Letter to
Copyright © 1987-2000 Jules Dervaes
In MYSTERY OF THE AGES, in the chapter entitled "Mystery of the Church," the Apostle of the Worldwide Church of God had identified this Church as THE TEMPLE:
The Church, then, is to grow into a HOLY TEMPLE—the spiritual TEMPLE to which Christ shall come—even as he came to a material temple of stone and metals and wood the first time.
There is no scripture foretelling
the construction of a material temple in
And the Apostle Paul wrote:
Consequently, you are no longer
foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of
God's household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with
Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. In him the whole building is
joined together and rises TO BECOME A
Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and YOU ARE THAT TEMPLE. [1 Cor. 3:16-17]
What agreement is there between
Also, Mr. Tkach has stated:
There are many ways to defile the
then, are irrefutable proofs that the New Testament Temple is none other than
the Church, THE BODY OF CHRIST. (1 Cor. 12:27;
But the
With this
knowledge, it's time to face all the facts. It's time to remove the mental
"roadblocks." It's time to proceed to that stark, but undeniable
conclusion. The NONEXISTENCE of the physical temple does ALSO mean the
NONOCCURRENCE of the "abomination desolation" being set up within the
Haven't we skirted this touchy issue for too long? Are we refusing to consider knowledge because it goes against the Church's TRADITIONAL beliefs? Yet, Mr. Armstrong's challenge to such traditional Christianity still stands; it has always been: "BELIEVE THE BIBLE!"
The Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course
(1983), lesson 3, on page 11, presents this poignant question: "At His
'coming' (parousia), what will Christ do to 'that
Wicked [one]' who has seated himself 'as God' in the
For an unbiased explanation of what specific temple is meant here, simply "ask" the author—Paul. Apply a cardinal rule of exegesis: LET PAUL INTERPRET PAUL! Since this Apostle also wrote the passages quoted earlier from Ephesians and Corinthians, since not one retraction, correction, or even amendment was ever expressed by him, and since God recorded ALL scripture useful for our teaching [II Tim. 3-16], the correct answer is that the "temple of God" SHOULD MEAN—consistently, uniformly—THE CHURCH OF GOD.
To conclude otherwise would be to exhibit a fatal prejudice against the PLAIN TRUTH, which could lead to spiritual death.
expounded, the second chapter of II Thessalonians reveals that there will be a
man in the
For, in claiming to possess "the mind of Christ"—even while dispossessing the truth of Christ--he would be proclaiming himself to be—essentially and effectively—EQUAL WITH CHRIST! In asserting to use "the government of God"–even while MISUSING it as a weapon to demand the absolute loyalty only reserved for God—he would be seating himself upon the throne of God. And so, this "God"-man would require worship of his PERSON and all his followers would be expected to bow down before his IMAGE. Now, an IDOL would stand in the "holy place"!!!
The only HOLY place—the ONLY "place" on this earth which is set apart to the service of God; the sole, unique state that belongs to God; the "holy nation" [I Pet. 2:9]—is THE CHURCH—representing the people of God. There can be no other fulfillment of Matt. 24:15!
The Ambassador College Correspondence Course (1972), lesson 2, on page 14, states:
The modern “abomination of
desolation,” therefore, will also be some kind of FALSE “god” in
But you have come to
Christians you come to the NEW Jerusalem. For,
certainly, the OLD
The plain
truth, then, is that the ABOMINATION will make desolate the TRUTH of Christ and
will desecrate the very
Here, then, is THE GREAT LIE—the heinous HALF-TRUTH—which is promulgated by the "man of sin": to obey him is to obey God, while to oppose his ways is to oppose the government of God. This warped, distorted PARTIAL truth will have been set in God's Church by "the son of perdition." Those members who go along in harmony with this satanic deception and rigidly hold to its wicked "fruits" will perish.
They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the LIE and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. [II Thess. 2:10-12]
Many will
wish to believe the delusion that they are obedient to God when, in truth, they
are only obedient to a man. It will be all-too-easy to embrace this IMAGE of
Christianity rather than to face the reality that this is nothing but IDOLATRY.
Adoring followers of "the vicar" will delight in their comfortable
fantasy. Disdaining the REAL duty of a Christian, they will decline to enact
the WHOLE—the unadulterated—truth. Peter and John understood it (Acts
The abrogation of this clear, God-given responsibility will open the way for what is prophesied as the GREAT APOSTASY. It is well-known that such a church-wide rebellion will occur. Here, then, is the answer to HOW it will occur. In order for the "falling away" to be "great," it must logically be UNSUSPECTING. It cannot be out-in-the-open. It cannot come from an outside agent. It cannot originate from the lower ranks. Any such outbreak could only be public, obviously wrong, and easily squelched. Because of the hierarchical basis of the Church, this type of revolt would, by its anti-government nature, be so small and have just MINOR consequences.
Naturally the most effective deception always works from the top, down. Deceive the leader and those under him will follow blindly and willingly all-the-way, as they tout passionately the virtue of LOYALTY. This way, people could sincerely believe that they were doing the right thing. The problem is that, while it is right for our justice to be blind, it's dangerous for our loyalty to be so. BLIND LOYALTY CREATES "HITLERS"!!! And, "too much" loyalty is really only a vice in disguise. The history of man should have taught us this lesson by now!
Satan is not stupid. He knows how to make "little Satans." He knows what works. As Lucifer he, too, was once God's TRUE representative on earth and directed "the government of God." HOW do you think that one-third of God's HIGHEST creation could have become deceived?
Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. ... Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist ...