hyperlinked throughout web site.
Mystery of the Ages Changed (10/25/04)
Here are some quotes he missed.
As income declines, members must sacrifice to build beautiful ministerial homes.
Proof positive that only the PCG is doing the work of God today?
With a 6% decrease in membership, how many members does the PCG have?
A Prophet Like Moses (10/18/04)
Gerald Flurry once again applies Dt. 18:15 to himself instead of Jesus Christ!
More Gerald Flurry sermons available on cassette tape (1994).
Members were never told the truth about this.
More Gerald Flurry sermons available on cassette tape (1993).
PCG loses Fuller court case appeal in Canada.
Gerald Flurry sermons available on cassette tape (1990 - 1992).
Mystery of the Ages Changed (5/17/04)
Reference to New Testament prophets is removed.
Selected articles from various PCG literature (e.g. Royal Vision magazine).
General facts and information about the Philadelphia Church of God.
PCG headquarters is beginning to look more like a cult compound than a college.
Abnormal Government (12/15/03)
Gerald Flurry replaces his counterfeit "government of God" with a new "abnormal government"
requiring unquestioning obedience to himself.
RV Jul./Aug. 2003 (9/1/03)
Comments on Christ's return and finishing HWA's commission. See the following sections:
This complete web site and other files are now available for download and sharing.
This web site is now available as a pdf file, suitable for emailing to others.
Defending Malachi's Message (6/16/03)
A top PCG minister all but admits MM is not a divine revelation.
Cognitive Dissonance (5/12/03)
G.F. admits he didn't win in court, but still says he won in court?
Is there proof that this date is important to God? A new prophecy?
Gerald Flurry's response to honest questions.
Gerald Flurry 'Mantle of Elijah' Quotes (4/1/03)
Comments from his 3/8/03 victory sermon. See the following sections:
G.F. Interprets The Bible, Is Christ Here?, No Deals?, Forced Settlement
Gerald Flurry 2002 Feast Quotes (3/24/03)
Comments from his 9/22/02 and 9/27/02 satellite transmissions. See the following sections:
G. Flurry Quotes, The Little Book, Place of Safety, No Elisha Work, PCG Commission,
Court Case, Is Christ Here?, No Deals?, Forced Settlement
Miracle victory, or forced into making a deal with the devil?
Is Gerald Flurry keeping his word not to make a deal with the WCG?
Is Gerald Flurry one of the "lawgivers" of Genesis 49:10. Is Christ a lawgiver?
Malachi's Message has many revisions for a "revelation from God."
A prophet from the beginning. MM 1990 alterations.
G.F. Interprets The Bible (2/17/03)
What's next - prophecies not in the Bible?
Is Gerald Flurry really doing his work by God's authority?
Gerald Flurry's teaching contradicts scripture.
The true status of the "court case" - 9th circuit appeal ruling & letter from Ralph Helge.
HWA said there would be no Elisha work.
Gerald Flurry's heavy use of commentaries to establish doctrine.
G.F. Interprets The Bible (1/20/03)
More examples of Gerald Flurry interpreting the Bible.
What G.F. used to teach it was. Full 1992 Little Book article in pdf format.
The Seven Thunders of Rev. 10 (1/13/03)
What G.F. used to teach they were.
Full 2002 Habakkuk court case article in pdf format.
G.F. teaches the born again doctrine and asks to be worshipped.
G.F. claims new revelation reveals the outcome of the court case.
Gerald Flurry claims Christ has returned.
G.F. Interprets The Bible (12/09/02)
Examples of Gerald Flurry interpreting the Bible.
More on Gerald Flurry's unscriptural definition of the Laodiceans.
GF's public response to my letter of April 2, 2002.
If You Want to Help (11/18/02)
What you can do.
Unscriptural mass disfellowshipping.
G. Flurry's Message (11/04/02)
Obsessed with the Laodiceans.
Your ticket.
New photos.
Gerald Flurry's definition of the Laodiceans is not scriptural.
A.C. Corr. Course letter on how Satan deceives.
What WCG taught about That Prophet under HWA.
Every PCG member needs to read this.
GF says Malachi's Message is scripture -- new image of 1992 PT quote.
New quotes from Mystery of the Ages.
New quotes from Mystery of the Ages.
Why we're out of the PCG.
Many GF quotes elevating himself to be like Mr. Armstrong.
Photos and articles.
HWA taught that Christ would raise it up, not Gerald Flurry.
Gerald Flurry fits HWA's description better than the WCG.
What God says.
Has Gerald Flurry's one and only prophecy failed?
All you need to absolutely prove out MM and That Prophet.
Leading to idolatry!
The true source of some of Gerald Flurry's "revelations."
Many GF quotes show personal loyalty/allegiance he seeks.
Many GF quotes show what he thinks of himself.
Side-by-side comparison of LTL with Malachi's Message.
Certified mail receipts for The Letter To Laodicea mailings to JWT Sr. in 1987.
Letter To Laodicea 1989 newspaper ad receipts.
Jules Dervaes' 1990 letter to Gerald Flurry with certified mail receipt.
Gerald Flurry claims to be the second modern-day Ezekiel Watchman.
Gerald Flurry tries to put himself between you and God.
PCG members are not proving all things the way HWA said in Mystery Of The Ages.
Read HWA's 11/19/76 letter which contradicts G. Flurry's 'Prophesy Again' commission.
A Prophet Like Moses (5/31/02)
Back in 1994 Gerald Flurry applied Acts 3:22 (Dt. 18:15,18) to himself!
HWA said the 'very elect' go into the great tribulation!
Photographs proving that The Letter To Laodicea pre-dates Malachi's Message.